PenTesting as a Service - Software Platform

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Products)
3 year
18 Dec 2024
01 Jan 2024 to 31 Dec 2026
08 Dec 2023 17:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Cantium Business Solutions
Infinigate UK Limied
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

1 supplier


DN698506 - PenTesting as a Service (Software) Platform \r \r Cantium Business Solutions (Cantium) is a Local Authority Trading Company (LATCo), whose ultimate parent company is Kent County Council (KCC). Cantium provides ICT Managed Services to its customers across the UK within the Education, Local Authority, Health, and the Private sector. As a LATCo, we are proud of our Public Sector heritage, which has given us a foundation in business delivery and infrastructure insight. This uniquely enables us to drive innovation and progressive practices to deliver the best value for our clients. \r Cantium is looking to partner as a PTaaS (PenTest as a Service) reseller and license provider for PTaaS products for Cantium and for resale to its customers. \r Any contractual offer made will be against a zero-value agreement as any sales will be based on best value for ourselves and for our customers. \r This Agreement is for a 36 months term based on an initial fixed 12 month period, after which a 3 months break clause may be applied to the balance of the term by the buyer. The contract will expire in its entirety after the 36 months unless the break clause is applied earlier, or it is extended. \r The buyer has the right to request up to two separate 12-month extensions to this contract, providing the supplier with a minimum notice of 30 days prior to the contract end date. Therefore, the maximum possible contract length will be 60 months. \r Further background and technical information can be found within the Invitation to Tender (ITT) documentation. \r \r

Award Detail

1 Infinigate UK Limied (None)

CPV Codes

  • 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support

Other Information

Expressions of Interest and Tender Process \r Expressions of interest will only be accepted via the Kent Business Portal. In order to submit your interest in this opportunity please select the 'Login and Express an Interest' button. \r \r Please note that to successfully submit your interest you will first need to register for a Supplier account. \r After registration is complete and you've received your login details you should return to the advert for the opportunity and express your interest. You will then be emailed an invitation to submit a tender. \r \r Questions and Communication: \r Please direct all questions and communication through the Kent Business Portal via the Message facility. Communication will not be accepted via any other method. \r

