Non-Medical Help Student Support

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
4 year
16 Oct 2024
16 Aug 2024 to 15 Aug 2028
27 Jun 2024 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Southampton University
Diversity & Ability
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

1 supplier


The University of Southampton is looking to enter into a 4-year contract with a supplier for the provision of Non-Medical Help student support (NMH). NMH support is provided on an individual basis, through recommendation from the University of Southampton's Student Disability and Inclusion team. The NHM will focus on 5 primary areas of support: • Mentoring support (Mental Health) • Mentoring support(Autism) • Specialist Study Skills Support (SPLD) • Specialist Study Skills Support (Autism) • Assistive Technology Training The supplier of the NMH provision should be a registered Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) provider of the above NMH support areas. This is due to funding body guidelines and NMH qualification criteria. It also supports students who transition from University funded NMH support to DSA funded NMH support.

Award Detail

1 Diversity & Ability (Brighton)
  • Value: £359,532

CPV Codes

  • 80340000 - Special education services
  • 80400000 - Adult and other education services
  • 80533000 - Computer-user familiarisation and training services
  • 80570000 - Personal development training services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

E-Tendering Portal: The University is utilising an electronic tendering tool, In-Tend ( universityofsouthampton) to manage this procurement and to communicate with potential tenderers. All documentation in relation to this tender can be downloaded from In-Tend. Potential tenderers are advised that there will be no hard copy documents issued and all communications with the University, including the submission of Selection Stage and/or Invitation to Tender responses will be conducted via In-Tend. Regular monitoring of the portal is the responsibility of the potential tenderer. If you are not already registered as a supplier with the University of Southampton, you will need to register in In-Tend in order to access the procurement documentation. Once you have logged in as a supplier: click on 'Tenders'; locate the relevant project; and click 'View Details'. Once you are in the project screen, you will be able to register your organisation against the project and access all documentation by clicking 'Express Interest'. Potential suppliers/tenderers are advised that formal expressions of interest in the project must be by way of completion and return of the relevant documents via In-Tend. Further instructions for the submission of responses are below: To submit your return: 1. Log in 2. Click 'Tenders' 3. Locate the relevant project 4. View details 5. Click on the tab relating to the relevant project stage (e.g. 'Invitation to Tender') 6. Click on the 'Attach Documents' button and upload your return. 7. Check ALL your response documents are uploaded and displayed in the 'My Tender Return' panel. The system will only permit your organisation to make one return. 8. Click the red 'Submit Return' button. Please note, to preserve the integrity of the procurement, all communications with the University must be made via the correspondence function within In-Tend. Publication of Award Details: In accordance with Regulation 50, paragraph (2) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and subject to Article 5 and Annex 5, Part D (13) of Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (if applicable), the University intends to publish the value of any resulting contract at the award stage, and reserves the right to do so. By submitting a response, potential tenderers are consenting to publication of this information unless otherwise agreed in advance with the University. Costs and Expenses: Potential tenderers are solely responsible for their costs and expenses incurred in connection with the preparation and submission of responses and participation in this and all future stages of this procurement. Under no circumstances will the University be liable for any costs or expenses borne by potential tenderers or any of their supply chain, partners or advisers in this procurement process. The University is not liable for any costs in the event of the cancellation of this procurement process.

