North Northamptonshire Council - Provision of 0-19 (Children and Young People) Services

A Contract Award Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
9 year (est.)
05 Dec 2024
To 19 Oct 2033 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 2 suppliers
North Northamptonshire Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


This notice is an intention to award a contract under the competitive process. North Northamptonshire Council (hereafter referred to as the "Council") wishes to invite Tender Responses for the Provision of 0-19 (Children and Young People) Services in North Northamptonshire. In order to deliver services to support children and young people in North Northamptonshire using an evidence-based approach and health need assessment, the 0 - 19 service has been split into two lots: 0-11 and 11-19. Lot 1: 0-11 Service, fully integrated with Family Hubs: Lot 1 provides a fully integrated service for families with children aged 0-11, linked to Family Hubs. It includes the Healthy Child Programme, which focuses on early childhood health through regular reviews, immunizations, and health education. There is targeted support for vulnerable parents, expanded access to services, and initiatives like the Infant Feeding Service to promote breastfeeding. The Parent and Infant Mental Health Programme supports emotional wellbeing, while the National Child Weight Management Programme monitors and addresses childhood obesity. All programs aim to reduce health inequalities and improve outcomes for families. Contract Duration - 60 months with the preferred Potential Supplier, with an option to extend for 48 months, making 108 months in total. Contract Value - The Contract has a maximum total budget of £44,473,320 for Lot One (exclusive of VAT) for the delivery of the requirement as set out in the Specification. Lot 2: 11+-19 Service, with a focus on local priorities: The Service, led by Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (School Nurses), aims to support the health and wellbeing of school-aged children through a comprehensive, no wrong door approach. The service includes health education, immunizations, and safeguarding, along with specialized support in key areas such as mental health and emotional wellbeing, promoting healthy relationships, encouraging healthier lifestyle choices, and reducing risk-taking behaviours. Additionally, the service provides guidance to help young people transition smoothly into adulthood and become work-ready. Contract Duration - 36 months with the preferred Potential Supplier, with an option to extend for 48 months, making 84 months in total. Contract Value - The Contract has a maximum total budget of £7,000,000 for Lot Two (exclusive of VAT) for the delivery of the requirement as set out in the Specification. The contract for this project will be awarded via the Competitive Process, subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award. This is an existing service however the model has been adapted. This is an existing provider.

Lot Division

1 The Best Start in Life

Contract Value - The Contract has a maximum annual budget of £44,473,320 for Lot One (exclusive of VAT) for the delivery of the requirement as set out in the Specification.

2 Thriving in Life

Contract Value - The Contract has a maximum annual budget of £7,000,000 for Lot Two (exclusive of VAT) for the delivery of the requirement as set out in the Specification.

Award Detail

1 Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Trust (Kettering)
  • Lot 1 - The Best Start in Life for Children in North Northamptonshire
  • Num offers: 5
  • Value: £51,473,320
2 Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Trust (Kettering)
  • Lot 2 - Thriving in Life
  • Num offers: 5
  • Value: £7,000,000

Award Criteria

Quality 80.0
PRICE 20.0

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Options are available.
  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

Lot one will run for 60 months with the preferred Potential Supplier. The contract will start on 1st July 2025 until 30th June 2030 with an option to extend for 48 months, making 108 months in total until 30th June 2034. Lot two will run for 36 months with the preferred Potential Supplier. The contract will start on 1st July 2025 until 30th June 2028 with an option to extend for 48 months, making 84 months in total until 30th June 2032. The contract award criteria are specified in the procurement documents. This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) intention to award notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award. The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill period. Representations by providers must be made to the relevant authority by Thursday 18th December 2024. This contract has not yet formally been awarded; this notice serves as an intention to award a contract under the competitive process of the PSR. Any representations should be sent via the messaging section on the intend portal for this project (NNC00000583 North Northamptonshire Council - Provision of 0-19 (Children and Young People) Services) and via email to North Northamptonshire Council Public Health Commissioning Team were the award decision-makers. Note any declared conflicts or potential conflicts of interest of individuals making the decision and how these were managed - There are no identified conflicts of interest. Providers were asked to demonstrate and evidence, by responding to specific questions, how their proposed service will deliver the Northamptonshire Council - Provision of 0-19 (Children and Young People) Services.

