| Lot 1 Operational Delivery Apprenticeship Training Services Delivered National | London | £15B |
| London Construction Programme Major Works Framework | London | £5B |
| Testing Solutions Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) | London | £2B |
| Housing and Corporate Maintenance and Investment Services | Motherwell | £2B |
| Works Haweswater Aqueduct Resilience Programme | Warrington | £2B |
| On-Site Surgical and Medical Capacity Solutions | Chester | £816M |
| Hard Facilities Management 2 | Hemel Hempstead | £800M |
| DPS for Commissioning of Contractors for Housing, Education Regeneration and General Building Works | London | £718M |
| Energy Efficiency Contractors | Paisley | £603M |
| Natural Gas to GB MOD Sites | Surrey | £426M |
| Pharmaceutical Wholesale Services | Leeds | £413M |
| Servers Storage Solutions National Agreement | Reading | £400M |
| Prison Operator Services - HMP & YOI Parc | London | £386M |
| Corporate Cleaning Services | Milton Keynes | £345M |
| Vehicle Hire Solutions | Liverpool | £300M |
| Caledonian Sleeper Franchise Replacement (Regulation 1370/ | Glasgow | £250M |
| Sustainable Fleet Solutions | Salford | £250M |
| DMU London | Leicester | £236M |
| Finance Solutions | London | £200M |
| M5 Junction 10 Improvements Scheme | Gloucester | £200M |
| TfL Renewable Corporate Power Purchase Agreement ('PPA Comet') | London | £200M |
| Electrical Consumables and Associated Items | Telford | £196M |
| Airway Management Products and Associated Equipment | London | £180M |
| Temporary Workers and Associated Services | London | £149M |
| Community Wellbeing Services | Hull | £134M |
| Community Wellbeing Services | Hull | £123M |
| Institute of Teaching (IoT) | London | £121M |
| Integrated Healthcare Services to Thames Valley Prisons for NHS England and NHS Improvement South East | Bristol | £120M |
| Britannia Phase 2b - Design & Build Contractor CPN | Hackney | £120M |
| Extension of Revenue Collection ("RCC") With Cubic | London | £120M |
| Waste Management Services (Sustainable) | London | £120M |
| Integrated Healthcare Services to Thames Valley Prisons for NHS England and NHS Improvement South East | Oxford | £111M |
| Hawk Future Engines Support Solution | Bristol | £105M |
| Education Recruitment Advertising and Resourcing Services (National) and Educational Media Buying and Associated Services | Reading | £100M |
| Insulin Pumps, Continuous Glucose Monitors, Closed Loop Insulin Delivery Systems and Associated Products | London | £100M |
| LB Havering Complex Placements Framework - Round 24 | Romford | £100M |
| Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography Equipment Including Associated Servicing, Maintenance and Repairs | Stirling | £100M |
| Reissue of Digital Capability Framework | London | £85M |
| Term Contracts for Asphalt Resurfacing | Belfast | £84M |
| Media Buying Services | Liverpool | £80M |
| Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works - Armagh M&E Lot 2 | Belfast | £79M |
| Electrical Consumables and Associated Items | Telford | £70M |
| Merchant Acquirer Services | Swansea | £69M |
| End User Devices, Accessories and Services | Belfast | £68M |
| Electrical Consumables and Associated Items | Telford | £60M |
| SOL - Schools and Academy Insurance Framework | Solihull | £60M |
| National Framework for Office Equipment | Glasgow | £56M |
| Contracts Finder Award Notice For | High Wycombe | £55M |
| Interim Red Air Aggressor Training Service | High Wycombe | £55M |
| National Professional Qualifications Delivery Call Off Cohort | London | £55M |
| Residential Experiences | London | £54M |
| Care and Support in Independent Living | Norwich | £50M |
| CONTRACTOR RECRUITMENT - Preferred Supplier List (PSL) | London | £50M |
| Direct Wire Solar Power Purchase Agreement for STFC | Swindon | £50M |
| Media Buying DIT 2022 | London | £43M |
| Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) | Newport | £40M |
| UKEF General Aerospace Legal Panel (GALP) | London | £40M |
| Operation of the Watford Colosseum | Watford | £38M |
| Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works - Belfast Building Lot 1 | Belfast | £36M |
| Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works - Belfast Building Lot 2 | Belfast | £36M |
| Forest Roads Construction Framework | Cardiff | £36M |
| Day Opportunities Services | Leicester | £36M |
| NHS Education With Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust | Leeds | £34M |
| NHS Education With Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | Leeds | £34M |
| NHS Education With Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | Leeds | £34M |
| NHS Education With Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | Leeds | £33M |
| NHS Education With Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | Leeds | £33M |
| Islington Council Term Service Highway Works | London | £32M |
| Integrated Community Equipment Loan Service (ICELS) | Doncaster | £32M |
| Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works, Armagh Building Lot 1 | Belfast | £32M |
| Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works - Belfast Electrical Lot 1 | Belfast | £31M |
| Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works - Belfast Electrical Lot 2 | Belfast | £31M |
| Specialist Surface Treatment Works Yorkshire Highways Alliance | Huddersfield | £30M |
| Headhouses & Ancillary Buildings (WP09b, 10b, 11b)- Old Oak Common (S4) Station - HS2 | Watford | £30M |
| NHS Volunteer Responder Programme Management | Leeds | £30M |
| OOC Conventional Station and Shared Accommodation Building (WP20) - Envelope/Cladding Works - Old Oak Common (S4)… | Watford | £30M |
| Parenteral Nutrition Products | London | £30M |
| Gas Supply to DWP | Leeds | £29M |
| Electrical Consumables and Associated Items | Telford | £28M |
| Waste Management Services | Aberdeen | £28M |
| BHCC WM Community Equipment Service | Brighton | £28M |
| Brighton and Hove Community Equipment Service | Hove | £28M |
| F-35 & F-76 to Falkland Island (FOB) - September | Bristol | £27M |
| Carevue ICU System Support and Maintenance | Paisley | £27M |
| Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works - Dundonald Building Lot 1 | Belfast | £27M |
| Girls in Rwanda Learn Programme (GIRL) | London | £25M |
| Sustainable Fleet Solutions | Salford | £25M |
| Estates Management | Moor Row | £24M |
| Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works - Ballymena M&E Lot 1 | Belfast | £23M |
| Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works - Omagh M&E Lot 2 | Belfast | £22M |
| Botulism Antitoxin Heptevalent (HBAT) | Bristol | £22M |
| Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works, Armagh Building Lot 2 | Belfast | £22M |
| Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works - Ballymena M&E Lot 2 | Belfast | £22M |
| Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works - Omagh Building Lot 1 | Belfast | £21M |
| Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works - Omagh M&E Lot 1 | Belfast | £21M |
| Housing Related Support in the Bradford District | Bradford | £21M |
| Passenger Transport Dynamic Purchasing System | Wallasey | £21M |
| Planned and Responsive Maintenance and Minor Works - Omagh Building Lot 2 | Belfast | £21M |
| Daily Living and Community Activities (Non-CQC Regulated Activities) | Truro | £20M |
| Data Product Development and Associated Services | London | £20M |