Supported Accommodation - Supported Lodgings

A Prior Information Notice (Social)

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
5 year (est.)
06 Sep 2024
To 06 Sep 2029 (est.)



The majority of the service will be delivered in Hampshire, however the Council requires 10 beds in Worthing, Aldershot and Reading

Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Hampshire County Council
Step by Step Partnership
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

1 supplier


Hampshire County Council (the "Council") is looking to commission high quality supported accommodation, in the form of supported lodgings placements to children and young people aged 16 to 21 for whom the Council has a duty to offer accommodation. Supported accommodation provides accommodation with support for 16- and 17- year-old looked after children and care leavers (18-21 years old), to enable them to live independently. As children grow up and approach adulthood, they gradually gain more independence from their parents. The care system seeks to replicate this transition to independence for looked after children and care leavers. While most children in the care system will be best placed in foster care or a children's home, from the age of 16, a looked after child can leave care (becoming a 'Care leaver') and/or move to supported accommodation if they are ready for it. This provision can be appropriate for some older children where it is what they want, and it can meet their needs and keep them safe as part of a carefully managed transition to independence. The aim of supported accommodation is to support young people to develop their independence in preparation for adult living while keeping them safe in a homely and nurturing environment. The Council is already commissioning a range of different provisions to meet the needs of 16 to 21 years olds: The Council is looking to put in place a block contract to cover supported lodgings, low lodgings and the retainer and fixed service price element of the emergency bed service. This will be reconciled back to the number of beds that the host can provide. Further details are in the payment schedule of the contract. The emergency beds occupancy per night, any floating support required and the cost to the Council of paying rent where it is not covered by housing benefit is outside of the block and will be paid on delivery.

Total Quantity or Scope

This is an open style procurement run under the light touch regime. The Authority will enter into a single contract with the successful supplier to cover low lodgings, supported lodgings and emergency beds. Interested parties should register their interest in the project via the In-Tend website, and complete and submit the tender return document together with any supporting information requested by 14.00 hrs on Friday 2nd August 2024.

Award Detail

1 Step by Step Partnership (Aldershot)
  • Num offers: 3
  • Value: £6,800,000

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


