UK – Premises Or Buildings Lot 2 - Cash Collection Contracts
Refine SearchFound 1,407 notices in past year.
March 2025
Department for Science Innovation & Technology
- award: Quickline Communications£123M
- award: Quickline Communications£81.5M
- award: Quickline Communications£42M
Department for Work & Pensions
- award: Oracle Corporation£4.3M
- award: CDW£2.6M
- award: 6 suppliers£5M
- award: 6 suppliers£3M
Strathclyde University
- tender£222K
- award: Softcat£960K
- award: Burman Recruitment£50K
Durants School
- award: Norse Commercial Services£452K
Elmbridge Borough Council
- award: 2 suppliers
Police & Crime Commissioner for Northumbria
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Medway Council
- £17.8M
NHS England
- award: 32 suppliers£35.1M
NHS Suffolk & North East Essex Integrated Care Board
- £1.2M
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LHC Procurement Group for the Scottish Procurement Alliance
- award: 42 suppliers£120M
LHC Procurement Group for the Welsh Procurement Alliance
- award: 42 suppliers£80M
Oxford Direct Services
- award: 10 suppliers£600K
Exeter City Council
- tender£1.9M
- tender£1.9M
Mosscare St Vincents Housing Group
- award: Inspectas Compliance£720K
- award: Inspectas Compliance£720K
Located Property
- award: 2 suppliers£1.3M
Southampton University
- award: Guideline Lift Services£139K
Cornwall Council
- tender£8.2M
Halton Borough Council
- award: Chase Services Group£2.7M
- award: Chase Services Group£2M
Lion Academy Trust
- award: Worknest£8K
NHS Shared Business Services
- award: Insight Direct£159K
Walsall Council E Tendering
- award: 7 suppliers
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