MODAS Software Support, Development & Maintenance

A Contract Award Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
not specified
05 Feb 2025
not specified



Northern Ireland:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service
Motorola Solutions
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


MODAS RAM is a tailored database system that allows NIFRS to manage its Risk Critical Information (RCI). RCI is intelligence gathered by NIFRS crews about premises that pose an abnormal risk to the community or firefighters. MODAS RAM allows crews to record RCI by way of a Premise Information Update (PIU). NIFRS require the continued support and maintenance of MODAS RAM, along with any possible future developments that may be required to maintain the software, until the implementation of a new Mobile Data Solution. Whilst MODAS RAM is used at Fire Station level to compile, input and retrieve site specific risk critical information required to be captured and presented under NIFRS Standard Operating Procedure 12 (SOP12). Together MODAS Manager and MODAS RAM are interfaced and work together to collect and distribute the complete range of information and intelligence required for Incident command support, location of water for firefighting, mapping, risk information and so on which is presented to crews on the MDT's installed on all front line appliances. NIFRS require continued support and maintenance for MODAS Manager and RAM. MODAS RAM Geode Maintenance - In order for MODAS RAM to correctly identify the location of a site specific risk and subsequently plot that information on a geographic interface which is displayed on the MDT's, it needs to have access to an address gazetteer which is accurate in terms of a 12 figure grid reference. Compass (Version 8) has been installed in order to interface systems to the corporate gazetteer. A "knock-on" effect of this is that the MODAS RAM interface to the LPS gazetteer had to be upgraded in order to maintain functionality. NIFRS require the ability to maintain an accurate gazetteer location tool and to ensure the consistency of data held in the MODAS RAM application.

Total Quantity or Scope

Any updates required would be part of a call off for service work days if required (max 6 per calendar year). MODAS Manager is used by Regional Control Centre (RCC) Systems Support personnel and prepares and packages a range of Firefighter RCI for electronic distribution onto fire appliance Mobile Data Terminals (MDT's).

Award Detail

1 Motorola Solutions (London)
  • ​​​​​​​MODAS Software Support, Development & Maintenance
  • Reference: 003872-2025-1
  • Value: £240,000

Renewal Options

option to extend by 4 12 month period(s)

CPV Codes

  • 72222300 - Information technology services


  • Options are available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The Client cannot guarantee any particular level of business within the Contract. Any information on value of business are for guidance only and no guarantee is given as to the exact value under this Contract. Any levels, or aggregate values of services, referred to are indicative only and shall not be binding on the Client.

