AWARD - S10353 Apprenticeships Training & End Point Framework,April 2024 Opening

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
10 month
14 May 2024
01 Jun 2024 to 31 Mar 2025
07 May 2024 16:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Salisbury NHS Trust
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


AWARD NOTICE - NOW CLOSED This Framework was established in February 2021 to replace the previous Dynamic Purchasing System operated by Salisbury NHSFT. This Framework operates at two levels - Level One, where any suitably qualified and eligible provider can submit details of all the apprenticeships they offer, and employers can then either direct award or, via Salisbury, conduct a further competition against their local needs. Level Two will be a smaller number of providers for a specific standard, appointed via a Further Competition, using a higher selection criteria published with each ITT. Both levels of listing are open across all our eligible public and third sector organisations. Level Two listed providers can be selected either by employer direct award or a further competition amongst those listed. This Requirement document covers the April 2024 opening of the Framework and constitutes Instructions to Suppliers including mandatory requirements. All Providers must agree to the Framework terms and conditions published as part of the Invitation to Tender (ITT) - amendments to those Terms will not be made for specific providers. Please note the final selection of providers to award for a specific requirement is a decision for employers and this Framework does not represent a spend commitment by any organisation. Incorrectly submitted responses will be rejected and the Trust is not obliged to offer an opportunity for suppliers to resubmit correctly. The framework opens twice a year to allow for the following : 1 - Existing providers to update their course listing (using the Excel document issued, previous framework documents will not be considered) 2 - New providers to apply to join the Framework 3 - Existing providers to advise of changes in their status, e.g. contact details or Ofsted rating, achievement rates, delivery methods etc. 4 - To allow for new standards approved by IfATE to be added to listings, or IfATE amended maximum funding bands to be reflected. Existing providers MUST submit a response to this Opening if : (a) The courses offered have changed since previous listing (including withdrawing programmes) (b) The Provider did not submit a response during the April 2023 or October 23 opening (providers not doing so, and not responding to this opening, will be removed) (c) The Provider's Ofsted rating has changed since previous submission.

Award Detail

1 Suppliers Listed on Attached PDF Document (None)
  • Value: £5,000,000

CPV Codes

  • 80000000 - Education and training services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Framework Scope & Eligible Organisations The Contracting Authority expressly reserved the right (i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and (ii) to make whatever changes it saw fit to the content and structure of the tendering competition; and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by the candidates. The awarding of a place on the Framework does not mean that there is any guarantee of subsequent contracts being awarded. Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to contract award is accordingly a matter solely for the commercial judgement of potential suppliers. Any orders placed under this Framework will form a separate contract under the scope of this Framework between the supplier and the specific requesting other contracting body. The Contracting Authority and other contracting bodies utilising the Framework shall only use electronic portals during the life of the agreement. Any values that have been provided are only an estimate. We cannot guarantee to suppliers any business through this framework agreement. The Framework has been established by Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, for use by the following bodies (and any future successors to these organisations): The following Contracting Authorities are entitled to place Orders: Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust and all bodies listed below : • Central Government Departments, Executive Agencies, Arms Length Departmental Bodies and Public Corporations (Please note Central Government departments may be subject to Government Digital Service approval before using the Framework Agreement) • Local Authorities (England and Wales) • National Parks Authorities • Educational Establishments in England and Wales, listed by the Department for Education including Schools, Universities and Colleges listed : • Police Forces and Fire and Rescue Services listed by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services • NHS Bodies England : NHS Integrated Care Boards NHS Provider Organisations Primary Care Practices listed by the NHS Business Services Authority • Hospices in the UK • Registered Social Landlords (Housing Associations) • Charities registered within England and Wales • Citizens Advice in the United Kingdom • Any corporation established, or a group of individuals appointed to act together, for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character, and (i) financed wholly or mainly by another contracting authority listed above in this section of this Framework Agreement. S10353 Framework Contract S10353 Framework Terms (Apr24 Issue Version).pdf S10353 Framework Contract Annexe A Employer Contract S10353 Appendix A Employer Contract Version v6.0 Apr24 Issue.pdf C1546.414 - Response document for providers offering the Doctor (Degree) Apprenticeship only. Providers listing this standard MUST complete this document. C1546.414 Doctor Apprenticeship Supplier Quality Response Issued.docx S10353 New Supplier Questionnaire - Providers applying for the first time MUST complete this document, or, if one has been completed for other public sector procurements within the past 12 months, a copy of that may be provided S10353 New Supplier Questionnaire Apr24 Issue.docx S10353 Framework Suppliers Response Guide and Requirements S10353 Apprenticeships Framework Supplier Submission Guide April 2024 v3.0.pdf Provider Course Response (required) S10353 Framework April24 Provider Course Response.xlsx Background document - applicable to ST0830 Health & Care Intelligence Specialist bids only C1546.432 ST0830 L7 HCIS Scoring Background Issued.pdf Supplier Response document - applicable to ST0830 Health & Care Intelligence Specialist bids only C1546.432 ST0830 Health & Care Intelligence Supplier Quality Response Issued.docx Salisbury S10353 Award Notice Suppliers at May24.pdf

