WH24006 Occupational Health Services

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
05 Nov 2024
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 3 suppliers
Wolverhampton City Council
Kays Medical
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

3 suppliers


Wolverhampton Homes (WH) employs approximately 690 employees which comprises of management, professional, technical, administrative, and manual and trade employees. WH is conducting this procurement with a view to putting in place new contracts for: -Lot 1 - Occupational Health Nurse -Lot 2 - Occupational Health Doctor -Lot 3 - Physiotherapy Services The service will be a strategic part of WH’s commitment to be an employer of choice, enhancing employee health and wellbeing and encouraging staff to live healthier lifestyles to prevent health problems occurring and an effect on performance and attendance. The service will operate as an integral part of WH’s Health and Wellbeing strategies. This contract will be for 4 years starting on 1st January 2025 until 31st December 2029.

Lot Division


The procurement procedure followed for this service is in accordance with The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023, No. 1348 - PART 2 - Regulation 11,The Competitive Process. Regulations 6(7) and 11 set out the process that the authority must follow when awarding a contract under the competitive process. The key criteria / award criteria split is as follows; Lot 1 (Occupational Health Nurse) – Integration, collaboration, and service sustainability 15% Quality and Innovation 20% Improving access, reducing health inequalities and facilitating change 30% Social Value 5% Value 30% In accordance with Schedule 10, please note this is an intention to award notice. The winning bidder, scored the highest based on an evaluation against the stipulated Key Criteria, detailed above and in the original tender documents. Details of the individuals who made the decision:- Head of People, HR Business Partner and Head of Homelessness and Specialist Support There were no declared or potential conflicts of interest. This is an existing service and the sucessful bidder is a new provider. The service start date is intended to commence 01.01.25 for a four year period expiring 31.12.29.

Award Criteria
Quality 70
Price 30

The procurement procedure followed for this service is in accordance with The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023, No. 1348 - PART 2 - Regulation 11,The Competitive Process. Regulations 6(7) and 11 set out the process that the authority must follow when awarding a contract under the competitive process. Lot 2 - Occupational Health Doctor The Service Provider shall aim to reduce the amount of time lost from the employees’ place of work, through - 1. Support employees who are absent from work through illness for an effective return to work making recommendations where appropriate and in line with The Equality Act 2010. 2. Recommend where appropriate eligibility for ill health retirement. 3. Offering sound and practical advice to prevent the reoccurrence of injury/illness where medically possible. The key criteria / award criteria split is as follows; Lot 2 (Occupational Health Doctor) – Integration, collaboration, and service sustainability 25% Quality and Innovation 15% Improving access, reducing health inequalities, and facilitating change 25% Social Value 5% Value 30% In accordance with Schedule 10, please note this is an intention to award notice. The winning bidder, scored the highest based on an evaluation against the stipulated Key Criteria, detailed above and in the original tender documents. Details of the individuals who made the decision:- Head of People, HR Business Partner and Head of Homelessness and Specialist Support There were no declared or potential conflicts of interest. This is an existing service and the sucessful bidder is the current service provider. The service start date is intended to commence 01.01.25 for a four year period expiring 31.12.29.

Award Criteria
Quality 70
Price 30

The procurement procedure followed for this service is in accordance with The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023, No. 1348 - PART 2 - Regulation 11,The Competitive Process. Regulations 6(7) and 11 set out the process that the authority must follow when awarding a contract under the competitive process. Lot 3 … The Service Provider shall aim to reduce the amount of time lost from the employees’ place of work, through - 1. early intervention in order to prevent sickness absence 2. prevent re-occurrence of sickness absence where possible. The key criteria / award criteria split is as follows; Lot 3 (Physiotherapy) – Integration, collaboration, and service sustainability 20% Quality and Innovation 15% Improving access, reducing health inequalities, and facilitating change 25% Social Value 5% Value 35% In accordance with Schedule 10, please note this is an intention to award notice. The winning bidder, scored the highest based on an evaluation against the stipulated Key Criteria, detailed above and in the original tender documents. Details of the individuals who made the decision:- Head of People, HR Business Partner and Head of Homelessness and Specialist Support There were no declared or potential conflicts of interest. This is an existing service and the sucessful bidder is the current service provider. The service start date is intended to commence 01.01.25 for a four year period expiring 31.12.29.

Award Criteria
Quality 65
Price 35

Award Detail

1 Kays Medical (Liverpool)
  • WH24006 Occupational Health Services- Occupational Health Nurse
  • Reference: 035827-2024-wh24006-1
  • Value: £180,880
2 BHSF Oh (Birmingham)
  • Occupational Health Nurse
  • Reference: 035827-2024-wh24006-2
  • Value: £41,080
3 NJB Physiotherapy (Wolverhampton)
  • Physiotherapy Services
  • Reference: 035827-2024-wh24006-3
  • Value: £77,160

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services
  • 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

