UKHSA Diagnostics and Research Open Framework

A Pipeline Notice

Contracts Finder
Potential Framework (Products)
8 year
18 Dec 2024
01 Oct 2025 to 30 Sep 2033



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
UK Health Security Agency
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care acting through the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is seeking to appoint suppliers to a multi-lot open framework agreement. The proposed agreement, UKHSA Diagnostics and Research Framework, will source supplies and services for diagnostics and research activities. The term of the proposed open framework will be 8 years. The open framework shall be reopened to new suppliers at least twice within the 8 years. The UKHSA Diagnostics and Research Framework will include, but not be limited to, the supply of diagnostics goods or services for the qualitative/quantitative examination of specimens/samples and the supply of research use only goods or services for the qualitative/quantitative examination of specimens/samples. This open framework will be used to support UKHSA core functions and provide access partners with a route to source diagnostics and research equipment, consumables and services. The intention of this framework is to complement other frameworks in this space, such as the NHS Supply Chains Laboratory Diagnostics, Point of Care Testing and Pathology Managed Services Framework. Estimated cost excluding VAT £5,000,000,000 Lot 1 Diagnostics UKCA/CE Marked and MHRA approved Diagnostics equipment, consumables and maintenance supplies and related services Lot 2 Research and Development Equipment, maintenance, consumables, products and services for the purpose of research, experimentation, study or development.

CPV Codes

  • 38436100 - Mechanical shakers
  • 38430000 - Detection and analysis apparatus
  • 38433100 - Mass spectrometer
  • 73111000 - Research laboratory services
  • 50430000 - Repair and maintenance services of precision equipment
  • 33000000 - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
  • 33100000 - Medical equipments
  • 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products
  • 38950000 - Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment
  • 38431000 - Detection apparatus
  • 33141625 - Diagnostic kits
  • 33124100 - Diagnostic devices
  • 38434000 - Analysers
  • 38434500 - Biochemical analysers
  • 38434510 - Cytometers
  • 38434520 - Blood analysers
  • 38434540 - Biomedical equipment
  • 38434550 - Blood-cell counters
  • 38434570 - Haematology analysers
  • 38434580 - Immunoassay analysers
  • 50400000 - Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment
  • 50410000 - Repair and maintenance services of measuring, testing and checking apparatus
  • 50411000 - Repair and maintenance services of measuring apparatus
  • 50412000 - Repair and maintenance services of testing apparatus
  • 50413000 - Repair and maintenance services of checking apparatus
  • 50433000 - Calibration services
  • 71900000 - Laboratory services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Additional Information UK Health Security Agency as the contracting authority is putting in place an open framework for diagnostics and research equipment, consumables and related services. This framework will be used to support UKHSA core functions across its diagnostics and research activities. For more information see UKHSA 10 year science strategy - The framework is intended to be accessed by UK Public Sector bodies including UKHSA, the Department of Health and Social Care, Public Health Wales, Public Health Scotland, NHS Authorities and Trusts, Special Health Authorities, Local Authorities and any other NHS entity or successor body. (A complete list of NHS Authorities and Trusts and special health authorities can be found here: ). The framework can also be accessed by academic and charitable institutions. The framework value range is an estimate only and the values may vary dependent on the requirements of UKHSA and the other authorities who may choose to participate and purchase supplies and services over the life of the framework agreement. The framework value range of £5,000,000,000 GBP is an approximate estimate only. The actual values will be to such level as those purchasing under the Open Framework consider necessary to provide suitable requirements. UKHSA works with DHSC and the NHS in its role as a national and international emergency responder to current and emerging threats to public health. As demonstrated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the exact nature, timing and escalation of such threats (and the corresponding required responses) can be difficult to foresee, making any exercise in future value estimation unpredictable. The date listed as the "estimated date of publication of contract notice" is the date that UKHSA believes it will be able to start the tendering process. This date may be subject to change following feedback from suppliers regarding when they believe the market is in a position for a tender to submit tenders. UKHSA welcomes expressions of interest from SMEs and niche suppliers. All interested suppliers are required to register on the UKHSA eTendering Portal. All communications from suppliers must be sent through this platform. All information on future engagement events will be provided through this portal. Additionally, following the commencement of the Procurement Act 2023, all suppliers shall need to join the Central Digital Platform. The anticipated onboarding process shall begin from late January 2025. Please see the communications for the new platform below. :~:text=The CDP is the place,changed and other useful information.

