Clyde Metro Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy Framework

A Tender Notice

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Framework (Services)
3 year
27 Feb 2024
To 09 Jul 2027 (est.)
28 Mar 2024 10:00




Geochart for 4 buyers and 0 suppliers
Strathclyde Partnership for Transport
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The object of this procurement exercise is to establish a multi-disciplinary consultancy services framework to support the completion of stage two of the Case for Investment for the Clyde Metro project. This framework will be for eight lots as follows: Lot One: Transport Planning & Modelling Lot Two: Transport Engineering Lot Three: Land Use Planning & Placemaking Lot Four: Business Cases & Economic Assessment Lot Five: Environment Lot Six: Impact Assessments Lot Seven: Legal & Commercial Lot Eight: Marketing, Branding & Communications Tenders can bid for inclusion on any number of lots.

Lot Division

1 Transport Planning and Modelling

The generic areas of this lot are listed below. In future we may call off services which are linked to this list, but the list is not exhaustive and we may utilise this framework for any or all of our transport planning requirements in relation to the Clyde Metro. Transport Planning Transport appraisal following STAG and WEBTAG as appropriate Development and preparation of transport policy, strategy, plans and programmes Research and analysis (including spatial analysis, as applicable) of transport policies, users, infrastructure, modes, networks and systems Transport option development and feasibility Development of monitoring and evaluation plans for transport policy, strategy, interventions and projects Review and advise on third-party Transport Assessments, including any associated legal and financial agreements Review and advise on third-party transport policies, projects and interventions, including Traffic Regulation Orders Review and audit of transport strategies, plans, appraisals and studies including their constituent components Advise on the incorporation and alignment of active travel including consistency with infrastructure development and wider modal integration Develop behaviour change initiatives to promote sustainable travel Identify the locations and causes of transport poverty along with solutions to mitigate it Advise on the delivery of public transport integration across modes Develop and assess options for utilisation of capacity released as a result of new infrastructure and modal shift Transport Modelling Transport data collection, surveys, analysis and modelling Provision of project management support for transport planning activities Passenger demand and revenue forecasting for public transport services Specification, collection and management of data and surveys to develop and maintain transport models Specification, development and application of SRTM Specification, development and application of multi-modal transport and traffic models Liaise with third-party partners and consultants on the specification, development and application of transport models Interpretation of model outputs to inform the calculation and measurement of wider benefits to society Transport Operations Provision of specialist advice, for example, in relation to emerging technologies Identification of optimum delivery, governance and operational models for public transport infrastructure and services Cost-estimating including whole life estimates Definition of fares and fare structures Advise on ticketing arrangements and solutions for multi-modal integrated ticketing systems Advise on timetabling and scheduling of services across a variety of public transport modes Advise on public transport information systems and provision of accessible travel information Assessing and identifying appropriate public transport modes, systems and fuel technology Consultation & Engagement responses and parliamentary inquiries on Clyde Metro matters Consultation and engagement with elected members, stakeholders, businesses and communities Development of stakeholder management plans and stakeholder mapping

Award Criteria
Methodology for Framework Management 40.0
Quality and Resilience of Personnel 40.0
Risk Mitigations and Opportunities 20.0
PRICE 40.0
2 Transport Engineering

The generic areas of this lot are listed below. In future we may call off services which are linked to this list, but the list is not exhaustive and we may utilise this framework for any or all of our transport engineering requirements in relation to the Clyde Metro. Transport Engineering Fixed route public transport engineering including planning, design, systems maintenance and optimisation Permanent Way Design for a variety of fixed route public transport modes Fixed route public transport systems operational policy and procedures Fixed route public transport signalling and control systems Roads, Highways, Bridges & Infrastructure Engineering Pedestrian Way Design Cycleway Design Heavy and light rail engineering systems design including rolling stock and power systems Advise on New Fleet Commissioning, Lifespans, Maintenance and Replacement processes across a variety of public transport modes Specialised Transport Engineering Services for Bus, Train and Mass Transit Station Development including Mobility Hubs and associated facilities to assist with public transport integration Civil, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering Civil Engineering Structural Engineering Tunnelling including Refurbishment and Maintenance Groundwater, Geotechnical and Topographical services Drainage Design and Water and Waste Water Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Building Design and Refurbishment including depots and maintenance facilities Utilities Design and Relocation Mechanical & Electrical Engineering High voltage power supply and distribution systems design Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Design Heating / Energy System and Lighting Design Consultation & Engagement Assist with the preparation of consultation responses and parliamentary inquiries on Clyde Metro matters Consultation and engagement with elected members, stakeholders, businesses and communities Development of stakeholder management plans and stakeholder mapping Miscellaneous Quantity Surveying Practical application of new technologies and related design solutions for their implementation

Award Criteria
Methodology for Framework Management 40.0
Quality and Resilience of Personnel 40.0
Risks Mitigations and Opportunities 20.0
PRICE 40.0
3 Land-Use Planning & Placemaking

The generic areas of this lot are listed below. In future we may call off services which are linked to this list, but the list is not exhaustive and we may utilise this framework for any or all of our land-use planning and placemaking requirements in relation to the Clyde Metro. Land-use Planning Advising and assisting with the preparation of responses to Planning Legislation, National Planning Framework, Regional Spatial Strategies, Local Development Plans including Local Place Plans, Applications and other consultations & matters related to land use policy, plans, development planning and development management Assist with preparation for Inquiries Representation at Inquiries Assist with the preparation of input to relevant sections of the planning acts in relation to planning agreements Liaise with third-party partners and consultants for the development of relevant sections of the planning acts in relation to planning agreements Advising on Planning matters in relation to land and property including the application of Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs) Negotiation with land and property owners Advise on the identification, ownership and regeneration of vacant and derelict land Assessment of development capacity Assessment of housing land availability and identification of sites for housing development Advise on development density and land-use composition Advise on Land Value Capture mechanisms and calculation of estimated uplifts Advise on incorporating and delivering Community Wealth Building (CWB) Development of regeneration plans and strategies Development of policy and guidance including in relation to: Developer Contributions / Planning Agreements, under the planning acts, to fund / support delivery of transport infrastructure and services Pre-application consultation Local Development Plans and associated Supplementary Guidance Safeguarding and land assembly for transport infrastructure and alignments Placemaking Advise on practical application of the Place Principle, Place Standard and wider Placemaking matters including Placemending and delivery of local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods to help achieve a people centred, place-based approach Development of design principles and guidance for urban environments Undertake urban design and architectural services in a variety of contexts Development of place-based masterplans which incorporate and promote the spatial principles and policies of the National Planning Framework Development of corridor masterplans and realisation of wider place-based benefits Consultation & Engagement Assist with the preparation of consultation responses and parliamentary inquiries on Clyde Metro matters Consultation and engagement with elected members, stakeholders, businesses and communities Development of stakeholder management plans and stakeholder mapping

Award Criteria
Methodology for Framework Management 40.0
Quality and Resilience of Personnel 40.0
Risk Mitigations and Opportunities 20.0
PRICE 40.0
4 Business Cases & Economic Assessment

The generic areas of this lot are listed below. In future we may call off services which are linked to this list, but the list is not exhaustive and we may utilise this framework for any or all of our business cases and economic assessment requirements in relation to the Clyde Metro. Business Cases Development of Strategic, Outline and Final Business Cases in line with HM Treasury’s 5-case model and Scottish Government guidance Review and audit of Strategic, Outline and Final Business Cases or their constituent components Advising on best practice in relation to the development of Strategic, Outline and Final Business Cases Definition and review of Critical Success Factors for implementation of mass transit schemes Facilitating Workshops associated with the development of Strategic, Outline and Final Business Cases Economic Assessment Cost Benefit Analysis and calculation of Benefit to Cost Ratios, Net Present Value, Net Present Costs and Net Present Benefits Identification and calculation of Wider Economic Benefits and their distribution Calculation of Gross Value Added (GVA) impacts Calculation of employment impacts Assessment of costs and benefits to the public sector as well as costs and benefits to the private sector Disaggregation of economic impacts by geographical area, socio-economic group, demographics, industry sector, etc. Assessment of displacement and additionality at local, regional and national levels Advising on opportunities for inward investment Sensitivity testing of costs and benefits including switching values analysis Scenario testing reflecting major technical, economic and political uncertainties Identification, assessment and categorisation of benefits into: cash releasing benefits (CRB) monetisable non-cash releasing benefits (non CRB) quantifiable but not readily monetisable benefits (QB) qualitative but not readily quantifiable benefits (Qual) Finance Assessment of finance and funding sources including green models as well as potential income generators including their viability and applicability Assist with the preparation and submission of bids / claims for external third-party funding Advise on affordability and the funding envelope for programmes and projects Advise on phasing of funding and finance in relation to forecast capital and revenue expenditure Identification of peak funding and finance requirements within the context of a long-term programme Advising on options to deliver best value and to minimise any costs of borrowing incurred Project Management Development and review of programme level and project level work programmes including the phasing of workstreams / delivery Development, review and integration of stakeholder communications and engagement with programme requirements including statutory consultations Identifying, facilitating and coordinating interdependencies between programmes and projects including those being delivered by stakeholders Management consultancy services including advising on proposed approach to programme and project delivery, best practice and lessons learned from similar projects Development and review of programme and project assurance frameworks Compliance reviews and identification of corrective actions where necessary Advise on and review of programme and project governance arrangements Advise on resourcing, skills, capabilities and capacity Managing and overseeing a programme including coordination of multiple workstreams and delivery partners Risk Management Identification and mitigation of risks using risk assessment and management processes Development, review and auditing of risk registers

Award Criteria
Methodology for Framework Management 40.0
Quality and Resilience of Personnel 40.0
Risk Mitigations and Opportunities 20.0
PRICE 40.0
5 Environment

The generic areas of this lot are listed below. In future we may call off services which are linked to this list, but the list is not exhaustive and we may utilise this framework for any or all of our environment requirements in relation to the Clyde Metro. Undertake environmental screening and scoping assessments in accordance with legislative requirements Develop and carry out strategic environmental assessments of policies, plans, projects and operations Develop and carry out carbon impact assessments of policies, plans, projects and operations Develop and carry out energy efficiency assessments of policies, plans, projects and operations Develop and carry out climate change adaptation assessments of policies, plans, projects and operations Develop and carry out flood risk assessments of policies, plans, projects and operations Develop and carry out habitat regulations assessments of policies, plans, projects and operations Develop climate change adaptation, biodiversity, decarbonisation and energy efficiency strategies, plans and projects Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation, biodiversity, decarbonisation and energy efficiency policies, plans and projects Identify environmentally sensitive locations and advise on mitigation measures to reduce or remove impacts upon them Advise on sustainability, resilience and climate adaptation of the urban environment and transport infrastructure Advise on statutory duties and obligations related to Scottish Government Environmental and Climate Change legislation and plans Liaise with partnerships and stakeholders on matters related to environmental impacts, climate change policy, decarbonisation and energy efficiency Consultation and engagement with elected members, stakeholders, businesses and communities including statutory consultees Advise on the incorporation of Just Transition Principles Advise on development of new technologies and opportunities to reduce environmental impacts

Award Criteria
Methodology for Framework Management 40.0
Quality and Resilience of Personnel 40.0
Risk Mitigations and Opportunities 20.0
PRICE 40.0
6 Impact Assessments

The generic areas of this lot are listed below. In future we may call off services which are linked to this list, but the list is not exhaustive and we may utilise this framework for any or all of our impact assessment requirements in relation to the Clyde Metro. Screening, scoping and undertaking a range of Impact Assessments as part of policy, strategy, appraisal and project development processes, including but not limited to: Equality Impact Assessment Health Impact Assessment Child Rights & Wellbeing Impact Assessment Islands Communities Impact Assessment Fairer Scotland Duty Impact Assessment Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment Support development of Health, Equality and other relevant strategies and plans to address identified impacts Develop and recommend corrective and mitigating actions for adverse impacts identified through equalities and other relevant impact assessments Monitoring and evaluation of Health, Equality and other relevant strategies and plans Advise on statutory duties and obligations associated with relevant legislation associated with equalities and other relevant impact assessments Liaise with partnerships and stakeholders on matters associated with equalities and other relevant impact assessments and related legislation Consultation and engagement with elected members, stakeholders, businesses and communities including statutory consultees Work with partners to ensure the findings of equalities and other relevant impact assessments are taken into account as part of policy, strategy, appraisal and project development processes Advise on the incorporation of Just Transition Principles

Award Criteria
Methodology for Framework Management 40.0
Quality and Resilience of Personnel 40.0
Risk Mitigations and Opportunities 20.0
PRICE 40.0
7 Legal & Commercial

The generic areas of this lot are listed below. In future we may call off services which are linked to this list, but the list is not exhaustive and we may utilise this framework for any or all of our legal and commercial requirements in relation to the Clyde Metro. Legal Advise on and assist with appropriate legislative processes including Transport and Works (Scotland) Act 2007 Heavy rail, light rail and other fixed link public transport systems legislation, standards and compliance Development and review of contracts and terms and conditions as well as ensuring adherence to them by the relevant parties Preparation of Heads of Terms, Memoranda of Understanding and other legal agreements between parties Independent legal advice and representation Responding to legal challenges brought forward by third parties and assisting with the settlement of any disputes Negotiation, mediation and arbitration between parties Assist with preparation for and representation at Inquiries and in other relevant circumstances Preparation and review of orders, bills, acts, regulations and other relevant pieces of legislation associated with development and implementation of fixed link public transport systems and existing public transport systems Advising on legal roles and responsibilities of various parties as well as any limitations upon powers that may exist Advising on legislation relating to and arrangements for establishing arm’s length external organisations Assisting with the creation of arm’s length external organisations Commercial Advise on procurement options and optimum approach for a variety of fixed link public transport infrastructure and rolling stock Supplier identification and engagement for services and goods related to mass transit Identification of the most appropriate and cost-effective routes to market Development and review of procurement strategies for services and goods related to mass transit Advise on lead times and supplier capacity and capability to deliver Advise on contract options and terms and conditions Advise on most efficient and best value procurement techniques and solutions

Award Criteria
Methodology for Framework Management 40.0
Quality and Resilience of Personnel 40.0
Risk Mitigations and Opportunities 20.0
PRICE 40.0
8 Marketing, Branding & Communications

The generic areas of this lot are listed below. In future we may call off services which are linked to this list, but the list is not exhaustive and we may utilise this framework for any or all of our marketing, branding and communications requirements in relation to the Clyde Metro. Marketing & Branding Advise on and support the development of marketing and branding strategies and guidelines Undertaking graphic design and the preparation of branded materials in accordance with established strategies and guidelines Preparation of content for online and offline platforms including websites and social media Development of branded website(s) in accordance with established marketing and branding strategies and guidelines Supporting and delivering events through development of appropriate physical and digital marketing materials along with attendance in person or online as appropriate Designing, developing and delivering marketing campaigns across a range of offline and online formats in accordance with established strategies and guidelines Monitoring and evaluation of marketing campaigns to identify whether objectives are being delivered and any amendments that may be required Advise on and support the development of a consistent brand across public transport modes which provides a recognisable network identity Supporting and developing preparation of marketing and branding materials which are accessible and ensure inclusivity, particularly for those with protected characteristics Supporting in media buying services required to publicise or advertise relevant activities Communications Advise on and support the development of communications and advocacy strategies and guidelines Supporting and delivering effective PR, communication and advocacy which delivers consistent and regular messaging Advise on and support the development of communication and advocacy stakeholder mapping which reflects wider consultation and engagement activities Strategic advice on messaging including the tone and content of public materials and information Supporting with media enquiries and responding appropriately in a manner consistent with established communications and advocacy strategies and guidelines Supporting with crisis management and responses to negative events and PR Advise on the development of public transport information across a variety of online and offline formats Supporting and developing preparation of communications and advocacy materials which are accessible and ensure inclusivity, particularly for those with protected characteristics

Award Criteria
Methodology for Framework Management 40.0
Quality and Resilience of Personnel 40.0
Risk Mitigations and Opportunities 20.0
PRICE 40.0

Renewal Options

SPT reserves the right to extend the framework duration by 12 months. After which the framework may be renewed.

CPV Codes

  • 71311000 - Civil engineering consultancy services
  • 71311220 - Highways engineering services
  • 45234111 - City railway construction work
  • 45234100 - Railway construction works
  • 45234120 - Urban railway works
  • 45234129 - Urban railway track construction works
  • 60200000 - Railway transport services
  • 60210000 - Public transport services by railways
  • 60112000 - Public road transport services
  • 71311200 - Transport systems consultancy services
  • 71240000 - Architectural, engineering and planning services
  • 71356400 - Technical planning services
  • 71400000 - Urban planning and landscape architectural services
  • 71410000 - Urban planning services
  • 79900000 - Miscellaneous business and business-related services
  • 79990000 - Miscellaneous business-related services
  • 79311410 - Economic impact assessment
  • 71541000 - Construction project management services
  • 90711100 - Risk or hazard assessment other than for construction
  • 90711000 - Environmental impact assessment other than for construction
  • 90711400 - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services other than for construction
  • 90712100 - Urban environmental development planning
  • 90713000 - Environmental issues consultancy services
  • 71313440 - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services for construction
  • 71313400 - Environmental impact assessment for construction
  • 79100000 - Legal services
  • 79340000 - Advertising and marketing services
  • 79342000 - Marketing services
  • 79413000 - Marketing management consultancy services
  • 79416200 - Public relations consultancy services
  • 71311210 - Highways consultancy services


  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Financial restrictions apply.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

All tenderers must complete the Qualification ITT on PCST as well as the ITT for each of the Lot(s) being bid for. Tenders can bid for inclusion on any number of lots. The Qualification ITT needs only to be completed once even if you are bidding for multiple lots. The terms and conditions of contract for any commissions awarded from this framework with be the NEC 4 Professional Services Contract (or Short Contract). Each commission will have their own NEC 4 PSC Documentation. Scots Law applies. Community benefits will apply to this contract. Tenderers will be asked to confirm their compliance with community benefits and the community benefits point menu provided. Community Benefits will be realised annually in arrears based on the total value of commissions awarded in the previous 12 months. A presentation to tenderers will take place on 7 March 2024 at 14:00 hours via MS Teams. The names and email addresses of those who will be attending must be provided via PCST no later than noon on 6 March 2024. Direct award of contracts will be allowed under the framework up to a value of GBP150,000. Mini-Competitions Unless an organisation is deemed to have or has declared a conflict of interest, mini competitions will be held across all organisations awarded to the lot. Mini competitions will be evaluated on the same technical/commercial weighting ratio as the framework evaluation. However, SPT reserves the right to make moderate adjustments to the weightings. Duration The duration of the framework will be three years with an option to extend for a further twelve months at the sole discretion of SPT. This framework will be collaborative, meaning that SPT’s partners for the Clyde Metro project; Transport Scotland and Glasgow City Council; will be able to use this framework as well as SPT for consultancy commissions in relation to the Clyde Metro project only. The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The Project code is 26157. For more information see: The Contracting Authority does not intend to include a sub-contract clause as part of community benefits (as per Section 25 of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014) in this contract for the following reason: SPT are seeking information regarding sub-contractors at award stage. Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: All tenderers must comply with the realisation of community benefits and to the community benefits points menu provided in the ITT. Failure to do so will result in your tender being set aside. Community benefits will be realised annually in arrears by SPT. This will be based on the total value of commissions awarded in the previous 12 months (SC Ref:758740)

