High speed & ultra Centrifuges, rotors and services

A Prior Information Notice

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Contract (Services)
3 year
04 Oct 2024
To 04 Dec 2027 (est.)
04 Dec 2024 12:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

2 buyers


The Medicines and Healthcare productsRegulatory Agency (MHRA) is anexecutive agency (Agency) of theDepartment of Health and Social Care inthe United Kingdom. It ensures thatmedicines and medical devices work andare acceptably safe.MHRA responsibilities include:•Ensuring that medicines, medical devicesand blood components meet applicablestandards of safety, quality and efficacy.•Ensuring that the supply chain formedicines, medical devices and bloodcomponents is safe and secure.•Promoting international standardisationand harmonisation to assure theeffectiveness and safety of biologicalmedicines.•Helping to educate the public andhealthcare professionals about the risksand benefits of medicines, medicaldevices and blood components, leading tosafer and more effective use.•Supporting innovation and research anddevelopment that’s beneficial to publichealth.•Working collaboratively with partners inthe UK and internationally to support ourmission to enable the earliest access tosafe medicines and medical devices andto protect public health.MHRA's mission is to assure the quality ofbiological medicines and medical devices.At the heart of this ground breakingresearch, is the preparation, storage andworldwide distribution of World HealthOrganization international standards andreference materials as benchmarks forproduct quality, which are used byindustry, regulatory authorities andresearchers world-wide. MHRA alsoproduces reagents essential for theproduction of influenza vaccines eachyear and quality control reagents for theNational Blood Service to help assure thesafety of the UK blood supply.We currently distribute materials to inexcess of 95 countries around the globe.These materials are transported underthree temperature zones, Ambient, chilled2˚c - 8˚c (ice packs), frozen -20˚C (Dryice). These consignments have avalidated cold chain life of between 96 and120 hours. Due to the distances involvedand the vagaries of local customspractices, firm management and control ofthe consignments is imperative.During the preceding four years we haveseen our volumes grow year on year bythe order of 12.5%. It is envisaged that thetotal expenditure for 2025/26 will be in theapproximately £1,200,000 for allmovement types. It would be the intentionof the Agency to achieve some significantsavings through this process whilstretaining high success rates in its deliveryobjectives.You as our courier, shall be crucial inensuring this.

Lot Division

1 5 Worldwide Courier Ambient
  • Value: £820K

Worldwide Couriers - Ambient . Please refer to the envelope questions associated with this lot

2 6 Worldwide Courier Cold Chain
  • Value: £950K

Worldwide Couriers - Cold Chain.Please refer to the envelope questions associated with this lot

3 7 Freight Forwarding
  • Value: £4M

Freight Forwarding.Please refer to the envelope questions associated with this lot

4 8 UK Specialist Courier

UK Specialist Courier.Please refer to the envelope questions associated with this lot

5 2 Technical envelope

Technical envelope questions shall be in the attached document

6 3 Commercial envelope

Commercial envelope price matrix shall be in the attached document

Award Criteria
7 4 Social Value

Social Value Envelope

CPV Codes

  • 64121000 - Multi-modal courier services


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

If Suppliers are unable to express their interest via this esourcing tool please contact PIN owner at the email address provided

