NOE CPC Total Waste Management Services III
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Framework (Services)
- Duration
- not specified
- Value
- 0-130M
- Sector
- Published
- 25 Feb 2025
- Delivery
- not specified
- Deadline
- n/a
United Kingdom and any of the crown dependencies (including but not limited to, the Isle of Man)

1 buyer
- Leeds & York Partnership NHS Trust Sheffield
27 suppliers
- Bandm Waste Services Bromborough
- Go Green Doncaster
- Sharpsmart Durham
- MITIE Waste & Environmental Services London
- Veolia ES London
- Biffa Waste Services High Wycombe
- Suez Recycling & Recovery Maidenhead
- Yorwaste Northallerton
- Tradebe Healthcare National Marlow
- Keenan Recycling Glasgow
- PA Moody Recycling Gateshead
- SRCL Leeds
- PHS Caerphilly
- Medisort Littlehampton
- Rentokil Initial Crawley
- Shred Station Norwich
- Restore Datashred Purfleet
- Shredall SDS Group Nottingham
- Uniscope Stockport
- Datashredders Wimblington
- Concept Management Consulting Bolton
- Shred IT Sale
- Stone Technologies Stafford
- Tes Amm Cannock
- ICT Reverse Asset Management Lancaster
- Protech Group Peterlee
- Restore Technology Bedford
This framework agreement is split into 11 Lots covering the main waste services contracted by the NHS and wider public sector bodies. It aims to provide a compliant route to market for contracting authorities for a safe, sustainable, and efficient waste management service covering:Lot 1A – General/Domestic Waste (Hazardous & Non-Hazardous)Lot 1B - Food WasteLot 1C - WEEE WasteLot 2A - Healthcare Offensive WasteLot 2B - Healthcare Alternative TreatmentLot 2C - Healthcare High Temperature IncinerationLot 3 - Reusable Sharps & Related WasteLot 4 - Washroom WasteLot 5A - Confidential ShreddingLot 5B - Secure IT (WEEE) Recycling & RecoveryLot 5C - Uniforms & Textiles
Lot Division
1 | Lot 1A General Waste (Hazardous & Non-Hazardous) Lot 1A - General/Domestic Waste (Hazardous and Non-hazardous):The service under this Lot covers the provision of the full range of general/domestic waste and dry mixed recycling (DMR) services including both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. Additional information: Additional CPV code(s)90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services90500000 - Refuse and waste related services90531000 - Landfill management services90514000 - Refuse recycling services90511200 - Household-refuse collection services90510000 - Refuse disposal and treatment90511100 - Urban solid-refuse collection services90513000 - Non-hazardous refuse and waste treatment and disposal services90512000 - Refuse transport services90513300 - Refuse incineration services90513200 - Urban solid-refuse disposal services |
2 | Lot 1B Food Waste Lot 1B – Food Waste:The requirements of this Lot is for providing food recycling services acrossNHS premises, aiming to ensure efficient, hygienic, and environmentallyresponsible recycling of food (organic) waste. Increasingly the NHS isseeking to minimise food waste by a variety of means including but not limitedto monitoring & measuring food usage to minimise waste, digitally mappingfood provision to patients, exploring partnerships to make use of excess foodand on-site treatment of food waste. Where these options are not in scope aservice will be required to collect, process and compliantly dispose of thiswaste stream separately from other organic and other waste streams. Additional information: Additional CPV code(s)90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services90511200 - Household-refuse collection services90510000 - Refuse disposal and treatment90513000 - Non-hazardous refuse and waste treatment and disposal services90512000 - Refuse transport services |
3 | Lot 1C WEEE Waste Lot 1C – WEEE WasteThe requirement of this Lot is for the collection, recovery, reuse, recycling andtreatment of all waste electrical and electronic equipment defined underSchedule 1 and Schedule 2 of The Waste Electrical and Electronic EquipmentRegulations 2013 and additionally Categories of EEE contained withinSchedule 3 covered by the Regulations from January 2019. This service willensure that WEEE is handled in an environmentally responsible manner,complying with all relevant regulations and standards. Additional information: Additional CPV code(s)90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services90511200 - Household-refuse collection services90512000 - Refuse transport services90514000 - Refuse recycling services |
4 | Lot 2A Healthcare (Offensive Waste) Lot 2A - Healthcare (Offensive Waste)This Lot outlines the requirements for providing Healthcare Offensive wasteservices across NHS premises, aiming to ensure efficient, hygienic, andenvironmentally responsible recycling of Healthcare Offensive Waste. Additional information: Additional CPV code(s)90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services90524100 - Clinical-waste collection services90524400 - Collection, transport and disposal of hospital waste90524200 - Clinical-waste disposal services |
5 | Lot 2B Healthcare (Alternative Treatment) Lot 2B - Healthcare (Alternative Treatment)This Lot outlines the requirements for providing Healthcare wasteservices for alternative treatment across NHS premises, aiming toensure efficient, hygienic, and environmentally responsible recycling ofHealthcare Waste. Additional information: Additional CPV code(s)90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services90524100 - Clinical-waste collection services90524400 - Collection, transport and disposal of hospital waste90524200 - Clinical-waste disposal services |
6 | Lot 2C Healthcare (High Temperature Incineration) Lot 2C – Healthcare (High Temperature Incineration)This Lot outlines the requirements for providing Healthcare wasteservices for high temperature incineration across NHS premises,aiming to ensure efficient, hygienic, and environmentally responsiblerecycling of Healthcare Waste. Additional information: Additional CPV code(s)90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services90524100 - Clinical-waste collection services90524400 - Collection, transport and disposal of hospital waste90524200 - Clinical-waste disposal services |
7 | Lot 3 Reusable Sharps & Related Waste Lot 3 Reusable Sharps & Related Waste.This Lot outlines the requirements for collection, transportation anddisposal of Sharps/Healthcare waste across NHS premises, aiming toensure efficient, hygienic, and environmentally responsible recycling ofHealthcare Waste. Additional information: Additional CPV code(s)90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services90524100 - Clinical-waste collection services90524400 - Collection, transport and disposal of hospital waste90524200 - Clinical-waste disposal services |
8 | Lot 4 Washroom Waste Lot 4 – Washroom WasteThis Lot covers the provision of feminine hygiene, incontinence and nappywaste containers and the provision and on-going maintenance of the hygienebins and other washroom products where required as part of the services. |
9 | Lot 5A Confidential Shredding Lot 5A – Confidential ShreddingThis Lot covers the provision of a secure, disposal confidential shreddingservice which may be both on-site and off-site. Additional information: Additional CPV code(s)90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services90500000 - Refuse and waste related services90524400 - Collection, transport and disposal of hospital waste |
10 | Lot 5B Secure IT (WEEE) Recovery & Recycling Lot 5B - Secure IT (WEEE) Recycling & RecoveryThis Lot is for the provision of a secure, collection and recycling andenvironmentally sound disposal (where no other option exists) service forredundant IT electrical equipment. Some of this electrical equipment maycontain confidential or sensitive information. These items include, but are notlimited to, Desk Top computers and tower units, laptops, personal computers,mobile phones, tablets, monitors, printers, servers and other miscellaneous ITequipment. Additional information: Additional CPV code(s)90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services90512000 - Refuse transport services90511200 - Household-refuse collection services90514000 - Refuse recycling services |
11 | Lot 5C Uniforms & Textiles Lot 5C – Uniforms & TextilesThis Lot outlines the requirements for providing uniform and textile recyclingand disposal services across NHS premises, ensuring efficient, hygienic, andenvironmentally responsible management of textile waste. Additional information: Additional CPV code(s)90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services19620000 - Textile waste90511200 - Household-refuse collection services90512000 - Refuse transport services90514000 - Refuse recycling services |
Award Detail
1 | Bandm Waste Services (Bromborough)
2 | Go Green (Doncaster)
3 | Sharpsmart (Durham)
4 | MITIE Waste & Environmental Services (London)
5 | Veolia ES (London)
6 | Biffa Waste Services (High Wycombe)
7 | Suez Recycling & Recovery (Maidenhead)
8 | Yorwaste (Northallerton)
9 | Tradebe Healthcare National (Marlow)
10 | Bandm Waste Services (Bromborough)
11 | Go Green (Doncaster)
12 | MITIE Waste & Environmental Services (London)
13 | Veolia ES (London)
14 | Biffa Waste Services (High Wycombe)
15 | Suez Recycling & Recovery (Maidenhead)
16 | Keenan Recycling (Glasgow)
17 | Tradebe Healthcare National (Marlow)
18 | PA Moody Recycling (Gateshead)
19 | Bandm Waste Services (Bromborough)
20 | Go Green (Doncaster)
21 | MITIE Waste & Environmental Services (London)
22 | Veolia ES (London)
23 | Suez Recycling & Recovery (Maidenhead)
24 | PA Moody Recycling (Gateshead)
25 | Bandm Waste Services (Bromborough)
26 | Go Green (Doncaster)
27 | Sharpsmart (Durham)
28 | MITIE Waste & Environmental Services (London)
29 | SRCL (Leeds)
30 | Veolia ES (London)
31 | Suez Recycling & Recovery (Maidenhead)
32 | PHS (Caerphilly)
33 | Medisort (Littlehampton)
34 | Tradebe Healthcare National (Marlow)
35 | Bandm Waste Services (Bromborough)
36 | Go Green (Doncaster)
37 | Sharpsmart (Durham)
38 | MITIE Waste & Environmental Services (London)
39 | SRCL (Leeds)
40 | Veolia ES (London)
41 | PHS (Caerphilly)
42 | Medisort (Littlehampton)
43 | Tradebe Healthcare National (Marlow)
44 | Bandm Waste Services (Bromborough)
45 | Go Green (Doncaster)
46 | Sharpsmart (Durham)
47 | MITIE Waste & Environmental Services (London)
48 | SRCL (Leeds)
49 | Veolia ES (London)
50 | PHS (Caerphilly)
51 | Medisort (Littlehampton)
52 | Tradebe Healthcare National (Marlow)
53 | Bandm Waste Services (Bromborough)
54 | Sharpsmart (Durham)
55 | MITIE Waste & Environmental Services (London)
56 | SRCL (Leeds)
57 | Medisort (Littlehampton)
58 | Tradebe Healthcare National (Marlow)
59 | Bandm Waste Services (Bromborough)
60 | Go Green (Doncaster)
61 | MITIE Waste & Environmental Services (London)
62 | Rentokil Initial (Crawley)
63 | PHS (Caerphilly)
64 | Tradebe Healthcare National (Marlow)
65 | Bandm Waste Services (Bromborough)
66 | Go Green (Doncaster)
67 | MITIE Waste & Environmental Services (London)
68 | Shred Station (Norwich)
69 | Veolia ES (London)
70 | Restore Datashred (Purfleet)
71 | Shredall SDS Group (Nottingham)
72 | Uniscope (Stockport)
73 | Datashredders (Wimblington)
74 | Tradebe Healthcare National (Marlow)
75 | Concept Management Consulting (Bolton)
76 | Shred IT (Sale)
77 | Stone Technologies (Stafford)
78 | Bandm Waste Services (Bromborough)
79 | Go Green (Doncaster)
80 | Tes Amm (Cannock)
81 | MITIE Waste & Environmental Services (London)
82 | Veolia ES (London)
83 | ICT Reverse Asset Management (Lancaster)
84 | Protech Group (Peterlee)
85 | Concept Management Consulting (Bolton)
86 | Restore Technology (Bedford)
87 | Bandm Waste Services (Bromborough)
88 | Go Green (Doncaster)
89 | MITIE Waste & Environmental Services (London)
90 | Shred Station (Norwich)
91 | Veolia ES (London)
92 | Restore Datashred (Purfleet)
93 | Suez Recycling & Recovery (Maidenhead)
94 | Datashredders (Wimblington)
95 | Shred IT (Sale)
Award Criteria
Technical | 50 |
Social Value | 10 |
price | 40 |
CPV Codes
- 90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
- An E-Auction may be used.
Other Information
** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** For details of the list of eligible entities who may utilise the resulting agreement(s), subject to the prior agreement of NOE CPC, please refer to the original Contract Notice - 2024/S 000-022682Section II.2.4 - Description of ProcurementSection II.2.11 - Information about optionsSection VI.3 - Additional Information
- ocds-h6vhtk-04834e
- FTS 007213-2025