HS2 Ltd Green Asset Maintenance & Management Services
A Utilities Contract Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 5 year
- Value
- £209M
- Sector
- Published
- 09 Jan 2024
- Delivery
- To 26 Feb 2029 (est.)
- Deadline
- 27 Feb 2024 12:00

2 buyers
- High Speed Two HS2 Birmingham
As part of the High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Act 2017 (HS2 Act), HS2 Ltd has a legal requirement to mitigate its environmental effects. In addition, HS2 Ltd has a requirement through agreements with the Department for Transport to provide environmental benefits. These requirements and provision of benefits include the provision of green assets. HS2 Ltd has acquired much of its land temporarily to construct the railway. Some of this land has been or will be developed into environmental mitigation sites (Green Assets), which range from sites compensating for the loss of grassland, scrub and woodland habitats to new receptor sites for ancient woodland soils, amphibians and reptiles as well as other ecological and landscape mitigation sites. Collectively, this is referred to as our Green Corridor, which, once delivered, will span 3,500ha. HS2 Ltd has adopted a hierarchical strategy transfer Green Assets not required to safely operate the railway, firstly to original landowners, then with other third parties such as NGOs and charities, and then commercial use before any residual assets become part of the operational asset portfolio. The final volumes of Maintenance and Management of residual Green Assets will therefore be dependent upon the levels of these asset transfers. These green assets, include, but are not limited to the following: • Woodlands; • Grasslands; • Hedgerows; • Ponds, ditches and other non-engineering related drainage features; and • Habitat, including bat houses, reptile banks and hibernacula. Each of these green assets have environmental aims and objectives which can only be achieved through effective maintenance and management (M&M). HS2 Ltd require Contractor(s) to undertake the M&M of these assets. It is important that M&M of green assets continues to happen to ensure that: • Our mitigation sites meet their design objectives; • We achieve our "No Net Loss" requirements and deliver the Green Corridor ambitions; • We ensure compliance with the Environmental Minimum Requirements (EMRs) and other licence conditions imparted on HS2 Ltd by statutory bodies such as Natural England; and • We avoid unnecessary reputational damage from failure of habitats and associated programme issues (cost and schedule) of rectifying.
Lot Division
1 | Maintenance and Management of Phase 1 Area North
The procurement is for a Contractor to provide the services described in the procurement documents under an amended NEC3 Term Service Contract. The contract Award will be for an initial period of 5 years with the option to extend, at HS2 Ltd's sole discretion, for up to a further 5 years via single or multiple fixed term increments. HS2 Ltd anticipates making two (2) contract awards for Lot 1 that are broadly equitable in value. However, HS2 Ltd reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to take account of other considerations (for example, but not exclusively, capacity and programme constraints, technical fit, performance standards, and price to ensure best value for money) when allocating the volume of Services and HS2 Ltd may allocate the volume of Services based on any such relevant considerations. HS2 Ltd does not guarantee a minimum volume or value of Services under any Contract. For Lot 1, it is envisaged that the two contract awards will have an aggregated value of between 55 314 000 GBP and 78 264 000 GBP. The final value being dependent upon levels of asset transfers and therefore the volume of Maintenance and Management of residual Green Assets. (This range is for the maximum contract term of 10 years - if all extension options are exercised). |
2 | Maintenance and Management of Phase 1 Area Central / South
The procurement is for a Contractor to provide the services described in the procurement documents under an amended NEC3 Term Service Contract. The contract Award will be for an initial period of 5 years with the option to extend, at HS2 Ltd's sole discretion, for up to a further 5 years via single or multiple fixed term increments. HS2 Ltd anticipates making three (3) contract awards for Lot 2 that are broadly equitable in value. However, HS2 Ltd reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to take account of other considerations (for example, but not exclusively, capacity and programme constraints, technical fit, performance standards, and price to ensure best value for money) when allocating the volume of Services and HS2 Ltd may allocate the volume of Services based on any such relevant considerations. HS2 Ltd does not guarantee a minimum volume or value of Services under any Contract. For Lot 2, it is envisaged that the three contract awards will have an aggregated value of between 82 970 000 GBP and 117 396 000 GBP. The final value being dependent upon levels of asset transfers and therefore the volume of Maintenance and Management of residual Green Assets. (This range is for the maximum contract term of 10 years - if all extension options are exercised). |
3 | Maintenance and Management of Phase 1 land within the security fence and any operationally sensitive slopes or cuttings
The procurement is for a Contractor to provide the services described in the procurement documents under an amended NEC3 Term Service Contract. The contract award will be for an initial period of 5 years with the option to extend, at HS2 Ltd's sole discretion, for up to a further 5 years via single or multiple fixed term increments. HS2 Ltd anticipates making one (1) contract award for Lot 3. For Lot 3, it is envisaged that the one contract award will have an aggregated value of between 9 716 000 GBP and 13 748 000 GBP. The final value being dependent upon levels of asset transfers and therefore the volume of Maintenance and Management of residual Green Assets. (This range is for the maximum contract term of 10 years - if all extension options are exercised). |
Renewal Options
The initial contract period is 60 months and there is an option to extend the contract, at HS2 Ltd's sole discretion, for up to a further 60 months via single or multiple fixed term increments. The estimated values quoted in this notice include allowance for the contract extension.
CPV Codes
- 77000000 - Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services
- 45112700 - Landscaping work
- 70332100 - Land management services
- 77300000 - Horticultural services
- 90700000 - Environmental services
- 90710000 - Environmental management
- 90714000 - Environmental auditing
- 90720000 - Environmental protection
- Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
- Bids should cover one or more lots.
- Bids should cover the whole contract.
- Options are available.
- Renewals are not available.
- Financial restrictions apply.
- Performance considerations apply.
- Professional qualifications are sought.
- Award on basis of price and quality.
Other Information
Applicants are referred to the PQP and accompanying procurement documents and to VI.3) Additional information in this Contract Notice below. 1) To express interest Applicants must complete the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) on the HS2 Ltd eSourcing portal strictly in accordance with the submission deadline stated in the procurement documents. Please note that the PQQ submission deadline is a precise time and Applicants should allow sufficient time to upload their completed PQQs; 2) HS2 Ltd will accept expressions of interest and tenders from a number of bidding models, including single entities or consortia. An Applicant may only submit one PQQ. HS2 Ltd will not accept multiple PQQs from the same organisation/economic operators, or from multiple organisations/economic operators within the same corporate group or otherwise under common ownership (whether as single Applicant or as party to a consortium); 3) All Applicants are required to express an interest by registering on the HS2 Ltd e-Sourcing portal (https://hs2.bravosolution.co.uk/web/index.html). Registration is only required once; 4) For further assistance on use of the HS2 Ltd e-Sourcing portal Applicants should contact the portal's helpdesk which is available Monday to Friday (08:00-18:00) GMT via: - email: help_uk@jaggaer.com or - telephone: +44 800 069 8630; 5) Access to the procurement documents will be conditional on the Applicant agreeing to abide by the terms of an electronic confidentiality agreement. If agreement is not received the procurement documents will remain hidden within the HS2 Ltd e-sourcing portal; 6) A response to this Contract Notice does not guarantee that an Applicant will be invited to tender. The procurement process may be terminated or suspended at any time without cost or liability to HS2 Ltd. HS2 Ltd does not bind itself to enter into any contract arising out of the procurement procedure envisaged by this Contract Notice. No contractual rights express or implied arise out of this Contract Notice or the procurement procedure envisaged by it. HS2 Ltd reserves the right to vary its requirements and the procedure relating to the conduct of the award process. HS2 Ltd reserves the right to disqualify any Applicants on terms set out in the PQQ; 7) Applicants (and subsequently Tenderers) shall be solely responsible for and liable for all costs associated with and arising out of or in connection with responding to this Contract Notice and any PQQ and with submitting any tender, howsoever incurred; 8) HS2 Ltd embraces diversity and welcomes PQQs from all suitably skilled and experienced economic operators of all sizes who can meet the requirements, regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, faith, disability or age of supplier workforce and/or ownership; 9) There is no guarantee, express or implied, that appointed Contractor(s) will receive any, or a particular volume or value of work.
- FTS 000679-2024