Highways and Public Realm Contract
A Addendum Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Works)
- Duration
- not specified
- Value
- ___
- Sector
- Published
- 25 Feb 2025
- Delivery
- not specified
- Deadline
- n/a

1 buyer
- Westminster City Council London
Westminster City Council (WCC) intends to enter into an agreement with a single partner (or consortia) to deliver the Highways and Public Realm Contract primarily, but not exclusively, across the City of Westminster. WCC will separately, at a later point in time, be procuring an Audit, Compliance and Asset Management Contract with a likely commencement date of April 2027 (subject to change). The purpose of the Audit, Compliance and Asset Management Contract is to ensure that the main Highways and Public Realm contract is delivering outputs from a commercial, quality and performance perspective. Economic Operators are made aware that any successful tenderer for this Highways and Public Realm Contract shall not be permitted to tender for Audit, Compliance and Asset Management Contract as it would not be possible for the same contractor to objectively monitor their own performance. Economic Operators are advised that the procurement documents available via the Portal are (with the exception of the CAS SQ and CAS SQ Guidance) provided in draft for information purposes at this stage in the process and are subject to change. WCC reserves the right to enhance and/or amend any of the material, positions and details set out the Procurement Documents. Further, WCC is following a CPN process for this procurement and the procurement documents may continue to develop as the procurement progresses. The CAS SQ and CAS SQ Guidance may be subject to refinement and clarification in response to queries from economic operators or to correct any errors or omissions. Further information is set out in the CAS SQ Guidance available via the Portal. WCC makes no commitment to award any contract as a result of this procurement or otherwise.
Ammendments to Previous Notice
2. II.2.7
Thu Sep 30 Mar 31 00:00:00 2038 2039
3. VI.3
This opportunity and all associated procurement documents will be accessible via our City of Westminster Procurement and Contracts portal ("the Portal"), kindly visit https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com and search for the following reference: [Insert ITT reference]. SQ_30022. If you have any questions, please submit these through the portal. Our portal is free to register on. To view details of the Opportunity via the Portal please click the following link and click on Opportunities: https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com Or browse as follows: - Connect to https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com - Enter your Username and Password - Go to Published Opportunities - Click on the Project Title to view details The Contracting Authority is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. All information received will be dealt with in accordance with that Act and information to which the Environmental Information Regulations apply will be dealt with in accordance with those regulations. The Contracting Authority reserves the right not to proceed or not to award a contract for the whole or any part of the proposed procurement. The Contracting Authority will not be liable for any costs incurred by those expressing an interest, participating in negotiation or tendering for this contract. Economic Operators should note that it is WCC’s intention to award the contract in time to allow for a mobilisation period of up to six months. This period will be in addition to the service period. Economic Operators should be aware the form of contract is the NEC4 Term Services Contract (with bespoke amendments) and the Council may issue task orders under the contract up to the last day of the service period. Works and services under such task orders may continue beyond the service period until completion of the task. The anticipated starting date is 1st October 2026 however, the starting date is subject to change at the discretion of WCC. . The work under this Contract comprises the provision of an integrated highways and public realm service including: · Carriageway Maintenance and Resurfacing, Footway Maintenance and Re-paving, Street Lighting and other electrical asset renewals, Security and HVM, Reactive Works, Routine Works, Minor Works, Project Works including Public Realm Projects, Bridges and Structures, Statues and Monuments, Drainage services and works. · Design Services · Structural Inspections and various other inspection regimes. · Regulatory and support functions including management of the Pipe Subway and Tunnel Management · Supply and management of various highway and traffic related IT based systems and data · Other Professional Services · Undertaking works and services on public and private land off the public highway including within housing estates or schools or other areas. The works and services will primarily be delivered across the City of Westminster but from time to time the contractor may be required to carry out works and services outside of city boundaries. The full scope of the work under the contract is set in the procurement documents available on the our City of Westminster Procurement and Contracts portal. Furthermore, due to the term of the Contract and the nature of the contract, the Council reserves the right to include additional supporting and/or related works and services in the Scope, including during the term of the Contract and in accordance with its terms.
CPV Codes
- 45233000 - Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads
Other Information
** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **
- ocds-h6vhtk-040289
- FTS 007112-2025