Brill Journals Read and Publish 2025/26

A Contract Award Notice

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Framework (Services)
not specified
17 Dec 2024
not specified




Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers
Jisc Services
Koninklijke Brill
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

2 buyers

1 supplier


Jisc Services Ltd has entered into a contract with Brill to offer Jisc members the opportunity to subscribe to and publish articles in Brill’s journals, focussing on the Humanities and Social Sciences, International Law and selected areas in the Sciences.

Total Quantity or Scope

The service is for use by Jisc members and not for Jisc's own use.

Award Detail

1 Koninklijke Brill (Leiden)
  • Brill Journals Read and Publish 2025/26
  • Reference: 1
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £600,000

Award Criteria


CPV Codes

  • 80000000 - Education and training services


  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

The scope of the framework covers purchases by public sector organisations, including but not limited to the following: • Higher Education institutions • Further Education institutions • Consortiums and any other Organisation or Body whose core purpose is the support or advancement of further or higher education or of research. • Any other education institute such as Schools or Colleges • Multi Academy Trusts and other such organisations established and acting on behalf Schools and Colleges • Specialist Colleges Research Council establishments • Charities and Third sector organisations • Local Authorities • Housing Associations • NHS bodies and bodies acting on behalf of the NHS • Emergency services and bodies acting on behalf of the NHS • Regional Broadband Consortia and any other the organisations connected to or eligible to connect to the Janet network. • JSL, Jisc, any Jisc subsidiaries and its members. • Any other wider public sector organisation. The framework is open to organisations in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, as well as members of NRENs outside the UK. Many of the above organisations are members of higher and further education purchasing consortia. These consortia are independent organisations that provide a wide range of collaborative purchase agreements to their member institutions. Any member of one of these consortia will be eligible to purchase from this framework by virtue of its membership, as will members of any other similar purchasing consortium in higher or further education that might be formed during the lifetime of the framework. The Framework is available for use by any National Research and Education Network (NREN) and the community it serves where the NREN has either a direct connection to Janet or the NREN is a member at any time during the period of this framework, or the consortium that operates GÉANT. GÉANT is the pan-European research and education network that interconnects Europe’s NRENs. A list of members of the GÉANT consortium (GÉANT Partners) may be found at the URL below. GÉANT may also use this framework. The framework is available for use by HEAnet, its subsidiaries, member institutions and customers to include schools serviced by the HEAnet school’s network. As HEAnet, the NREN of the Republic of Ireland, is connected both to Janet and is a member of the GÉANT consortium. Membership lists for existing higher and further education purchasing consortia may be found at: • ( ( ( ( (!/members (!/members

