Fidelity Assurance

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
4.5 year
07 Mar 2025
01 Aug 2025 to 31 Mar 2030
01 Apr 2025 10:00



North East England:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Department for Work & Pensions
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Connect to Work will be delivered using two of the most recognised quality standards for supported employment: IPS and SEQF. The Fidelity Assurance requirement supplements the delivery of Connect to Work by supporting delivery partners in following the requirements of the IPS and SEQF supported employment models. Both models have Fidelity Scales. The Fidelity Assurance Supplier will be required to deliver the Fidelity Assurance services across England and Wales. DWP will fund delivery of the Fidelity Assurance requirement for IPS and SEQF through one contract. The Authority has considered whether the Fidelity Assurance services could reasonably be supplied under more than one contract by dividing the procurement into lots based on geographical area. The Authority has concluded that splitting the procurement into lots could make the requirement disproportionately expensive to manage and increase the technical risk to deliver the requirement. The Authority currently anticipates awarding a contract for the Fidelity Assurance services for an initial period of 56 months with an option (subject to governance approval, available funding and satisfactory performance) for the Authority to extend the contract for a further period of up to 24 months by giving the Supplier written notice of no less than 3 Months before the initial term of the Contract expires, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of the Contract. As set out in the Tender Notice, the estimated total value of the contract (including the option to extend referred to above) is anticipated to be £11,750,000 exclusive of VAT. The indicative value of the initial contract term is £7,750,000 exclusive of VAT and any potential extensions. The Authority intends to award a public contract under section 19 of the Procurement Act 2023. The award of that public contract will be through an open procedure in accordance with section 20(1) and (2)(a) of the PA 2023, This procurement for the award of that public contract is being conducted in accordance with sections 20(1) and (2)(a) the Procurement Act 2023 as an open procedure for the award of a light touch contract. The award criteria will be based on the most advantageous tender (MAT) using a Price per Quality Point (PQP) model, which assesses the quantitative relationship between the potential Supplier's ("Supplier")'s quality score and price, all as described more fully in the Fidelity Assurance Instructions to Suppliers which is included in the associated tender documents. The Authority will produce a final ranking of the Tender Responses taking into account any adjustments made following any clarifications by the Authority. Each Supplier will be required, as part of its Tender to submit to the Authority, via the Portal, three (3) "envelopes" as follows: The Qualification Envelope contains the Procurement Specific Questionnaire which assesses the ability and suitability of Suppliers to deliver the Authority's requirements and also assesses the Suppliers' ability to meet specific eligibility questions and conditions of participation. The Qualification Envelope must be fully completed, and Suppliers must pass all applicable questions set out in the Procurement Specific Questionnaire (these will be assessed in accordance with the methodology set out in the Tender Notice and the associated tender documents). If further information is required by the Authority and the Supplier does not promptly provide information reasonably requested by the Authority, and/or after consideration of the information by the Authority, the Supplier fails to pass one or more of the questions set out in the Procurement Specific Questionnaire, the Authority will not proceed to assess the Technical and Commercial Envelopes for that Supplier. The Technical Envelope must be fully completed, and all questions responded to as directed. Suppliers' responses will be used for assessing an overall "Quality" score in relation to each Tender that has fully complied with the Qualification Envelope. Where questions are included but not scored as part of the Quality evaluation, this is clearly indicated within the Technical Envelope with a maximum score of zero. The Commercial Envelope must be fully completed, and all questions responded to as directed using the Contract Cost Register and the Financial Ratios Template on the Portal in accordance with the guidance therein. The Supplier's completed Contract Cost Register and Financial Ratios Template will be used by the Authority for assessing an overall Total Contract Price in relation to each Tender that has fully complied with the Qualification Envelope and the financial capacity of the Supplier. The Contract Cost Register and Financial Ratios Template will be assessed separately to the Technical Envelope. The Authority will score eligibility questions as described in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the PSQ. To score a "pass", the Tender Response must adequately address all key points and include supporting evidence/information where requested. Any Supplier that answers "Yes" to any of the mandatory and/or discretionary exclusion grounds or by virtue of any associated persons or subcontractors must provide information to support an assessment of whether the circumstances giving rise to the exclusion ground are continuing or likely to occur again, which is known as "Self-Cleaning". The responses must give a reasonable degree of confidence to Authority that the circumstances giving rise to the exclusion ground are not continuing or likely to occur again. In the event that the evidence presented does not provide a reasonable degree of confidence to the Authority that the circumstances giving rise to the exclusion ground are not continuing or likely to occur again, the score for the relevant question(s) will be scored as a "fail", the Supplier becomes an 'excluded supplier' or an 'excludable supplier' depending on whether mandatory or discretionary exclusion grounds and the Authority will treat the Tender as non-compliant and reject it. The Tenders that pass all applicable questions as set out in the PSQ will proceed to have their Technical Envelope responses assessed in accordance with the Qualitative Scoring Methodology and their Commercial Envelope responses assessed in accordance with the Financial Evaluation Methodology. The Qualitative Scoring Methodology is included in the associated tender documents. Qualitative question 2.2.1 Implementation will be scored against a Pass/Fail basis, with a score of 3 (Satisfactory) or above being required to achieve a 'pass'. The score for this question will not be included in the final Technical Score used to calculate the PQP Score. The Authority will reject any Tender where a response is scored 0 (Poor) or 1 (Limited) in any of the qualitative questions within the technical envelope. The Financial Evaluation methodology will comprise of two key elements. The Authority will undertake the financial evaluation in two stages: Part 1 - Detailed review and clarification A detailed review of tenders to ensure the consistency of financial and non-financial information. This review will ensure that prices offered are sustainable and in line with more detailed cost assumptions. The detailed costs in the Contract Cost Register will be cross-referenced to the information provided within the quality elements of the proposal to ensure that the information correlates. If there are any discrepancies or ambiguities, these may be clarified with Suppliers. Part 2 - Fidelity Assurance financial offer, scoring and ranking Scoring will be undertaken on a Price per Quality Point model using Total Contract Price, as determined after any adjustments have been made following any clarifications and the application of the QF Score. The Authority will then produce a final ranking of the Fidelity Assurance Tenders by applying the methodology set out below. There are two stages to determine the final ranking of the Tender Responses. The first stage is to calculate an initial Price per Quality Point Score for each assessed Fidelity Assurance Tender using the following calculation: Initial PQP Score = Total Contract Price divided by the Total Quality Score The initial PQP Score will be rounded to 2 decimal places. The second stage is to apply a Quality Factor (QF) Score using the calculation below: Quality Factor (QF) Score = (1 - (Supplier Total Quality Score divided by the Maximum Total Quality Score)) + 1 The QF Score will be rounded to 3 decimal places. The purpose of the QF Score is to put additional weight on the Quality score. The closer the Supplier's Total Quality Score is to the Maximum Total Quality Score, the smaller the impact of the QF Score has on the final PQP Score. The further away the Supplier's Total Quality Score is from the Maximum Total Quality Score, the bigger the impact the QF Score will have on the Supplier's final PQP Score. The final PQP Score is determined using the following calculation: Final PQP Score = QF Score multiplied by the Initial PQP Score The final PQP Score will be rounded to 2 decimal places and the Supplier with the lowest final PQP Score after the application of the QF Score will be awarded the contract.

Renewal Options

The Authority currently anticipates awarding a contract for the services for an initial period of 56 months with an option (subject to governance approval, available funding and satisfactory performance) for the Authority to extend the contract for a further period of up to 24 months by giving the Supplier written notice of no less than 3 Months before the initial period of the contract expires, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.

Award Criteria

Q2.2.1 Implementation Please set out an Implementation plan that demonstrates how you will implement the Fidelity Assurance services in accordance with the requirements set out in the Specification. Your response should include but not be limited to the following elements: • Identification of the key milestones; • Timescales for delivering key milestones; • Identifying dates for key deliverables; and • How implementation will be managed and monitored. Where a bid does not achieve the required minimum score of 3 (Satisfactory) for this Implementation criteria, the Authority will not proceed to evaluate the remaining Qualitative Questions and will reject the tender. Present your response at the top of a new page in the question template, within the pre-set margins in Arial font size 12 up to 1 side of A4, excluding the question text and these instructions. A separate Gantt document can be attached to support the response. This should be a maximum of 1 x A3 in size and in PDF format. Files submitted in any other format (including but not limited to Microsoft Project) will not be accepted. The Gantt document will not count within the question page limit of 1 side of A4.
Q2.2.2 Establishing and maintaining the IPS and SEQF (Supported Employment) Expert Reference Groups Please provide a detailed description of how you will identify and engage with potential IPS and SEQF experts to form part of the Expert Reference Groups (ERGs), specifically in relation to paragraph 2.1 to and including paragraph 2.6 of the Fidelity Assurance specification. Your response should include but not be limited to the following elements: • Explain how you will establish IPS and SEQF ERGs within one month of the contract start date and review membership throughout the life of the contract to ensure that the supported employment experts remain engaged; • Describe how you will use the ERGs to validate the language of the IPS and SEQF models so that they are relevant in the context of Connect to Work and adapt if required; • Outline how you will obtain sign off of the language adapted Fidelity Scales by ERG members within three months of the contract start date; • Explain how you will engage with ERG members through quarterly forums, to review the latest evidence base and use innovative measures, to continually improve the IPS and SEQF models; and • Describe how you will capture adaptations and continuous improvement initiatives and communicate these to DWP. Present your response at the top of a new page in the question template, within the pre-set margins in Arial font size 12 up to 2 sides of A4, excluding the question text and these instructions.
Q2.2.3 Engagement with Accountable Bodies, Delivery Partners and DWP Please describe how you will engage with Accountable Bodies, their Delivery Partners and DWP, specifically in relation to paragraphs 2.5, 2.10 to and including 2.15 of the Fidelity Assurance specification. Your response should include but not be limited to the following elements: • Explain how you will facilitate the launch of the Fidelity Assurance requirements, communicate the purpose of Fidelity Assurance and advocate for Fidelity Assurance to Accountable Bodies and Delivery Partners, within 120 days of the contract start date, in line with KPI 2; • Outline how you will establish quarterly national communities of practice forums and ensure Accountable Bodies, their Delivery Partners and other relevant attendees are invited on a continual basis; • Describe how you will build Accountable Bodies and Delivery Partners' knowledge of Supported Employment, the IPS and SEQF models and Fidelity Assurance requirements; • Explain how you will encourage active participation from the Accountable Bodies and their Delivery Partners to work collaboratively to build knowledge and share best practice of the Fidelity Scales; • Demonstrate how you will communicate changes relating to the Fidelity Assurance models to Accountable Bodies and Delivery Partners, specifically in relation to paragraph 2.5 of the Fidelity Assurance Specification; • Outline how you will implement a mechanism to receive and consider feedback to drive forward continuous improvement of the IPS and SEQF models; and • Describe how you will work with DWP to ensure cohesion of the Fidelity Assurance services with the delivery of Connect to Work. Present your response at the top of a new page in the question template, within the pre-set margins in Arial font size 12 up to 3 sides of A4, excluding the question text and these instructions.
Q2.2.4 Fidelity Assessment Delivery Model Please provide a detailed description of how you will deliver the Fidelity Assessments in line with the requirements set out in paragraph 2.7 to and including paragraph 2.9, paragraph 2.16 to and including paragraph 2.27, and paragraph 2.45 of the Fidelity Assurance Specification. Your response should include but not be limited to the following elements: • Explain how you will meet requirement to deliver face to face Fidelity Assessments across England and Wales; • Detail how the Fidelity Assessment requirements will be communicated with Accountable Bodies and their Delivery Partners; • Demonstrate how you will facilitate the collection of evidence from Accountable Bodies/Delivery Partners to assist in the Fidelity Assessment meeting the time scales detailed in paragraph 2.21; and • Describe how you will engage with the Accountable Bodies to ensure full participation at the face to face Fidelity Assessments. • Outline how you will align resources to meet the varying demand for Fidelity Assessments and meet the requirements in the KPIs throughout the life of the contract. • Include details of how you will recruit the appropriate number of FTE employees with the suitable skills to deliver the Fidelity Assessments and outline any contingencies should recruitment numbers not materialise. • Describe how you will put in place a process for Fidelity Assessment scores to be moderated to ensure the Connect to Work services are assessed independently and objectively against the IPS and SEQF Fidelity Scales and ensure consistency of scoring across all Fidelity Assessments. • Describe how you will establish and implement safeguarding policies when carrying out Fidelity Assessments. Present your response at the top of a new page in the question template, within the pre-set margins in Arial font size 12 up to 4 sides of A4, excluding the question text and these instructions.
Q2.2.5 Fidelity Assessment Report Please provide a detailed description of how you will create and disseminate the Fidelity Assessment Reports in line with the requirements set out in paragraph 2.28 to and including paragraph 2.32 of the Fidelity Assurance Specification. Your response should include but not be limited to the following elements: • Describe how you will format the Fidelity Assessment Reports to capture the minimum data requirements of paragraph 2.29 of the Fidelity Assurance Specification; • Explain how you will meet all requirements set out in the Quality Standards at Annex 9 of Fidelity Assurance Specification in relation to the Fidelity Assurance Report; • Demonstrate how you meet the requirements set out in KPI 6 of the Fidelity Assurance Specification; and • Include details of how you will facilitate and respond to clarification requests as set out in paragraphs 2.30 to 2.31 of the Fidelity Assurance Specification. Present your response at the top of a new page in the question template, within the pre-set margins in Arial font size 12 up to 2 sides of A4, excluding the question text and these instructions.
Q2.2.6 Local Community of Practice Please provide a detailed description of how you will facilitate the Local Community of Practice in line with the requirements set out in paragraph 2.33 to and including paragraph 2.38 of the Fidelity Assurance Specification. Your response should include but not be limited to the following elements: • Outline how you will work with Accountable Bodies to organise and manage the Local Community of Practice whilst meeting the requirements of KPI 7 of the Fidelity Assurance specification; • Demonstrate how you will encourage engagement and ensure a collaborative environment for all attendees; and • Include details of how you will capture the key discussion points of each Local Community of Practice, transfer these into a quality output note for dissemination to all attendees, and DWP, to feed back into improved delivery and continuous improvement of Connect to Work delivery. Present your response at the top of a new page in the question template, within the pre-set margins in Arial font size 12 up to 2 sides of A4, excluding the question text and these instructions.
Q2.2.7 Fidelity Assurance SMART Action Plan Refinement Please provide a detailed description of how you will facilitate the virtual interactions with the Accountable Bodies and/or their Delivery Partners to assist in the refinement of their Fidelity Assurance SMART Action Plans in line with the requirements set out in paragraph 2.39 to and including paragraph 2.40 of the Fidelity Assurance specification. Your response should include but not be limited to the following elements: • Outline how you will put in place a mechanism to facilitate virtual interactions with the Delivery Partners; and • Include details of how you will deliver the service/adapt the mechanism to address varying levels of demand from Delivery Partners in terms of refinement to the Fidelity Assurance SMART action plans. Present your response at the top of a new page in the question template, within the pre-set margins in Arial font size 12 up to 2 sides of A4, excluding the question text and these instructions.
Q2.2.8 Social Value - Theme 4: Equal Opportunity Please describe the commitment your organisation will make to ensure that opportunities under the Fidelity Assurance contract deliver the policy outcome to reduce the disability employment gap in line with the Specification. Your response should include a timed project plan and process, including how you will implement, monitor, measure, and report on your commitment across the life of the contract and outline the existing or planned effective measures within your organisation to deliver the elements set out in this Question • The response should also include but not be limited to the following elements: Demonstrate action to increase the representation of disabled people in the contract workforce: o Explain how you will gain an understanding of the issues affecting the representation of disabled people in the workforce in the market, industry, or sector relevant to the contract, and in the tenderer's own organisation and those of its key sub-contractors. o Outline how you will collect and use the views and expertise of disabled people and their representative organisations on successfully supporting disabled employees or applicants. o Describe what measures your organisation will implement to reduce barriers to securing more jobs for disabled people in the contract workforce. The following metric will apply to this element: Demonstrate through the Fidelity Assurance Supplier Management Information that you have achieved and are on-track to deliver against the timed project plan and process outlined in respect of the Social Value requirement to Increase representation of disabled people, in the tender response, and evidence that the representation of disabled people in the Fidelity Assurance Contract Workforce has increased by [x%]. NB: Percentage to be determined from tender response and will be assessed on an annual basis. o Support disabled people in developing new skills relevant to the contract, including through training schemes that result in recognised qualifications: Demonstrate your understanding of the issues affecting the development of new skills by disabled people in the workforce in the market, industry or sector relevant to the contract, and in the tenderer's own organisation and those of its key sub-contractors. o Describe your understanding of the underlying factors affecting improvements to reduce barriers to apprenticeships and training schemes (Level 2, 3, and 4+) for disabled people in the contract workforce. o Outline how you will take account of inclusive and accessible development practices, including those provided in the Guide for line managers on recruiting, managing and developing people with a disability or health condition. o Describe the specific actions your organisation will take to reduce barriers to improve the representation of disabled people on apprenticeships and training schemes (Level 2, 3, and 4+) in the contract workforce, demonstrating a year-on-year increase. Illustrative examples can be found in the Social Value Model document Social-Value-Model-Edn-1.1-3-Dec-20.pdf ( The following metric will apply to this element: Demonstrate through the Fidelity Assurance Supplier Management Information that you have achieved and are on-track to deliver against the timed project plan and process outlined in respect of the Social Value requirement of Supporting disabled people in developing new skills, in the tender response; and evidence a year-on-year increase of disabled people within the Fidelity Assurance Contract workforce represented on apprenticeships and training schemes (Level 2, 3 and 4+). Present your response at the top of a new page in the question template, within the pre-set margins in Arial font size 12 up to 2 sides of A4, excluding the question text and these instructions. A separate timed project plan document can be attached to support the response. This should be a maximum of 1 x A3 in size and in PDF format. Files submitted in any other format (including but not limited to Microsoft Project) will not be accepted. The timed project plan document will not count within the question page limit of 2 sides of A4.
Contract Cost Register Suppliers will be required to complete a Contract Cost Register for the delivery of the Fidelity Assurance Services and Deliverables showing their indicative total contract price for the initial contract period. This should be calculated by the potential supplier based on the Specification of requirements. The maximum total contract price for this procurement is £7,750,000 (excluding VAT) for the initial contract period. The Authority is applying a 10% tolerance below the maximum total contract price that all offered prices must be within. Therefore, any offers below £6,975,000 (£7.75m x 90%) will be rejected.

CPV Codes

  • 75112000 - Administrative services for business operations
  • 75121000 - Administrative educational services
  • 75122000 - Administrative healthcare services
  • 80500000 - Training services


  • Renewals are available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

