UK – Bristol Waste Contracts Filters: Keywords Scope Whole noticeKey fields onlyNamed buyerNamed supplier Notice type AllLive tenders onlyPrior InformationTendersAwardsUpdates Region AllNorth East EnglandNorth West EnglandYorkshire / HumberEast MidlandsWest MidlandsEast of EnglandLondonSouth East EnglandSouth West EnglandWalesScotlandNorthern IrelandUK - GeneralInternational More filters Refine Search Buyer report Found 16 notices in past year. November 2024Bristol WasteHazardous Wastetender£402KLandfill Disposal of Non-Hazardous Waste / Bristol Waste Companytender£100KLandfill Disposal of Non-Hazardous Waste / Bristol Waste Companytender£100KDisposal of Carpet WastetenderHazardous WastetenderNovember 2024Bristol WasteReceipt, Processing and Recovery of Waste Materials (Including Energy From Waste)pin£1MOctober 2024Bristol WasteReceipt, Processing and Recovery of Waste Materials (Including Energy From Waste)tenderAugust 2024Bristol WasteHazardous Waste TreatmentpinHazardous Waste Treatmenttender£402KHazardous Waste TreatmenttenderBristol WasteSupply, Installation and Maintenance of MRF Infrastructure Equipment for Waste Treatmentaward: Whitham Mills Engineering£1MBristol WasteSupply, Installation and Maintenance of MRF Infrastructure Equipment for Waste Treatmentaward: Whitham Mills Engineering£1MJuly 2024Bristol WasteBristol Waste Company the Bulk Haulage of Waste MaterialpinBristol Waste Company the Bulk Haulage of Waste Materialtender£500KApril 2024Bristol WasteSupply, Installation and Maintenance of MRF Infrastructure Equipment for Waste TreatmenttenderSupply, Installation and Maintenance of MRF Infrastructure Equipment for Waste Treatmenttender (No more available)