YPO - 001229 Network Connectivity and Telecommunication Solutions II

A Tender Notice
by YPO

Find a Tender
Framework (Services)
4 year
29 May 2024
01 Oct 2024 to 30 Sep 2028
12 Jul 2024 14:00




Geochart for 3 buyers and 0 suppliers
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

3 buyers


YPO are looking for Providers to be appointed onto a Framework Agreement for the provision of Network Connectivity, cyber security, telecommunication and mobile, voice and data services inclusive of all products, solutions, and associated services. Incorporating technologies that are currently available and those which evolve through the lifetime of the Framework. The Framework is designed to meet the needs of all public sector organisations which includes YPO’s and NEPO’s internal requirements, by establishing an agreement where the end customer will place orders directly with the Provider on a ‘contract’ basis and the Provider will deliver direct to the end customer on an agreed basis.

Lot Division

1 Wide Area Network (WAN) Services

• Provision of wide area data connectivity services, both public and private, to connect multiple customer sites/networks/devices and transmit data across a broad geographical area • Deliver reliable connections which provide high availability with flexible bandwidth options to allow for customer scalability and future expansion/upgrade • Solutions must accommodate connectivity to a wide range of available (and evolving) connections and technologies, inclusive of the Internet of Things (IOT) • Products, works, and services to deliver the solution including network equipment, hardware, and software relative for the delivery of this Lot • Service provision to support components through to the full end-to-end solution where required by the customer, including but not limited to help desk support, maintenance, monitoring and management. These services should be tailored to individual customer requirements and may be provided in elements, or as a fully managed service by the Provider. • The Provider must be an accredited provider of WAN connectivity solutions with appropriate accreditation which validates their expertise and service quality, such as top level (expert) vendor accreditation or approved partner status, in line with at least one enterprise network provider/vendor at minimum.

Award Criteria
Quality 55.0
Cost 30.0
Social Value/Sustainability 15.0
2 Local Area Network (LAN) Services

• A fully functional, single point connectivity solution to connect multiple devices and transmit data across a localised area, either at a single site, or multiple sites within the same locale. This includes multiple interconnected LAN’s such as, but not limited to, Campus Area Networks (CAN) and Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN). • Deliver reliable connections which provide high availability with flexible bandwidth options to allow for customer scalability and future expansion/upgrade • Solutions must accommodate connectivity to a wide range of available (and evolving) connections and technologies, inclusive of the Internet of Things (IOT) • Products, works, and services to deliver the solution including network equipment, hardware and software relative for the delivery of this Lot including but not limited to cabling and storage area network (SAN) equipment • Services to support the full end-to-end solution where required by the customer, including but not limited to help desk support, maintenance, monitoring and management. These services should be tailored to individual customer requirements and may be provided in elements, or as a fully managed service by the Provider. • The Provider must be an accredited provider of LAN connectivity solutions with appropriate accreditation which validates their expertise and service quality, such as top level (expert) vendor accreditation or approved partner status, in line with at least one enterprise network provider/vendor at minimum.

Award Criteria
Quality 55.0
Social Value/Sustainability 15.0
Cost 30.0
3 Education Connectivity & Associated Services

• Provision of WAN and LAN data connectivity services meeting the specification requirements as detailed in Lot 1 and Lot 2. • Deliver reliable connections which provide high availability with flexible bandwidth options to allow for customer scalability and future expansion/upgrade • Internet Service Provider (ISP) subscription services such as internet access and data transit, domain name registration, email access, web hosting, remote access and home working solutions, performance monitoring etc. • The Provider acting as an ISP must deliver layer 2 services wherever possible, to ensure integrity and control of the network and maintain/manage their network of connections • Provision of safeguarding, web filtering and security solutions to protect networks, devices and data to defend from cyber-attacks, which can be delivered ‘as a service’, managed, or unmanaged by the Provider • Core services, where applicable should include and provide an anti-ddos service • Provide a centralised platform to deliver access to all customer data and connectivity, filtering, firewall and monitoring services which enables reporting/analysis and management • Provide customers with full access to a connectivity monitoring platform showing information such as but not limited to circuit and router health, uptime and bandwidth statistics, diagnostic tools • Solutions must accommodate connectivity to a wide range of available (and evolving) connections and technologies, inclusive of the Internet of Things (IOT) • Products, works, and services to deliver the solution including network equipment, hardware, and software relative for the delivery of this Lot • Service provision to support components through to the full end-to-end solution where required by the customer, including but not limited to help desk support, maintenance, monitoring and management. These services should be tailored to individual customer requirements and may be provided in elements, or as a fully managed service by the Provider. • The Provider must be an accredited provider of WAN/LAN education connectivity and ISP solutions with appropriate accreditation which validates their expertise and service quality, such as top level (expert) vendor accreditation or approved partner status, in line with at least one enterprise network provider/vendor at minimum. • Compliance to the DfE’s internet standards to provide establishments with a stable and secure broadband connection and any future iterations throughout the lifetime of the Framework Agreement • Compliance to the DfE’s Filtering and Monitoring standards and any future iterations throughout the lifetime of the Framework Agreement • Compliance to the DfE’s Firewall standards and any future iterations throughout the lifetime of the Framework Agreement • Fully adhere with the DfE’s Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 and any future iterations throughout the lifetime of the Framework Agreement • The Provider must be an Internet Watch Foundation member

Award Criteria
Quality 55.0
Social Value/Sustainability 15.0
Cost 30.0
4 Smart City and IOT Technologies

• A fully functional and resilient smart city solution which uses technology to connect a city/town/spaces and collect data (from citizens, devices and assets) to supply real time information which can be used to manage, monitor and interact with the city/town/spaces’ community and infrastructure, to create a smart environment. • The Provider must be able to deliver part of components, through to a full end-to-end solution, which will support customers through their smart city project - from consultancy and design, to the building of architecure and infrastructure, connectivity and successful implementation of a suitable solution. • Provide connectivity solutions which incorporate a wide range of available (and evolving) connections and technologies, inclusive of the Internet of Things (IOT) • Provision of products, works, and services to deliver a full smart city/IOT connected solution, including all equipment, hardware and software applications for data analytics, monitoring and measurement • Flexible solutions which are capable of integrating with existing infrastructure and/or solutions and will allow for customer scalability and future expansion/upgrade • Security solutions to provide customers with safeguarding and protection of their smart city/IoT solution and associated data • Services to support the full end-to-end solution where required by the customer, including but not limited to help desk support, maintenance, monitoring and management. These services should be tailored to individual customer requirements and may be provided in elements, or as a fully managed service by the Provider.

Award Criteria
Quality 55.0
Social Value/Sustainability 15.0
Cost 30.0
5 Cyber Security Solutions

• A cyber security solution to provide customers with safeguarding and protection of their networks, devices, and data to defend from cyber-attacks which can be delivered ‘as a service’, managed, or unmanaged by the Provider • The Provider must be an accredited provider of cyber security solutions with appropriate accreditation which validates their expertise and service quality, such as top level (expert) vendor accreditation or approved partner status, in line with at least one cyber security provider/vendor at minimum. • Products, works, and services required to deliver the solution • Services to support the full end-to-end solution where required by the customer, including but not limited to help desk support, maintenance, monitoring and management. These services should be tailored to individual customer requirements and may be provided in elements, or as a fully managed service by the Provider.

Award Criteria
Quality 55.0
Social Value/Sustainability 15.0
Cost 30.0
6 Communication Services

• An IP telecommunications solution which delivers voice and multimedia communications over IP based networks, to connect individuals or teams. This should be reliable, secured to industry standards and can be tailored to individual customer requirements. • Solutions delivered ‘as a service’, managed or unmanaged by the Provider as specified by the Customer at call off • Number porting services • Flexible solutions which will allow for customer scalability and future expansion/upgrade • Products, works, and services to deliver the solution such as hardware, and software relevant to this Lot (e.g. telephone handsets, headsets, conferencing units, associated accessories, licensing) • Services to support the full end-to-end solution where required by the customer, including but not limited to help desk support, maintenance, monitoring and management. These services should be tailored to individual customer requirements and may be provided in elements, or as a fully managed service by the Provider. • The Provider must be an accredited provider of IP telecommunication solutions with appropriate accreditation which validates their expertise and service quality, such as top level (expert) vendor accreditation or approved partner status, in line with at least one enterprise network provider/vendor at minimum.

Award Criteria
Quality 55.0
Social Value/Sustainability 15.0
Cost 30.0
7 Mobile, Voice and Data Services

• A mobile communications solution which allows for the sending and receiving of voice calls, messaging and/or data connectivity services from compatible devices across a network which is secured to OFCOM industry standards (or any future obligations), with national coverage and roaming access in the UK and Internationally, where permissible by the Contracting Authority • A range of tariff services including but not limited to; Pay as you consume (PAYC), unlimited tariffs (with or without excess charges) • Flexible solutions which allow for customer agility, through a variety of available tariffs, bolt-on services, value added services and packages which can be tailored to individual customer requirements • Enable access to any future data networks which are made available during the life of this agreement • Provision of SIM cards with numbering and porting services available • Equipment, hardware and software relevant to this Lot (e.g. smart devices, IoT technologies and any associated accessories) • Devices supplied to the customer must be unlocked, or will be unlocked at no additional charge to the customer on request and at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiry or termination of the Call-off Contract • Reporting facilities to assist customers with managing their estate, including data capping and alert notifications when near or over allocated usage

Award Criteria
Quality 55.0
Social Value/Sustainability 15.0
Cost 30.0

Renewal Options

There is a possibility that this framework will be renewed after 3.5 years from the commencement date. The Framework Agreement will cover the period from 1st October 2024 – 30th September 2026 with the option of 2 x 12 months extensions to 30th September 2027 and 30th September 2028. The first decision to extend the Framework period will be taken by the end of June 2026 and will be dependent on satisfactory completion of all aspects of the Framework to date, the current market conditions for this category and YPO’s contracting structures. Suppliers will be made aware of the decision to take extensions 3 months prior. The maximum contract period will therefore be 4 years, from 1st October 2024 to 30th September 2028. The maximum contract period will therefore be 4 years.

CPV Codes

  • 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
  • 72720000 - Wide area network services
  • 72710000 - Local area network services
  • 72212000 - Programming services of application software
  • 72212732 - Data security software development services
  • 32412000 - Communications network
  • 32250000 - Mobile telephones
  • 64200000 - Telecommunications services


  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Performance considerations apply.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.

Other Information

YPO are purchasing on the behalf of other contracting authorities. Please see the below link for details: https://www.ypo.co.uk/about/customers/permissible-users . YPO will incorporate a standstill period at the point of notification of the award of the contract is provided to all bidders. The standstill period will be for a minimum of 10 calendar days, and provides time for unsuccessful tenderers to challenge the award decision before the contract is entered into. The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 provide for aggrieved parties who have been harmed or are at risk of harm by a breach of the rules to take action in the High Court (England, Wales and Northern Ireland).

