Marine Consultancy Framework

A Utilities Contract Notice

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Framework (Services)
5 year
10 Jan 2024
To 03 Apr 2029 (est.)
13 Feb 2024 11:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
National Grid
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

2 buyers


National Grid is an international Electricity and Gas Network Company based in the UK with operations in north-eastern US, and one of the largest investor-owned energy companies in the world. National Grid are looking to set up a multi-year Marine Consultancy Framework to service offshore cable laying as part of the Great Grid Upgrade. The Framework will cover the full gamut of consultancy disciplines required to support end to end marine projects. Including Subsea Cable Technical Consultancy, Unexploded Ordinance (UXO ALARP), Metocean, Marine Survey Support and HVDC/HVAC Platform Engineering Services. The Framework will be developed in line with National Grid processes, other best practice guidance i.e. DNVGL-RP-0360 and European Subsea Cables Association guidelines.

Lot Division

1 Offshore Consultancy Support
  • Value: £35M

Marine Technical Consultant (MTC) will support the marine route selection work being undertaken by the separately appointed Marine Environmental Consultant. As part of this, the MTC shall provide technical input to the marine routeing and landfall options selection. Fisheries Liaison Office (FLO) shall perform a desktop fisheries activity analysis, for input into the selection of the marine cable route corridor by other consultants. In addition, the FLO shall draft a Fisheries Engagement Strategy to inform project consultations and future works at site. Onsite Client Reps (OCRs) may be required to deploy as representatives of NG and partner organisations during operations throughout the project life cycle.

2 Survey Support
  • Value: £2M

Conduct a comprehensive review of all applicable regulatory requirements for the vessels planned scopes of operation. These should include but not be limited to International, national and local regulations as applicable to the contract. The review should identify all specific regulations relevant to the vessels planned operations and ensure compliance throughout the duration on task. To ensure data meets the required specification National Grid require data across the following marine survey equipment types to be checked for quality and compliance: Bathymetry Seabed classification (from backscatter, side-scan sonar, and samples (physical and imagery) Topography (point cloud and imagery) Sub surface geology (from sub-bottom profilers, core penetration tests and core samples) Anthropomorphic object detection (from magnetometer cross referenced with bathymetry and side-scan sonar). Assurance of data from ancillary systems may also be required: GNSS systems USBL systems

3 Marine UXO Consultant
  • Value: £2M

The UXO Consultant shall provide a review of legislation and Best Practice Guidance for Marine UXO in the UK Exclusive Economic Zone. The review should highlight the standards for the planning, design, delivery, operation and maintenance, decommissioning or regulation of projects in the marine environment for UXO risk. The review should focus on abandoned explosive ordnance (such as sea-dumped munitions or abandoned ship or aircraft wrecks), rather than chemical warfare agents. The review shall provide a review of the known industry techniques (and their effectiveness) for lower noise alternatives to high order detonation of UXOs within the marine environment.

4 Weather/Metocean
  • Value: £2M

To better understand project timelines, risks and costs, there is a requirement to understand the environment prior to, during and after the several project stages that make up a successful marine project. To this end the Client requires the following types of analysis / reports to inform the planning and successful completion of its marine works: Projects weather forecasts based on climatological data for planning and contractor assessments. Weather downtime predictions for marine works. Tidal stream and oceanic current modelling to assist in offshore engineering design.

5 HVDC Platform Engineering Services
  • Value: £4M

Support the Client with Platform knowledge and expertise. A range of tasks and responsibilities aimed at ensuring that the project is executed according to the specifications, schedule, and budget. This work will include but not limited to Platform related tasks: · Technical advisor, subject matter expert for all things 'Platform'. · Creating, developing, and reviewing Platform technical documentation. · Performing quality assurance and quality control on all designs, drawings and relevant materials that are produced by others relating to the Platform. · Providing and managing all necessary markups, feedback, comments, and edits. · Maintaining and tracking Platform submissions, drawings, applications, etc. · Design review and management. · Procurement support. · Project management support. · Programme management support. · Offshore Platform Health, Safety, and Environmental Compliance. The Technical Consultant (TC) will support the platform feasibility and concept evaluation work to help ensure that the HND solutions are technically viable, and economically and environmentally sustainable. The results of this SoW will be critical in the decision making for the project. The works will be used in communications with decision makers, management, investors, Ofgem and various stakeholders.

Renewal Options

Plus 2 years plus 1 year

CPV Codes

  • 73112000 - Marine research services
  • 71351600 - Weather-forecasting services
  • 71621000 - Technical analysis or consultancy services


  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Performance considerations apply.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

To register your interest in this Procurement event and to obtain the pre-qualification documentation applicants are to email using the wording 'Registering Interest for Marine Consultancy Framework' (if you have them) your Ariba AN number (Network ID), name, email address and contact phone number for all contacts within your organisation who will need to receive Ariba messages and administer your online submissions. Following receipt of this information National Grid will invite you to the Ariba event where all the pre-qualification documentation is contained including further instructions. National Grid UK Limited will conduct the procurement and enter into the framework agreement with the successfully appointed suppliers for its own benefit and for the benefit of the entities identified below. National Grid UK Limited or any of the following entities shall be entitled to call off from the framework agreement and enter into contracts resulting from the call off: 1. Any parent undertakings or subsidiary undertakings (each term as defined in section 1162 Companies Act 2006 except that references in that section to "majority" shall be replaced by reference to "25% or more") of National Grid UK Limited and any subsidiary undertakings of any such parent undertakings at the time of the call off including without limitation: a) National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc b) National Grid LionLink Limited c) National Grid Nautilus Limited d) National Grid Continental Limited e) National Grid Interconnector Holdings Limited f) National Grid Interconnectors Limited g) National Grid North Sea Link Limited- h) National Grid Viking Link Limited i) National Grid IFA 2 Limited j) National Grid NSN Link Limited 2. Any entity that is acting as a project partner with any National Grid call off partner (identified in paragraph 1 above) and which calls off jointly with any such National Grid entity including, without limitation,: a) Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc b) TenneT TSO B.V. c) TenneT TSO GmbH d) TenneT Offshore GmbH e) Elia Asset NV/SA f) Energinet Eltransmission A/S g) Statnett SF h) Transmission system operators and other developers and/or operators of HVDC projects; and/or 3. Any special purpose vehicle, incorporated joint venture or contractual joint venture, between any of the parties identified in paragraphs 1 and 2 above. It should be noted that, whilst National Grid Interconnector Holdings Limited and any of its subsidiaries whether current or future, which hold an interconnector licence, and National Grid Interconnectors Limited, are included within the scope of the Marine Survey Framework agreement, and therefore entitled to call off under it, these entities are not subject to the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016 or any other relevant procurement regime. These entities' participation in this procurement process and/or the framework agreement does not cause them to be subject to those rules in whole or in part. Interested parties should note that National Grid is using the Ariba portal, details in Section I.3 and 11.1.4. of this notice. All documentation will be made available through this portal. All communications by interested parties must be made to the contacts in Section 11.1.4 . Once interested parties have been invited to the Ariba Event, National Grid will then only communicate through the portal. Communications sent by alternative means and/or to any other person will be ignored. Please note that a "request to participate" for the purposes of section IV.2.2 of this notice is by completion and return of the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ), which is available through the Ariba portal, by the stated deadline. Interested parties should note that National Grid reserves the right to cancel or vary this procurement process at any stage. National Grid may also change the basis, procedures and/or timescales set out or referred to within the procurement documents. National Grid will not be liable for any costs or expenses whatsoever incurred by interested parties in participating in this procurement process.

