Mids - Saltfleet to Gibraltar Point - Beach Nourishment 2025-27

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
4 year
12 Jan 2024
01 Oct 2024 to 31 Dec 2028
09 Feb 2024 17:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Environment Agency
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


The Environment Agency is seeking Marine and Coastal suppliers to provide or arrange for the provision of services (either itself or through its supply chain) to deliver (or the management of the provision or delivery through its supply chain) the supply, transportation and placement of 3 annual campaigns of beach nourishment to the Lincolnshire coast between Saltfleet and Gibraltar Point from 2025 to 2027, with the possibility of extending by a further 2 + 2 years subject to contractor performance and funding availability. In addition, and subject to supplier performance, ongoing need and funding availability, the Environment Agency reserves the right to instruct further beach management and beach nourishment works to be carried out in other coastal locations around the UK. At the Environment Agency's option, the contractor may also be required to provide and deliver (or manage the provision and delivery through its supply chain) any of the above services at other locations on the UK coastline, and to provide and deliver operation and maintenance services for coastal and marine assets falling within the Environment Agency Programme.

CPV Codes

  • 45243400 - Beach-consolidation works
  • 45243000 - Coastal-defence works
  • 45243500 - Sea defences construction work
  • 71500000 - Construction-related services
  • 45246410 - Flood-defences maintenance works
  • 45243300 - Sea wall construction work
  • 45244000 - Marine construction works
  • 45246400 - Flood-prevention works

Other Information

The form of contract used between the Environment Agency and suppliers will be based on the NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract with appropriate amendments to encompass the scope and nature of the Contractor's role. Suppliers must be able to demonstrate an understanding of current UK marine and water regulations, and have access to a local (i.e. within 12 nautical miles of the Lincolnshire coast) source of suitable sand. The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at https://defra-family.force.com/s/Welcome Any questions, requests to participate or tender submissions must be submitted electronically via this portal.

