Waste management services (sustainable)

A Prior Information Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
22 Jun 2022
not specified



United Kingdom:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
London Universities Purchasing Consortium
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


London Universities Purchasing Consortium (LUPC) is working with other purchasing consortia, HEPCW, NEUPC, NWUPC, SUPC and CPC and their respective Member Institutions to develop a new framework agreement for the provision of waste management services to replace their existing agreement which is due to expire in March 2023. This Prior Information notice (PIN) is seeking to gain an understanding of the waste management market, provide awareness of a future contract opportunity for Waste Management and engage with the market on key areas to influence the proposed procurement prior to the commencement of a procurement process under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.

Total Quantity or Scope

This Prior Information notice (PIN) is seeking to gain an understanding of the waste management market, provide awareness of a future contract opportunity for waste management and engage with the market on key areas to influence the proposed procurement prior to the commencement of a procurement process under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. To obtain feedback a questionnaire has been provided. For details of how to access the questionnaire please refer to question VI.3 Additional Information towards the end of this notice. London Universities Purchasing Consortium (LUPC) is working with HEPCW, NEUPC, NWUPC, SUPC and CPC and their respective Member Institutions to develop a new framework agreement for the provision of waste management services to include but not be limited to the collection, treatment, recovery, reprocessing and disposal of General Waste, Dry Mixed Recycling, Hazardous, Chemical, Clinical, Bulky, Wood, Metal, Food and Confidential Waste. The potential new agreement is to replace our existing agreement which is due to expire in March 2023. A full list of the UPC's and CPC's Member Institutions may be found at: http://www.hepcw.ac.uk/members/ https://www.lupc.ac.uk/members/our-members/ https://www.neupc.ac.uk/who-are-our-members https://www.nwupc.ac.uk/our-members https://www.supc.ac.uk/our-members/# https://www.thecpc.ac.uk/members/regions.php Our Members currently manage their waste in a variety of different ways. Contracts are either awarded through the current LUPC Waste Management (Sustainable) framework, other frameworks, or via Members’ own tender processes. Members may use a main contractor under a total waste management approach, or different contractors for separate waste streams, and some may use local councils for domestic waste from halls of residences. Additional information: The proposed new agreement is likely to be divided into lots. The structure of the lots have not yet been decided and will be based on this market consultation and input from our members. Details of the finalised lot structure will be set out in the Contract Notice.

CPV Codes

  • 90500000 - Refuse and waste related services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** If you are interested in providing feedback as part of this market exercise, please complete the supplier questionnaire. A link to the questionnaire is contained within the "information to suppliers" document which can be obtained via our portal, Mercell UK https://uk.eu-supply.com/login.asp?B=LUPC.

