2023-683 Interpreting LIDAR Scanning Data to assess Biomass & Carbon stocks

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
1 year
21 Jan 2025
01 Dec 2024 to 30 Nov 2025
14 Jun 2024 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Trinity Agtech
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

1 supplier


Interpreting Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Scanning Data to Assess Above and Below Ground Carbon (AGC/BGC) for Hedgerows and Trees and Run-off Risk Mapping on Farms in GB. AHDB is undertaking environmental baselining work on a group of farms expected to be in the range 120 - 200 farms across GB where it aims to establish a net carbon balance, taking account of GHG emissions and carbon stocks and sequestration, and capture a range of metrics of relevance to evaluating natural capital and monitoring the environmental impact of behaviour change. For this tender, AHDB are seeking a partner to assess above and below ground biomass (AGB/BGB) associated with woody biomass on the farms in this project and from that estimate the associated above and below ground carbon stocks. Most farms will be mixed farms with two or more enterprise types. Uncropped land such as woodland will also be included. AHDB intends to procure LIDAR scanning services to inform this assessment of 120-200 farms. It is expected that the successful tenderer will use these LIDAR datasets, accompanying aerial imagery and published allometric models for hedgerows, trees and woodland to derive above ground carbon stocks on farm along with other outputs of relevance to farmers and the baselining work. The Procurement Documents have been made directly available by AHDB by electronic means at https://defra-family.force.com/s/Welcome Opportunity: Interpreting Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Scanning Data to Assess Above and Below Ground Carbon (AGC/BGC) for Hedgerows and Trees and Run-off Risk Mapping on Farms in GB Ref 2023-683 Note: The stated value of the contract is based on the evaluation parameters as described in the Tender. However, dependent of land coverage and associated reporting, actual cost range may vary, but not exceed £200k.

Award Detail

1 Trinity Agtech (London)
  • Value: £64,000

CPV Codes

  • 72316000 - Data analysis services
  • 77100000 - Agricultural services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

LIDAR Intrepetation of Data TrinityAgtech Contract FV Dec 2024_Redacted LIDAR Intrepetation of Data TrinityAgtech Contract FV Dec 2024_Redacted.pdf

