MET Accutrace Fuel Analysers

A Addendum Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Goods)
not specified
07 Aug 2024
not specified



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
HM Revenue & Customs
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


HMRC is responsible for the administration and collection of over £780 billion of revenue every year. One of the key sources of revenue collection for which the organisation is responsible is duty on road fuels, which in 2022 exceeded £24 billion. HMRC Oils Policy is designed to reduce the level of fraud in the fuels sector by focusing on large-scale criminal and commercial misuse by combining law enforcement action with more control of the sale and distribution of rebated fuels. This policy is enforced in part by 8 Mobile Enforcement Units (METs) located throughout the UK. These teams are responsible for detecting and deterring oils fraud by, for example, testing the fuel in road vehicles, fuel retail stations and stock tanks. To test fuel MET use, HMRC has converted vans into laboratory workspaces. These workspaces contain fuel testing equipment ranging from simple chemical reactive tests to Gas Chromatography. In January 2024 an additional marker was added to rebated fuel. This marker is known under its trade name as Accutrace Plus. To support HMRC's analysis HMRC capabilities, we are looking for a supplier who can provide an analysis product which can be deployed in a mobile setting (i.e. in the back of a van) and detect and if possible quantify : • butoxy benzene (butyl phenyl ether) in fuels (primarily diesel and kerosene) marked at a minimum concentration of 9.5 milligram per litre (Accutrace Plus). A system which can also detect Accutrace S10 (details below) preferably in the same test would be desireable. • ((3-(sec-butyl)-4-(decyloxy)phenyl)methanetriyl)tribenzene in fuels (primarily diesel and kerosene) marked at a minimum concentration of 2.5 milligram per litre (Accutrace S10). Duration 3 Years + 2 As part of the evaluation process, it will be necessary to carry out tests on a working version of the analyser to provide assurance of its ability to meet HMRC's performance standards in a mobile setting. Therefore, although a phased approach to the introduction of the analysers may be agreed between the Authority and the successful bidder post award, bidders will need to be able to provide a working example for testing during the evaluation period. Interested suppliers should note that they will be required to provide a mobile testing unit and all required supporting equipment to HMRC, Carne House, Belfast for testing late August 2024 (according to current tender timescales which may change). Testing of this unit will form part of the evaluation that will inform the tender award alongside an additional written proposal, cost model and social value response. The procurement event will go live on 10th July 2024 and close on 14th August 2024. Please see the Additional Information section for details of how to access the event.

Ammendments to Previous Notice

2. II.1.4

The procurement event will close on 14th 28th August 2024.

3. IV.2.2

Wed Aug 14 28 14:00:00 2024

CPV Codes

  • 38432000 - Analysis apparatus

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

