Gloucestershire Street Lighting, Term Maintenance Contract 2024

A Contract Addendum Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Works)
5.5 year (est.)
29 Feb 2024
To 08 Feb 2030 (est.)




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Gloucestershire County Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Council has recently reviewed the way it will deliver street lighting and is now looking to implement a new delivery model for street lighting works and services, including bringing some management and administration functions in-house. The procurement element is for a Contractor to deliver the supply of street lighting maintenance works, capital replacement works and repair services in respect of Gloucestershire’s Street lighting assets. The proposed contract shall be for an initial period of up to 5 years 8 months and include an option to extend its term for a further period of not more than 4 years. The estimated value of the contract is up to £23.2m ex VAT; £13.6m over the initial 5 year 8 month term and up to a further £9.6m over the optional 4 year extension period. The proposed procurement route will be a single stage (Open Procedure) using the NEC4 Term Service form of Contract, Option A/C. A summary of the outline programme for the procurement is shown below: Tender Starts: Wednesday 10th January 2024 Tender Return: 12 noon on Friday 8th March 2024 Award: 5th April 2024 Mobilisation Starts: 1st May 2024 Service Commencement: 3rd August 2024 The existing Contractor has indicated that there are currently employees engaged in the Service that are likely to be affected by TUPE. This advice is based on information supplied by the current Contractor; however bidders should ascertain the likely position for them and seek appropriate advice as required. In order to obtain the TUPE details you will need to complete and sign the Confidentiality Certificate in the Attachments section of the Advert or ITT and return it via the messaging system in Pro-contract. The TUPE details will then be provided to you. Please note that if you do not obtain the TUPE information your bid may be regarded as non-compliant. Full details will be available in the tender pack in the ITT Attachments.

Ammendments to Previous Notice

2. IV.2.2) IV.2.2) Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate

2024-03-06 2024-03-08 12:00

CPV Codes

  • 45233130 - Construction work for highways

