DPS for Schools and Other Transport (Taxi & Private Hire Car) New or Re-apply

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Dps (Services)
4.5 year
14 Nov 2024
To 19 Apr 2034 (est.)
13 Aug 2029 11:00



Stirling and within in it's boundaries, however there will be times when there will be cross boundaries for school pupils

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Stirling Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


Establish a DPS (Dynamic Purchasing system) for the provision of school, social care and other transport by Taxi/Private Hire Car (PHC)– 8 or less passenger seats. This is to meet the education and social care needs of children and vulnerable adults as well as other passenger or goods transport requirements. This Service will also incorporate Demand Responsive Transport (DRT). Most of the transport will be within Stirling Council area, but there will also be cross-boundary requirements ranging beyond the Council area. Note: This second contract notice is for new companies wishing to apply or companies who would like to re-apply that may not have been added to the DPS on the first round.

Lot Division

1 Schools and Other Transport (Taxi & Private Hire Car) New or Re-Apply

Establish a DPS (Dynamic Purchasing system) for the provision of Statutory Transport Journeys on behalf of Stirling Council. This includes school, social care, Additional Support needs (ASN) and other transport by Taxi/Private Hire Car (PHC) – 8 or less passenger seats. … Note: This second notice is for new companies only who wish to apply or companies who would like to re-apply that may not have been added to the DPS on the first round (cross reference contract Document ID 758054, Notice ID MAR01219) Additional information: A DPS is a completely electronic system where suppliers can apply to join at any time during the course of the DPS. As per point II.2.10 above - This to encourage Small Medium Enterprises (SME's) to engage with Stirling council, options and variants that meet the minimum requirement in specification will be considered.

2 Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) (New or Re-apply)

Stirling Council commissions a range of passenger transport services, including local bus services for the general public, demand responsive transport (DRT), home-to-school transport and transport for adults and children with social or welfare needs. These services are co-ordinated by the Council’s Public Transport Unit, based in Stirling Bus Station. Lot 2 - Is for Demand Responsive Transport Note: This second notice is for new companies only who wish to apply or companies who would like to re-apply that may not have been added to the DPS on the first round (cross reference contract notice Document ID 758054, Notice ID MAR50219. Additional information: As per point II.2.10 above - This to encourage Small Medium Enterprises (SME's) to engage with Stirling council, options and variants that meet the minimum requirement in specification will be considered.

Award Criteria

Quality 10
price 90

CPV Codes

  • 60120000 - Taxi services
  • 60170000 - Hire of passenger transport vehicles with driver
  • 60130000 - Special-purpose road passenger-transport services


  • Variant bids may be considered.
  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Renewals are available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** NOTE:This notice is for NEW APPLICANTS/RE-APPLY ONLY I.E CO'S that didn't apply under the first contract notice no ID no MAR501219 published on 13/03//2024 and CO's that may not have passed the selection criteria first time round,Companies may re-apply. Mini-Comps will take place during the lifetime of the DPS - 57 months which is budget dependent, therefore DPS/Contracts may end prior to this. There is no guaranteed spend nor the number of contracts awarded under this DPS. Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Where the total value of individual or collective contracts in this DPS exceeds 35,000 GBP successful bidders are required to provide community benefits proportional to the value of the contracts awarded. Contracts awarded under the DPS involve the transport of children and/or vulnerable adults. This is classed as regulated work under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007, therefore any person undertaking regulated work must be a member of the PVG scheme for the type of work being undertaken prior to any contracts being awarded. Suppliers must have the relevant licence(s) or permits at the award stage i.e Private Hire, Taxi Operator etc as well as appropriate insurances. The minimum selection criteria for appointment to the DPS is successful completion of SPD(s)including PVG. The award criteria may be more precisely formulated at tender stage (mini-competitions). This may involve changes to the current 90/10 weightings and there may be further quality criteria added. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland Web Site at https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=774119. The buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/sitehelp/help_guides.aspx. Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. (SC Ref:774119) Download the ESPD document here: https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/ESPD/ESPD_Download.aspx?id=774119

