BCU-OJEU-56712 - Provision of Primary Care Dental Services

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
10 year
06 Sep 2024
To 07 Oct 2034 (est.)
07 Oct 2024 12:00



St Asaph

Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership Procurement Services
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Health Board wishes to receive bids from dental healthcare providers with the necessary capacity and capability (or a demonstrable ability to provide the necessary capacity and capability) to provide the range of services required for the specified lots . Within this tender opportunity, BCUHB is seeking to commission the provision of the following: LOT 1: General Dental Services LOT 2: Orthodontic Services LOT 3: Oral Surgery (Intermediate, Tier 2) LOT 4: Recurrent Non-Urgent Access Sessions

Lot Division

1 General Dental Services
  • Duration: 5 year

BCUHB is seeking to commission the provision of further additional dental services aimed at improving access levels across the region, in particular in those areas identified with low access rates and/or high oral health needs. The Health Board is interested in receiving Expressions of Interest from new or existing Providers wishing to either increase service levels at an existing practice or establish services at a new practice. The objectives of this Dental Procurement scheme are: -To introduce additional capacity targeted towards increasing the proportion of the population able to access NHS General Dental Services -To improve the accessibility to primary care dental services for patients seeking an NHS dentist -To ensure that provision should be safe, effective, of high quality and available equitably to the whole population. In order to deliver these objectives, the Health Board wishes to procure additional general dental services targeted at those areas of North Wales identified with existing low levels of access to dental services. Bidders will be expected to present an accommodation solution for the delivery of the service in their bid proposal. BCU Health Board Priority Areas by District/Catchment: Patients within these areas would see the greatest benefit and the areas that should be initially targeted: -Anglesey -Arfon -Conwy West -Dwyfor and North Meirionydd -North Denbighshire -South Flintshire -South Wrexham

2 Orthodontic Services
  • Duration: 10 year

BCUHB is seeking to commission the provision of Orthodontic Services aimed at improving access levels within the East region. The Health Board is interested in receiving tender applications from new or existing Providers wishing to either increase service levels at an existing practice or establish services at a new practice. It should be noted that additional General Dental Services are expected to be commissioned within Wrexham and Flintshire areas to meet the routine treatment needs prior to and between orthodontic assessments The objectives of this Dental Procurement scheme are: -To introduce additional capacity targeted towards increasing the proportion of the population able to access NHS Orthodontic Services within the East area. -To improve the accessibility to Orthodontic Services for patients seeking an NHS dentist within the East area. -To ensure that provision should be safe, effective, of high quality and available equitably to the whole population.

3 Oral Surgery (Intermediate, Tier 2)
  • Duration: 1.5 year

BCUHB is seeking to commission the provision Tier 2 Oral Surgery dental services aimed at improving access levels across the region, in particular in those areas identified with low access rates and/or high oral health needs. The Health Board is interested in receiving tender applications from new or existing Providers wishing to either increase their current service levels to include this service at an existing practice or establish services at a new practice. The objectives of this Dental Procurement scheme are: -To introduce additional capacity targeted towards increasing the proportion of the population able to access NHS Tier 2 Oral Surgery Dental Services in the West and Central areas -To improve the accessibility to Intermediate Tier Oral Surgery dental services for patients seeking an NHS dentist in the West and Central areas -To ensure that provision should be safe, effective, of high quality and available equitably to the whole population. In order to deliver these objectives, the Health Board wishes to procure Oral Surgery (Tier 2) dental services targeted in the West and Central areas with existing low levels of access to Oral Surgery (Tier 2) dental services.

4 Recurrent Non-Urgent Access Sessions
  • Duration: 5 year

BCUHB is seeking to commission the provision Non-Urgent Access Sessions aimed at improving access levels across the region, particularly those areas identified with low access rates and/or high oral health needs. The Health Board is interested in receiving tender applications from new or existing Providers wishing to either increase service levels at an existing practice or establish services at a new practice. The Access Sessions will enable patients, including sporadic and infrequent attenders, to have: -a timely dental service offer planned to meet the pattern of how some people want to use services. -access ongoing oral healthcare and personalised prevention to reduce the reliance on urgent dental care services -a resumption of normal activity such as work, parenting and education due to prompt access and treatment if there are urgent and ongoing treatment needs. There is a need for these sessions to accommodate those patients that choose to access NHS Dental Services sporadically or find themselves without a regular dentist or have historically struggled to access an NHS dental practice and require priority, but not urgent, treatment and those patients who were actively receiving NHS treatment and are under an open course of treatment, but the practice is no longer providing NHS dental services.

CPV Codes

  • 85131000 - Dental-practice services
  • 85130000 - Dental practice and related services
  • 85131100 - Orthodontic services
  • 85131110 - Orthodontic-surgery services


  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

Please see documentation on the eTender Wales Bravo Solutions web portal. NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at https://www.sell2wales.gov.wales/search/search_switch.aspx?ID=144384 (WA Ref:144384) The buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia.

