Community Health Services

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
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30 Apr 2024
not specified




Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers
London Borough of Hounslow
West London NHS Trust
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

2 buyers

1 supplier


This notice relates to the process set out in Regulation 10(7) of The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. Following the completion of a standstill period at midnight on the 13th May 2024 London Borough of Hounslow intend to appoint West London Trust to lead the provision of community health services in Hounslow for 21 months delivering a wide range of Local Authority commissioned community health services to support delivery of these priorities: • Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare • Prevent ill-health and tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience, access to care • Enhance productivity and value for money • Support broader economic and social development Services to be delivered as part of the contract: Hounslow Falls Prevention Service The aim of the service is delivery of a whole system and community coordinated approach to preventing falls through partnership working using existing skills knowledge and expertise to solve problems and realise opportunities. At the core of this Service is a clinically led, referral based intervention service, supported by a wider information and advice offer. CVD Prevention (Healthy Hounslow) Healthy Hounslow is an Alliance of providers who deliver the borough’s integrated health and wellbeing service. The aim of the CVD Prevention service is an early intervention, detection, and prevention service in the community. 0-19 Service Healthy Child Programme (HCP) Our Public Health Nursing (PHN) offer incorporates Health Visiting (HV) and School Nursing (SN) services to deliver Hounslow's Healthy Child programme (HCP). The Service has a significant opportunity to improve health and wellbeing outcomes and reduce inequalities by focusing on prevention and Early Help and deliver Targeted support to intervene to reduce risks among children, young people and their families. The Public Health Nursing service that delivers the HCP, plays a key role to ensure that every child gets the good start they need to lay the foundations of a healthy life and where necessary receive targeted support to develop greater equality and reduce health inequality. The Public Health Nursing Service should identify health and social care need (early identification), respond to this need (prevention, signposting, referral and intervention), and ensure the equality of population health outcomes (reduction in health inequalities). The PHN service is expected to articulate national standards into a local service and work in an agile manner to review and adapt its model, develop and incorporate new research investment and priorities as these are published. The service model has a clear focus on improving access to help and support for a whole range of health issues at a much earlier stage in the life course of children, young people and their family. The model required in the Service’s redesign presents new opportunities for strengthening primary prevention, health promotion and early help by developing a robust approach to improving health outcomes for children, young people and families across Hounslow. This service model delivers innovative solutions to existing problems that impede the delivery of integrated services and demonstrates best practice partnership/multi-agency working. It actively seeks to support families as well as individuals from birth, through school, and into adulthood. Health Visiting and School Nursing combined services will take a ‘think family’ approach to supporting children and families, with a focus on universal services, early help and prevention of risk-taking behaviours. There is an expectation that the Provider will develop a Strengthening Families model which may incorporate the Target Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Health Visiting (MESCH) and the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) a key element of the HCP to support vulnerable families.

Total Quantity or Scope

This notice relates to the process set out in Regulation 10(7) of The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. London Borough of Hounslow to appoint West London Trust to lead the provision of community health services in Hounslow for 21 months delivering a wide range of Local Authority commissioned community health services to support delivery of these priorities:

Award Detail

1 West London NHS Trust (London)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £10,300,000

Award Criteria

Key Criteria 100.0

CPV Codes

  • 85323000 - Community health services


  • Award on basis of price.

