Architecture and Business Analysts Managed Service

A Contract Award Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
3 year (est.)
17 Apr 2024
To 17 Apr 2027 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 5 suppliers
Metropolitan Police Service
Actica Consulting
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

2 buyers

3 suppliers


1. The MPS will run an open tender competition to provide IT Architecture Services to MPS Digital, Data and Technology, to include Business Analysts for a 3 + 2 year maximum value. 2. The MPS will set up a framework agreement with 5 lots (Enterprise Architecture, Information Systems Architecture, Infrastructure Architecture, Security Architecture and Business Analysis). Lots will be separate bids but a bidder may win one or more lots. 3. The Business Engagement and Technology function (BE&T) in DDaT is required to support a range of programmes with significant business value including, The New Met for London Plan, Command & Control and Met Integrated Policing System (Connect). Additionally, it is required to support the continued evolution and improvement of the MPS core infrastructure such as adoption of Office365 office automation and renewal of the Service Delivery supplier model. 4. As projects evolve, the BE&T team need a varied skill set depending on the phase, complexity, technologies and business or architectural domain. The team needs to be able to resource initiatives and projects quickly and to be clear about the contribution business analysts and architects will make. 5. The successful bidders in each lot will have a bench of appropriately vetted specialists to provide specific skills in business analysis or technology architecture. They will deliver analysis or architectural outcomes and artefacts, such as Requirements Workshops, Business Process documentation, Business Cases, data models or High Level Solution Architectures. This work will be according to a schedule drawn from a fixed priced catalogue, with variation for scale and complexity. The successful bidders in each lot will have a bench of appropriately vetted specialists to provide specific skills in business analysis or technology architecture. They will deliver analysis or architectural outcomes and artefacts, such as Requirements Workshops, Business Process documentation, Business Cases, data models or High Level Solution Architectures. This work will be according to a schedule drawn from a fixed priced catalogue, with variation for scale and complexity.

Lot Division

1 Enterprise Architecture
2 Security Architecture
3 Information Systems Architecture
4 Infrastructure Architecture
5 Business Analytics

Award Detail

1 Solirius (London)
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Num offers: 14
  • Value: £1,400,000
  • Contractor is an SME.
2 Actica Consulting (Surrey)
  • Security Architecture
  • Num offers: 12
  • Value: £2,500,000
3 Actica Consulting (Surrey)
  • Information Systems Architecture
  • Num offers: 11
  • Value: £3,500,000
4 I15 (London)
  • Infrastructure Architecture
  • Num offers: 15
  • Value: £4,900,000
  • Contractor is an SME.
5 Actica Consulting (Surrey)
  • Business Analytics
  • Num offers: 19
  • Value: £2,800,000

Award Criteria

Technical 55.0
Commercial 5.0
Social Value 10.0
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery 2.5
Health & Safety 2.5
PRICE 25.0

CPV Codes

  • 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
  • 72212451 - Enterprise resource planning software development services
  • 72222000 - Information systems or technology strategic review and planning services
  • 72221000 - Business analysis consultancy services


  • Award on basis of price.

