A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Goods)
35.5 month
19 Feb 2025
To 05 Mar 2028 (est.)
21 Mar 2025 17:00



United Kingdom:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Healthtrust Europe LLP Hte
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


HealthTrust Europe is seeking to award a Framework Agreement and to appoint providers who have the capability of providing a comprehensive range of goods and services (collectively known as products), to support the delivery of Wholesale and Distribution Services of the CPV codes listed in section 2.1.2 of this notice and their respective child codes. The purpose of this Framework is to enable the provision of a breadth of high-quality Equipment, Consumables and Services, to meet different requirements of Participating Authorities and assist in improving supply chain outcomes. This framework will consist of the following lots: • Lot 1: Supply of Goods and Distribution - The scope of this lot is for customers to have access to a lot including distribution, stocking and management of an agreed portfolio. • Lot 2: Marketplace - The scope of this lot will facilitate an online marketplace and can be operated by a single company that manages all sales or can be a platform where multiple third-party sellers can sell directly to Participating Authorities. • Lot 3: Managed Service - The scope of this lot will facilitate Managed Services. These services can provide a wide range of functions listed in the specification. • Lot 4: Aggregated Lot - The scope of this lot enables Participating Authorities to tailor bespoke products and service to accommodate their requirements and contractually commit in advance to purchasing a specified value and/or volume of their requirements.

Lot Division

1 Supply of Goods and Distribution

The scope for this lot is for any products that fall within the listed CPV code above and respective child codes that a tenderer will have the ability to provide to a Participating Authority including pharmaceuticals. The provision is for tenderers to confirm their ability to distribute/stock/manage an agreed portfolio on behalf of the Participating Authority. This will provide a ‘one stop shop’ for participating authorities that meets all of their requirements. The interested tenderers must have a national distribution service with warehouse, or distribution centres, located across the country to service the customer needs on time. Note that the interested tenderers are asked to provide such a proof. The tenderers are also expected to have a fleet of vehicles at their disposal to facilitate the delivery of goods from their warehouse/distribution centre and the Participating Authority’s site(s). TERMS AND CONDITIONS / ACTIVITY BASED INCOME (ABI) The terms and conditions of this Agreement and any resulting call-off contract is appended to the ITT. These terms include provisions requiring the payment by the supplier of an ABI management charge in consideration of the award of this Agreement, the management and administration by HTE of the overall contract structure and associated documentation, as well as the requirement to submit regular management information to HTE. SUBMISSION OF EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST AND PROCUREMENT INFORMATION This exercise will be conducted on the HTE Bravo portal. Candidates wishing to be considered must register expressions of interest as follows: Register on the HTE portal at https://healthtrusteurope.bravosolution.co.uk. Login to the portal with username/password. Click the SQs/ITTs Open to All Suppliers link. These are the SQs/ITTs open to any registered supplier. Click on the relevant SQ/ ITT to access the content. Click the Express Interest button at the top of the page. This will move the SQ/ITT into your My SQs/My ITTs page. You can access any attachments by clicking Buyer Attachments in the SQ/ITT Details box. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the SQ/ITT. Submit your reply using the Submit Response button at the top of the page. If you require any further advice, contact the Bravo e- Tendering Help Desk at help@bravosolution.co.uk. HealthTrust Europe utilises the Supplier Registration Service information database, formally known as sid4gov. Candidates are requested to register on the Supplier Registration service at Supplier Registration Service (cabinetoffice.gov.uk) and submit their sid4gov company profile for publication on the database. Candidates already registered on Supplier Registration Service must ensure that information is up to date. Where access to sid4gov is unavailable, please contact the helpdesk at sid4gov@gps.gsi.gov.uk. Please note that, at present, sid4gov does not prepopulate any fields of the SQ on the Portal, and therefore Potential Providers must complete the Qualification and Selection Envelopes of the SQ in Bravo in full.

2 Marketplace

Lot 2 will facilitate the marketplace. A marketplace where customers can order products online is typically referred to as an e-commerce marketplace. This is a type of platform that connects buyers and sellers by providing a technology infrastructure to showcase products, handle transactions, and often, facilitate logistics and customer service. Online marketplaces can be operated by a single company that manages all sales, or can be a platform where multiple third-party sellers can sell directly to consumers. TERMS AND CONDITIONS / ACTIVITY BASED INCOME (ABI) The terms and conditions of this Agreement and any resulting call-off contract is appended to the ITT. These terms include provisions requiring the payment by the supplier of an ABI management charge in consideration of the award of this Agreement, the management and administration by HTE of the overall contract structure and associated documentation, as well as the requirement to submit regular management information to HTE. SUBMISSION OF EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST AND PROCUREMENT INFORMATION This exercise will be conducted on the HTE Bravo portal. Candidates wishing to be considered must register expressions of interest as follows: Register on the HTE portal at https://healthtrusteurope.bravosolution.co.uk. Login to the portal with username/password. Click the SQs/ITTs Open to All Suppliers link. These are the SQs/ITTs open to any registered supplier. Click on the relevant SQ/ ITT to access the content. Click the Express Interest button at the top of the page. This will move the SQ/ITT into your My SQs/My ITTs page. You can access any attachments by clicking Buyer Attachments in the SQ/ITT Details box. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the SQ/ITT. Submit your reply using the Submit Response button at the top of the page. If you require any further advice, contact the Bravo e- Tendering Help Desk at help@bravosolution.co.uk. HealthTrust Europe utilises the Supplier Registration Service information database, formally known as sid4gov. Candidates are requested to register on the Supplier Registration service at Supplier Registration Service (cabinetoffice.gov.uk) and submit their sid4gov company profile for publication on the database. Candidates already registered on Supplier Registration Service must ensure that information is up to date. Where access to sid4gov is unavailable, please contact the helpdesk at sid4gov@gps.gsi.gov.uk. Please note that, at present, sid4gov does not prepopulate any fields of the SQ on the Portal, and therefore Potential Providers must complete the Qualification and Selection Envelopes of the SQ in Bravo in full.

3 Managed Service

The scope for this Lot is for the provision of service solutions or end-to-end managed services that manages certain operational and administrative tasks that would otherwise be performed by the Participating Authority, from a Participating Authority to a professional provider for the Participating Authority to achieve its supply chain targets. Apart from services, Tenderers may offer integrated solutions under this Lot to optimise supply chain efficiencies across various areas for the Participating Authority. TERMS AND CONDITIONS / ACTIVITY BASED INCOME (ABI) The terms and conditions of this Agreement and any resulting call-off contract is appended to the ITT. These terms include provisions requiring the payment by the supplier of an ABI management charge in consideration of the award of this Agreement, the management and administration by HTE of the overall contract structure and associated documentation, as well as the requirement to submit regular management information to HTE. SUBMISSION OF EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST AND PROCUREMENT INFORMATION This exercise will be conducted on the HTE Bravo portal. Candidates wishing to be considered must register expressions of interest as follows: Register on the HTE portal at https://healthtrusteurope.bravosolution.co.uk. Login to the portal with username/password. Click the SQs/ITTs Open to All Suppliers link. These are the SQs/ITTs open to any registered supplier. Click on the relevant SQ/ ITT to access the content. Click the Express Interest button at the top of the page. This will move the SQ/ITT into your My SQs/My ITTs page. You can access any attachments by clicking Buyer Attachments in the SQ/ITT Details box. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the SQ/ITT. Submit your reply using the Submit Response button at the top of the page. If you require any further advice, contact the Bravo e- Tendering Help Desk at help@bravosolution.co.uk. HealthTrust Europe utilises the Supplier Registration Service information database, formally known as sid4gov. Candidates are requested to register on the Supplier Registration service at Supplier Registration Service (cabinetoffice.gov.uk) and submit their sid4gov company profile for publication on the database. Candidates already registered on Supplier Registration Service must ensure that information is up to date. Where access to sid4gov is unavailable, please contact the helpdesk at sid4gov@gps.gsi.gov.uk. Please note that, at present, sid4gov does not prepopulate any fields of the SQ on the Portal, and therefore Potential Providers must complete the Qualification and Selection Envelopes of the SQ in Bravo in full.

4 Aggregated Lot

This lot facilitates the provision to permit Participating Authorities to tailor bespoke products and service specification to accommodate their requirements and contractually commit in advance to purchasing a specified value and/or volume of their requirements. Under this Lot the Participating Authority(ies) will define their requirement for goods and/or services which can be in any combination of more than one Lot of the Framework Agreement. TERMS AND CONDITIONS / ACTIVITY BASED INCOME (ABI) The terms and conditions of this Agreement and any resulting call-off contract is appended to the ITT. These terms include provisions requiring the payment by the supplier of an ABI management charge in consideration of the award of this Agreement, the management and administration by HTE of the overall contract structure and associated documentation, as well as the requirement to submit regular management information to HTE. SUBMISSION OF EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST AND PROCUREMENT INFORMATION This exercise will be conducted on the HTE Bravo portal. Candidates wishing to be considered must register expressions of interest as follows: Register on the HTE portal at https://healthtrusteurope.bravosolution.co.uk. Login to the portal with username/password. Click the SQs/ITTs Open to All Suppliers link. These are the SQs/ITTs open to any registered supplier. Click on the relevant SQ/ ITT to access the content. Click the Express Interest button at the top of the page. This will move the SQ/ITT into your My SQs/My ITTs page. You can access any attachments by clicking Buyer Attachments in the SQ/ITT Details box. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the SQ/ITT. Submit your reply using the Submit Response button at the top of the page. If you require any further advice, contact the Bravo e- Tendering Help Desk at help@bravosolution.co.uk. HealthTrust Europe utilises the Supplier Registration Service information database, formally known as sid4gov. Candidates are requested to register on the Supplier Registration service at Supplier Registration Service (cabinetoffice.gov.uk) and submit their sid4gov company profile for publication on the database. Candidates already registered on Supplier Registration Service must ensure that information is up to date. Where access to sid4gov is unavailable, please contact the helpdesk at sid4gov@gps.gsi.gov.uk. Please note that, at present, sid4gov does not prepopulate any fields of the SQ on the Portal, and therefore Potential Providers must complete the Qualification and Selection Envelopes of the SQ in Bravo in full.

CPV Codes

  • 33000000 - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
  • 66151100 - Electronic marketplace retailing services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** To be determined at Call-Off stage.

