Coppermills WS-SRP Procurement

A Utilities Periodic Indicative Notice

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Future Contract (Works)
not specified
08 Jan 2024
not specified
16 Jan 2024 10:00




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Thames Water Utilities
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


This project includes, but is not limited to the following packages of work: • A new circa 700 Ml/d High Lift Pumping Station (HLPS). • A new circa 260 Ml/d Slow Sand Filter (SSF) Recirculation and Run-to-Waste system. Future works may include the following and is included in the value given in Section II.1.5. • A new ultraviolet irradiation system to treat SSF filtrate for Cryptosporidium inactivation. • A new circa 50 Ml/d contact tank draindown pumping station and dechlorination system. One contract for the full scope of the PIN is intended to be procured by issue of a Contract Notice, but the final contract may not include the full scope and Thames Water may, through the procurement, change its requirements as indicated in this PIN.

Total Quantity or Scope

1.1. High Lift Pumping Station This package entails the design, construction, and commissioning of a new High Lift Pumping Station (HLPS) and decommissioning of the existing HLPS for Coppermills Advanced Water Treatment Works (AWTW). The existing HLPS is the primary means of distributing "life's essential service" to customers in Northeast London and is being replaced to enhance supply resilience and future proof London's water supply system and will be funded via a conditional allowance programme. • At a high level, this package will involve the construction of a modern, energy efficient, and resilient pumping station in the footprint of an existing slow sand filter in the centre of this busy operational site. The new HLPS building will feature a meticulously designed basement and superstructure to house the new VSD controlled high lift pumps, surge suppression equipment, electrical systems, and Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) plant. Additionally, this package will include logistically and technically complicated connections and modifications to the existing contact tank(s) and the existing HLPS outlet and inlet manifolds, as well as connection to the Thames Water Ring Main. Further, the works will include the development and implementation of a comprehensive Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) upgrade along with a new instrumentation and control system to optimise the overall operational efficiency of the new HLPS and to protect customers. Many of the ancillary works associated with this package are significant and will include but not be limited to: HV power upgrade, additional standby generator capacity, a new uninterrupted power supply system, asset protection and monitoring, and decommissioning of the existing HLPS and associated assets. 1.2. Slow Sand Filter (SSF) Recirculation and Run-to-Waste System • This package entails the design, construction, and commissioning of a new recirculation and run-to-waste system for 32 existing SSFs at Coppermills AWTW to enhance supply resilience and overall efficiency, resilience, and adaptability of Coppermills AWTW. • This package will include the construction of 16 below ground SSF recirculation/run-to-waste pumping stations with submersible pumps, associated pipework, valves, instruments, and fittings. Additionally, a sophisticated flow control and monitoring system will be implemented, featuring 32 flow control valves, flowmeters, and sampling points on each SSF outlet. The electrical infrastructure will include an LV substation, East and West LV switchboards, and MCCs for each pumping station. E Flows from the individual pumping stations will be transferred to a central distribution point. The distribution point will incorporate flowmeters, control valves, sampling points, and instruments to enable flows to be sent to waste and/or recirculated depending on water quality and operational requirements. This package will also include the construction of new connections and a discharge pipework to the head of the works and Walthamstow Reservoir No. 3 via Tunnel C culvert. This forward-looking initiative aims to enhance overall efficiency, resilience, and adaptability to future water treatment demands. 1.3. Ultraviolet Irradiation System • This package will involve the design, construction and commission of a new ultraviolet irradiation (UV) system to treat SSF filtrate at Coppermills AWTW. The requirements for this package of work are being developed by Thames Water. Accordingly, the successful Contractor will need to work collaboratively with Thames Water to help develop the requirements for this package. Thames Water's key driver for including this package in this contract is to ensure an integrated and systematic approach to delivery of all works at Coppermills AWTW and to support early benefit realisation and cost savings where possible. 1.4. Contact Tank Draindown System • Similar to the UV system requirements for the contact tank draindown system are still being developed. However, there are considerable linkages between this future package and the HLPS and SSF recirculation and run-to-waste packages and therefore it is essential that requirements and solutions are developed in parallel. 1.5. General Requirements • This project will require a high level of civil, mechanical, electrical, process, operational, and construction planning and management expertise to ensure successful delivery. The key elements are summarised below: 1.5.1. Design, procurement, construction, and cost management: Working collaboratively with Thames Water to develop detailed design plans and gain approvals for the project, whilst considering funding and programme constraints. Timely and effective procurement of the necessary equipment and components such as pumps, valves, and instrumentation to ensure successful delivery and value for money. Industry leading construction and cost management services that put the project and our customer's first. 1.5.2. Site establishment and enabling works: Identification, specification, and completion of any de-risking surveys/studies required to support the delivery of the project. Decommissioning, diversion, and demolition of existing assets as required to facilitate the project. Design and installation of measures to protect and monitor existing assets to ensure safe delivery of the project. Establishing and maintaining the construction and office compound(s) and facilities for the delivery of the project. 1.5.3. SCADA works: Upgrade the existing telemetry and control systems to integrate new assets and optimise control and operation of the site. 1.5.4. Electrical works: Full upgrade of the existing power supply and distribution systems for the site to support new and existing plant and apparatus. New HV switchboards/switchgears, LV MCCs, LV switchboards, uninterrupted power supply, standby generators, and associated equipment. 1.5.5. Civil works: Demolish SSF no. 18 to make way for the new HLPS building, including substructures, to accommodate the HLPS and associated apparatus. Civil building works, including but not limited to the new HLPS, MCC, electrical and control buildings, as well as slow sand filter pumping stations, SSF recirculation/Run-to-Waste distribution system, and discharge chambers. Installation of cable ducts, below and above ground pipework and associated supports. Structural modifications to the existing contact tank(s) and an adjacent SSF (SSF no. 19) to facilitate the construction of the new HLPS inlet manifolds. Construction of new outlet manifold connections from the new HLPS to the four distribution zones and a new tunnelled connection to the Thames Water Ring Main. Implement measures and asset protection controls to support construction activities. 1.5.6. MEICA works: Mechanical, electrical and ICA fit for the project including but not limited to, all valves, instruments, pumps, motors, VSDs, control panels, surge suppression systems, chemical dosing systems and mixers, as well as water quality shutdown and control systems. 1.5.7. Commissioning and handover: Testing, commissioning, and handover of all installed assets in a manner that supports Thames Water's operational needs. 1.5.8. Decommissioning and reinstatement: Decommission the existing high lift pumping station and assets made redundant by the works especially those that could pose a risk to water quality and/or health and safety. Reinstate and recommission SSF no. 19. • Reinstate all areas affected by the project to pre-works condition or better.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work


Other Information

Please note the value given in II.1.5 is indicative and is in the range of £300,000,000 - £400,000,000. We will be holding a Launch Event to provide further information on the project, procurement process and contract model to familiarise the market with the opportunity and timelines. Attendance at the Launch Event is not essential for participation in the procurement and all information provided at the launch event will be made available later in the procurement documents. The Launch Event will be recorded, by attending this meeting you consent to being included. Time limit listed below for expressions of interest is for attendance for the launch event only. This Periodic indicative notice is not a call for competition and the launch event is not part of the procurement process itself which is triggered by a Contract Notice. Launch event to be held via MS Teams, on Tuesday 16 January 2024 at 2pm. Please email for joining instructions and to confirm attendance:

