Framework Agreement for the Provision of Occupational Health Services to the named Academic Partners of the University of the Highlands and Islands

A Contract Award Notice

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Framework (Services)
2 year (est.)
28 Mar 2024
To 28 Mar 2026 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 2 suppliers
Highlands & Islands University
NHS Highland
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

2 buyers

1 supplier


The named Academic Partners of the University of the Highlands and Islands wish to form a Framework Agreement for the Provision of Occupational Health Services. The Framework Agreement is split into two (2) Lots: Lot 1 – Staff Lot 2 – Students The Academic Partners of the University of the Highlands and Islands with access to Lot 1 are: -UHI Executive Office - UHI Inverness - UHI Moray - UHI North, West and Hebrides - UHI Perth - Highland Theological College - Sabhal Mòr Ostaig - Scottish Association for Marine Science The Academic Partners of the University of the Highlands and Islands with access to Lot 2 are: - UHI Executive Office - UHI Inverness - UHI Moray

Lot Division

1 Staff

The named Academic Partners of the University of the Highlands and Islands wish to form a Framework Agreement for the Provision of Occupational Health Services to Staff. For the purpose of clarification, the below partners have access to this Framework Agreement. It should be noted that partners have the option to purchase requirements outside of this Framework Agreement and are under no obligation to use the Framework. - UHI Executive Office … The purpose of this procurement exercise, for Lot 1, is to appoint a suitably qualified and competent Contractors for the provision of Occupational Health related services for Staff. Service provision must be quality-focused and tailored to meet the needs of the named Academic Partners, whilst remaining legally compliant and in accordance with medical best practice. The Contractor will provide staff at the named Academic Partners of the University of the Highlands and Islands with Occupational Health services based on assessed need at any point during the Framework Agreement term. Referrals to the service will be made via the Named Academic Partner’s Authorised Representative or as a self-referral by the staff member. It is expected that staff will be examined within ten (10) working days of referral. Appointment times will be provided within the office hours of 09:00 and 17:00, Monday - Friday. Service provision will be delivered 52 weeks in a year, excluding public holidays. The Contractor shall be able to provide occupational health services in the following areas: - Management Referral - Health Surveillance Services - Immunisations Services - Physiotherapy - Chiropractic - Osteopathy - Pre-Employment Assessment and Fitness for Employment - Assessments relating to reasonable adjustments - Telephone Advisory Service Please note that with regard to the above points, the Contractor must be able to cover a minimum of 5 points (in-house) to bid for a position on the Framework. The Contractor should also be capable of the below: - Provide professional support/advice/guidance with regard to the Preparation of Occupational Health policies, standards and procedures in liaison with clinical governance - Workplace visits - Liaise with personnel of named Academic Partners and be present at meetings and events if requested - Specialist support services (including blood borne viruses, drug/alcohol referrals and support, and as required, testing as part of ongoing programme) - Deliver annual health promotion campaigns - Ongoing promotion of service availability to staff Please note that the named Academic Partner may, at its own discretion, request the Contractor to provide additional, related services if required during the lifetime of the Framework Agreement.

Award Criteria
Service Methodology 15.0
Skills and Expertise of Staff 15.0
Implementation 5.0
Exit Strategy 5.0
Business Continuity 5.0
Reduction in Absence Rates 10.0
Added Value Services 5.0
Customer Service 5.0
Fair Work Practices 5.0
PRICE 30.0
2 Students

The named Academic Partners of the University of the Highlands and Islands wish to form a Framework Agreement for the Provision of Occupational Health Services to Students. For the purpose of clarification, the below partners have access to this Framework Agreement. It should be noted that partners have the option to purchase requirements outside of this Framework Agreement and are under no obligation to use the Framework. … The purpose of this procurement exercise, for Lot 2, is to appoint a suitably qualified and competent Contractors for the provision of Occupational Health related services for Students. Service provision must be quality-focused and tailored to meet the needs of the named Academic Partners, whilst remaining legally compliant and in accordance with medical best practice. The following course offerings are included in the scope of this Lot: - UHI Executive Office – Nursing and Midwifery - UHI Executive Office – Optometry - UHI Inverness – Dental - UHI Moray – Care and Administration Please note that throughout the lifetime of the Framework Agreement, additional courses may be added. The Contractor shall be able to provide occupational health services in the following areas: - Initial course clearance - Management referral - Health interview - Immunisation services - Health Surveillance - Skin Surveillance - Needlestick injuries - Pre course paper screening - Blood testing Please note that a full list of immunisations is provided, and the Contractor does not require to possess the capability to cover all immunisations in order to submit a tender.

Award Criteria
Geographical Coverage 20.0
Skills and Expertise of Staff 15.0
Resource Levels 10.0
Exit Strategy and Business Continuity 10.0
Customer Service 10.0
Continuous Improvement 5.0
PRICE 30.0

Award Detail

1 NHS Highland (Inverness)
  • Staff
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £81,510
2 NHS Highland (Inverness)
  • Students
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £240,552
  • Subcontracting opportunities are expected.

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services
  • 85140000 - Miscellaneous health services


  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

The below documentation requires to be submitted as part of the tender submission for Lot 1: Appendix A - Form of Tender Appendix B - Freedom of Information Appendix D - Supply Chain Code of Conduct Appendix E1 - Lot 1 Pricing Schedule Appendix F1 - Lot 1 Technical Questionnaire Appendix G - GDPR Vendor Data Processor Assurance Assessment Appendix H - Compliance Risk Assessment Appendix I - Conflict of Interest The below documentation requires to be submitted as part of the tender submission for Lot 2: Appendix A - Form of Tender Appendix B - Freedom of Information Appendix D - Supply Chain Code of Conduct Appendix E2 - Lot 2 Pricing Schedule Appendix F2 - Lot 2 Technical Questionnaire Appendix G - GDPR Vendor Data Processor Assurance Assessment Appendix H - Compliance Risk Assessment Appendix I - Conflict of Interest Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. (SC Ref:762165)

