Drainage Services & CCTV Inspections Framework (Domestic & Commercial)

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
4 year
23 May 2024
18 Mar 2024 to 17 Mar 2028
12 Jan 2024 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 8 suppliers
Efficiency East Midlands
Amelio Group
Drain Technology
Green Spark Environmental
Ipsum Utilities
Metro Rod
Subscan Uds
Terra Solutions
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


This Framework will provide EEM Members with a compliant route to procure domestic and commercial drainage. The Framework will include but not be limited to the following drainage services: • Drain Unblocking and Jetting • Drain Unblocking Emergency • Planned Drain Maintenance Services • CCTV Drain Surveys and Reports • Improving and upgrading Drainage Systems • Drain Repairs including Patch Repairs, Gully Replacement and Repairs. • Pipe re-rounding • Root Cutting • Drain Re-lining • Soil Stack and Waste Pipe Unblocking, Cleaning, and Maintenance • Drain and Manhole Inspection Chambers and Testing. • Renew and Rebed Manhole Covers and Slabs • Tanker Services • Cesspit and Septic Tank Emptying, Cleaning, Unblocking and Repairing • Interceptor Inspections and Waste Removal • Land Drainage & Soakaways Small Scale • Pump Services • Grease Trap Management Including Emptying and Cleaning • Drain Mapping Service • Gutter cleaning and clearance • Any other works associated with Domestic and Commercial Drainage services.

Award Detail

1 Amelio Group (Gloucester)
  • Value: £150,000,000
2 Dalrod (Peterborough)
  • Value: £150,000,000
3 Drain Technology (Abingdon)
  • Value: £150,000,000
4 Green Spark Environmental (Doncaster)
  • Value: £150,000,000
5 Ipsum Utilities (Chorley)
  • Value: £150,000,000
6 Metro Rod (Macclesfield)
  • Value: £150,000,000
7 Subscan Uds (Leeds)
  • Value: £150,000,000
8 Terra Solutions (Newry)
  • Value: £150,000,000

CPV Codes

  • 44163110 - Drainage pipes
  • 44163111 - Drain pipes
  • 44163112 - Drainage system
  • 44163130 - Sewer pipes
  • 45232452 - Drainage works
  • 90440000 - Treatment services of cesspools
  • 90450000 - Treatment services of septic tanks
  • 90460000 - Cesspool or septic tank emptying services
  • 90470000 - Sewer cleaning services
  • 90733800 - Groundwater pollution drainage services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Efficiency East Midlands Ltd (EEM) is a not for profit consortium which establishes and manages a range of framework and DPS agreements. Our membership has now grown to 338 public sector organisations including housing associations and ALMO's, Local Authorities, NHS trusts, Education Providers, Blue Light Services, Government Agencies and Charities. The following contracting authorities will be entitled to agree and award contracts under this framework agreement as Authorised Users: 1) any Member of EEM which for the avoidance of doubt currently includes 3 partner consortia - West Works (https://www.westworks.org.uk) Advantage South West (https://www.advantagesouthwest.co.uk and South East Consortium(https://www.southeastconsortium.org.uk A full list of current members is available at www.eem.org.uk 2) any future member of EEM or our partner consortia and in all cases being an organisation which has applied to join EEM or our partner consortia in accordance with the applicable constitutional documents; 3)An EEM participant being an organisation which is neither a current or EEM member (as defined at 1 above) nor a future member of EEM (as defined at 2 above). Further details regarding the authorised users of this framework can be found in the ITT documents. The Framework agreement will be for a period of 48 months, running from Monday 18th March 2024 to 17th March 2028. 8 Contractors have been appointed onto Sublot 1 - Midlands and 7 Contractors have been appointed on Sublot 2 - National Coverage. Contracting Authorities can use either a Direct Selection or Mini Competition to appoint a Contractor and only the Contractor who sit on the relevant geographical Sublot, the Contracting Authority is looking to use can participate in the selection process. Further details and guidance on Lot Structure for this Framework can be located within Part A of the tender documentation. The call-off contracts to be awarded pursuant to the framework agreements to be entered at conclusion of the procurement exercise may extend for a duration of up to 5 years beyond expiry of the 4-year framework term. Please note that the total potential framework value stated within this notice is in relation to the full 4-year framework and takes into consideration the lot structure, length of call off contracts and that the EEM membership may grow over the framework lifetime. Where the contract notice states a maximum of suppliers to be appointed to the Framework. EEM reserves the right to appoint less than the numbers stated. This framework is being procured by Efficiency East Midlands Ltd (EEM) on behalf of their members and the other organisations described below as being authorised users.

