Transport Technology

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Goods)
not specified
03 Feb 2025
not specified



United Kingdom:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Minister for the Cabinet Office Acting Through Crown Commercial Service
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Crown Commercial Service, as the Authority, intends to put in place an agreement for the provision of Transport Technologies for use by Central Government and UK public sector bodies. A high level lotting structure being proposed is; - Lot 1 - Transport Professional Services - Lot 2 - Transport Data Services - Lot 3 - Parking Management - Lot 4 - Environmental Monitoring & Climate Resilience - Lot 5 - Enforcement, Security & Compliance - Lot 6 - Electric Vehicle Infrastructure - Lot 7 - Systems & Platforms - Lot 7a - System Integration - Lot 7b - Smart Ticketing - Lot 7c - Transport Network Management - Lot 8 - Passive & Active Infrastructure - Lot 8a - Network Devices - Lot 8b - Cabinets, Furniture, Storage & Ancillaries - Lot 8c - Lighting & Electrical - Lot 8d - Traffic Management Technologies - Lot 8e - Detectors, Informing systems & Communication technologies

Lot Division

1 Transport Professional Services

Lot 1 is based around Transport related professional services, consultancy, project management. Services include Scope & Feasibility studies, Training and behavioural change, development of an organisations approach to Mobility as a Service, Design consultancy for Transport infrastructure and Type Approval, assurance, testing and evaluation. CPV codes and full scope are still in development

2 Transport Data Services

Lot 2 is based around Transport related data services. Capabilities will include the collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data relating to Transport Systems. This pertains to data such as traffic flow, vehicle movement, public transit schedules, passenger counting and infrastructure utilisation. CPV codes and full scope are still in development

3 Parking Management

Lot 3 is based around the Parking sector, bringing capabilities from service providers for outsourcing of their Parking requirements on-street or off-street. This includes Professional Services, Parking Enforcement Services, Back office platforms & Applications, Parking Operational Management and Parking Infrastructure CPV codes and full scope are still in development

4 Environmental Monitoring & climate resilience

Lot 4 is for Technology deployed across transport networks and in rural and urban areas to understand and address issues that affect the environment. Outdoor systems that provide insight and data regarding the environment and climate. Includes Professional Services, Data and Software Services, Environmental Monitoring Solutions (Weather, air, light, water, noise, dust and vibration, and animal and ecological technology. CPV codes and full scope are still in development

5 Enforcement, Security and Compliance

Lot 5 is based around Enforcement, Security, Compliance and emergency service technologies and services. This Includes road traffic law enforcement devices (RTLED) and vehicle based compliance solutions, enabling systems that enable a record produced or measurement made by a prescribed device for enforcement action. Technology systems and services to prevent trespass, property damage and theft, anti-social behaviour and enhance security. Technologies for incident safety, or for emergency response. CPV codes and full scope are still in development

6 Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

Lot 6 is for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure, enabling systems. Includes Professional Services, Vehicle Charging points, Energy generation & storage, Infrastructure and ancillaries. Capabilities for each solution may include some or all of; supply of equipment, system installation and configuration, integration with existing systems, installation and decommissioning Services, Servicing and Maintenance Services, ongoing technical support, and term service maintenance. CPV codes and full scope are still in development

7 Systems & Platforms

Lot 7 is a lot, further divided into a sub-lotting structure, with a scope of; Lot 7a - System Integration - Combining client hardware, software, and other components to create a unified Transport. Activities include system Integration, Project Management, configuration, maintenance & Support, security & compliance Lot 7b - Smart Ticketing - System Integration specifically for Smart Ticketing / Integrated Travel. Covers Ticketing, Payment Systems, Customer Services, Back Office Tools and Ticketing solutions Lot 7c - Transport Network Management - Lot 8 covers back office requirements within Transport. This involves intelligent asset management capabilities, system packages, software and services to support network operation and management. CPV codes and full scope are still in development

8 Passive & Active Infrastructure

Lot 8 is a lot, further divided into a sub-lotting structure, with a scope of; Lot 8a - Systems and equipment to support the delivery, installation, and support of wired, wireless, and mobile transport communications; Lot 8b - Supply of goods, and where required, services of installation for Equipment cabinets, street furniture, fencing and security, equipment storage, minor structures, ancillaries Lot 8c - Lighting and Electrical - Permanently deployed lighting solutions for all transport modes and uses, including Professional Services that covers lighting design and review, street and exterior lighting equipment and associated equipment Lot 8d - Traffic Management Technologies - Requirements may include management of traffic during works, events, management of Traffic Regulation Orders and other associated services. Permanently deployed solutions and temporary are in scope. Lot 8e - Detectors, Informing & communication technologies, covering detectors, like CCTV, Informing systems like Variable Message Signs, and Communication Technologies, like emergency telephony, radio and satellite phones. CPV codes and full scope are still in development

CPV Codes

  • 34000000 - Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
  • 34900000 - Miscellaneous transport equipment and spare parts
  • 71600000 - Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services
  • 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
  • 73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
  • 73200000 - Research and development consultancy services
  • 73300000 - Design and execution of research and development
  • 79300000 - Market and economic research; polling and statistics
  • 72300000 - Data services
  • 18100000 - Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories
  • 31500000 - Lighting equipment and electric lamps
  • 32000000 - Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
  • 38700000 - Time registers and the like; parking meters
  • 48100000 - Industry specific software package
  • 31000000 - Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting
  • 38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
  • 38100000 - Navigational and meteorological instruments
  • 90700000 - Environmental services
  • 35000000 - Security, fire-fighting, police and defence equipment
  • 35100000 - Emergency and security equipment
  • 31100000 - Electric motors, generators and transformers
  • 31200000 - Electricity distribution and control apparatus
  • 30000000 - Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages
  • 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture
  • 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies
  • 48000000 - Software package and information systems
  • 48200000 - Networking, Internet and intranet software package
  • 48800000 - Information systems and servers
  • 31300000 - Insulated wire and cable
  • 32400000 - Networks
  • 50200000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment
  • 51300000 - Installation services of communications equipment

Other Information

Crown Commercial Service invites suggestions and feedback on the proposed structure of the Transport Technology structure, service lines or processes detailed in the Lots from the market including industry experts, specialists and suppliers. To participate in market engagement please access the linked specification document from our website, and the included survey. We will not be accepting direct communication and feedback for this exercise. We ask people accessing this engagement to not contact our corporate email inbox, or members of CCS teams. Please provide all feedback directly into the survey format. To access the specification, principles of the agreement and the questionnaire, go to our website: The survey covers your organisation, and gives space to provide feedback directly against aspects of the proposed structure. If for any reason you are unable to access the questionnaire please get in touch with so we can support access. ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** … A Future Opportunity on contract finder can be found here: This prior information notice replaces the previous PIN issued on the 08/03/2024 This prior information notice replaces the previous PIN issued on the 08/03/2024 This prior information notice replaces the previous PIN issued on the 27/11/2024 This prior information notice replaces the previous PIN issued on the 03/12/2024 This prior information notice replaces the previous PIN issued on the 04/12/2024

