Provision of Personal Domiciliary Care and Support in a Supported Living setting, for people experiencing mental health illness or borderline learning disability and who may have a range of other social, physical and substance misuse related difficulties

A Prior Information Notice

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Future Contract (Services)
not specified
14 Jun 2024
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Cardiff Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


The Council has existing supported living services and is currently developing additional services for the above individuals. The main principles of supported living are to increase each person’s individual independence and skills through the provision of tenancy-based accommodation and care and support. Our supported living model is a Core and Cluster model where people have individual tenancies in blocks or clusters of flats where background and visiting support can be provided along with each person receiving an individual care and support package. It is expected that the care and support service will be delivered to up to 30 individuals living at 4 schemes in Cardiff. The extent of the services we will require will be dependent on the varying needs of the Individuals and their outcomes, which will be identified through their initial and ongoing care and support wellbeing assessments. It is anticipated that a core minimum number of approx. 285 hours per week of care and support will be required as well as 56 additional hours per week for a sleep-in service at one of the schemes. It is anticipated that the number of hours of care that we require in any one week will most likely exceed the Core Hours, therefore we will require Additional Hours of care and support. The additional hours of care and support we will likely require will depend on the needs of the individuals who will receive the service. The service is intended to provide Individuals with the opportunity to stabilise their lives, better manage and/or improve their mental and physical health, improve their overall quality of life, self-esteem and increase their independence. A key role for services will be to support people to regain their place in the communities where they live and take part in mainstream activities and opportunities along with everyone else. Taking part in social, educational, training, volunteering and employment opportunities can support the process of individual recovery. The contract length will be for 4 years plus up to 24 months extension.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services
  • 85300000 - Social work and related services


Other Information

NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at (WA Ref:142239)

