UK – The Collaborative Framework Agreement Contracts
Refine SearchFound 388 notices in past year.
March 2025
Wolverhampton City Council
- tender£20M
- update
Boston College
- award: Tribal Education£242K
East Midlands Pharmacy Collaborative
- award: 7 suppliers
- award: 7 suppliers
- update
Scottish Prison Service
- award: Optima Health£3.9M
Guys & St Thomas NHS Trust
- award: 4 suppliers£1
- award: 4 suppliers£1
NHS London Procurement Partnership
- award: 4 suppliers£431M
Strathclyde University
- award: RBS£31M
Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council
- tender£150K
February 2025
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
- tender£1B
- award: 43 suppliers£152M
Efficiency East Midlands
- award: 7 suppliers£255M
Kirklees Council
- tender£9.3M
- award: Bam Construction£297K
- tender£165M
Wolverhampton City Council
- tender£20M
- tender£20M
Crescent Purchasing Consortium
- tender£86M
- update
St Helens College
- award: Verypc£16.1K
Liverpool City Council
- tender£2.5M
- update
North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
- award: 2 suppliers£300M
Derby City Council
- tender£7M
- tender£7M
Hertfordshire County Council Adult Care Services
- award: 26 suppliers£7M
North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
- award: 8 suppliers£100M
- award: 8 suppliers£100M
- award: 11 suppliers£100M
- award: 16 suppliers£100M
- award: 6 suppliers£100M
- award: 4 suppliers£100M
Nottinghamshire County Council
- award: Impower Consulting£350K
- award: 17 suppliers£10B
Efficiency East Midlands
- tender£850M
- tender£850M
- tender£34M
- tender£34M
- update
NHS Supply Chain Operated by North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative Who are
- award: Moulded Fibre Products£19.6M
North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
- award: 27 suppliers£800M
Devon County Council
- tender£10M
- tender£10M
January 2025
- award: Kaefer£95M
- award: 21 suppliers£200M
Crescent Purchasing Consortium
- award: 21 suppliers£200M
- award: 21 suppliers£180M
Derby & Burton NHS Trust University Hospitals
- award: 8 suppliers£1.5M
Department for Education
- award: 4 suppliers£250M
North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
- award: 9 suppliers£100M
Coastal Collaborative Trust
- tender
- tender
NHS Supply Chain Operated by North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative Who are
- award: 53 suppliers£55M
Education Authority
- award: 17 suppliers£12.4M
December 2024
Department of Finance Northern Ireland Construction & Procurement Delivery
- award: 5 suppliers£32M
United Utilities Water
- award: 6 suppliers
Minister for the Cabinet Office Acting Through Crown Commercial Service
- award: 2 suppliers£4B
- £813M
Police Fire & Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire
- tender£57B
- tender£57B
Guys & St Thomas NHS Trust
- tender£383M
- update
NHS London Procurement Partnership
- tender£383M
- tender£383M
- award: 7 suppliers£10B
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council
- award: 3 suppliers£2.2M
Efficiency East Midlands
- award: 10 suppliers£200M
NHS Supply Chain Operated by North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative Who are
- award: 60 suppliers£19.2M
En Procure
- tender£30M
November 2024
Echelon Consultancy
- award: 52 suppliers£1.3B
Scottish Water
- tender£9B
Southern Water Services
- award: 3 suppliers£2.6M
Thames Water Utilities
- tender£147M
Derby & Burton NHS Trust University Hospitals
- tender£3.2M
- tender
East Midlands Pharmacy Collaborative
- tender£3.2M
- award: 3 suppliers£6M
Stoke on Trent City Council
- tender£1.7M
- tender£1.7M
Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government
- award: 18 suppliers£320K
Department of Finance
- award: 3 suppliers£15M
NHS Supply Chain Operated by North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative Who are
- tender£40.2M
- tender£6M
- update
- tender£30M
- update
City of Edinburgh Council
- award: 3 suppliers£2.8M
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