Anglian Water Programme Delivery Partner Framework

A Tender Notice

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Framework (Services)
15 year
15 Nov 2024
To 29 Sep 2039 (est.)
16 Dec 2024 23:00



East of England:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Anglian Water Services
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


Anglian Water Services (Anglian Water) is looking to put in place a framework with a single entity, comprising a single supplier or multiple suppliers, who can provide programme delivery partner services to support the delivery of their business plans over the next 15 years including, but not limited to, its capital delivery programme and Strategic Resource Options (SRO). The full scope of services can be found within the procurement documents and accessed via the Scanmarket link in Section I.3.

Total Quantity or Scope

Anglian Water are looking to appoint a Programme Delivery Partner (PDP) to support the delivery of its business plans over the next 15 years including, but not limited to, its Investment Programme and Strategic Resource Options (SROs). The awarded framework will be available to Anglian Water Group Limited and its associated companies. The anticipated duration of the framework is approximately 15 years, with a break provision exercisable by Anglian Water ahead of the start of AMP9 (2030) and AMP10 (2035). Anglian Water's PR24 business plan shows a considerable ramping up of capital expenditure over AMP8 and AMP9 before levelling off in AMP10 (years 2025 to 2040). That increase in scale is to be achieved by delivering bigger more complex projects in greater numbers, with a significant volume through new delivery mechanisms such as Direct Procurement for Customers (DPC) and Specified Infrastructure Projects (SIPR). Delivering that increase in volume and complexity will require the PDP and Anglian Water to operate in a fully integrated team with Anglian Water relying on the PDP to provide the necessary capacity while also supporting the development of Anglian Water's management capabilities. The PDP will therefore have a critical role in the successful navigation of this transitional period and any change in partner midway through the 15 years would cause disruption and introduce an avoidable risk. The agreement resulting from this procurement is for a strategic partner working alongside Anglian Water as it develops over the next 3 regulatory funding cycles and the programme delivery partner will play a critical role in the successful development of our management capabilities. The collaborative and integrated nature of the agreement would not be effective under a shorter time period. Anglian Water are looking for leading expertise within the key disciplines outlined below (and detailed within the procurement documents) to support the management of the Anglian Water Investment Programme through AMP8, AMP9 and AMP10. The successful tenderer will need to demonstrate extensive experience in portfolio, programme and project management to enable it to support and manage the delivery of major complex infrastructure programmes within a regulated environment and under UK planning legislation. Currently that includes the delivery of the SRO reservoirs major programme comprising two new major projects involving the creation of new reservoirs and their associated infrastructure in Cambridgeshire (the Fens Reservoir) and Lincolnshire (the Lincs Reservoir). The PDP framework scope covers portfolio, programme and project management and is likely to comprise, but is not limited to, the following high-level service categories: Portfolio Management Office • Portfolio, Programme and Project management • Continuous improvement • Management of health, safety and wellbeing • Systems planning • Portfolio, programme and Project performance baselining and reporting • Planning control and outcome modelling • Risk management • Regulatory reporting Programme Controls and Governance • Portfolio, Programme and Project controls • Cost planning and estimating • Change management • Schedule management • Quality management Pre-enabling • Design, design management and feasibility • Stakeholder engagement support services • Land and property support services • Planning and consenting services Pre-delivery • Construction planning and enabling • Engineering and design assurance services • Engineering, commissioning and integration • Environmental and ecological management services • Management of enabling services Delivery • Contract management and administration • Commercial management • Interface management and systems integration • Delivery management • Assurance • Benefits evaluation Other Services • Procurement strategy and execution support • Commercial and regulatory support • Organisational transformation support • Delivery strategy development support When providing the PDP services the successful tenderer will interface with several other existing Anglian Water partners. Anglian Water works with several partners, including other water companies, to develop and deliver its major programmes and major projects, the SRO reservoirs projects being current examples of the latter. Depending on the commercial and procurement strategies for delivery of those projects Anglian Water may transfer or novate the benefit and burden of call-off contracts awarded under this Framework Agreement to: • any funder, security trustee or security holder without consent of the Consultant; and • any other person with the consent of the Consultant, such consent is not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Anglian Water intends to award the first call-off contracts immediately following the award of the framework. All interested parties who wish to compete for this opportunity must complete and return an RFI (Request for Interest) response in accordance with the requirements of the RFI. The RFI responses will be used to determine which applicants best satisfy the selection criteria and which applicants will progress to the next stage of the procurement process.

CPV Codes

  • 71800000 - Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy
  • 71240000 - Architectural, engineering and planning services
  • 71300000 - Engineering services
  • 71400000 - Urban planning and landscape architectural services
  • 71500000 - Construction-related services
  • 72220000 - Systems and technical consultancy services
  • 79400000 - Business and management consultancy and related services
  • 79621000 - Supply services of office personnel
  • 90712000 - Environmental planning
  • 90713000 - Environmental issues consultancy services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.

Other Information

All suppliers who wish to participate in this procurement must register through Scanmarket, Anglian Water's e-sourcing portal using the link below: A launch event will be taking place online on Thursday 21 November 2024 at 9am. Joining details will be shared with all suppliers who have registered their interest on Scanmarket by 4pm on Wednesday 20 November 2024. Those registering their interest after this date will be provided with a full recording of the event. Please note that non-participation in the launch event will not preclude any supplier from bidding into this opportunity. ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** All suppliers who wish to respond to this contract notice must register through Scanmarket, Anglian Water's e-sourcing portal using the link in Section I.3 … The Framework Agreement and associated call-off contracts will be governed by the Law of England and Wales. Anglian Water reserves the right: • to amend timelines and other aspects of the procurement process; • to not award a framework agreement or any call-off contracts. Anglian Water will not be liable for the costs of economic operators expressing an interest or preparing tender responses. Anglian Water accepts no liability or responsibility to any person (including a legal person) as a consequence of relying on the information set out in this Contract Notice. Anglian Water reserves the right to procure any of the services listed above as separate contracts and/or frameworks as part of separate and independent procurement events.

