SPT - Strategic Agreement for Transmission Overhead Line Works
A Utilities Contract Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Framework (Works)
- Duration
- 10 year
- Value
- £3B
- Sector
- Published
- 21 Dec 2023
- Delivery
- To 30 Jan 2034 (est.)
- Deadline
- 31 Jan 2024 12:00

2 buyers
- SP Transmission Glasgow
The agreement will comprise of three (3) Lots: - • Lot 1 is for 400kV Overhead Line Works involving a HTLS (High Temperature Low Sag) conductor system • Lot 2 is for 275kV and 400kV Overhead Line Works • Lot 3 is for 132kV Overhead Line Works All Lots are based on an EPC approach whereby the suppliers appointed to the agreement may be allocated projects and they will provide engineering and design, procure any materials and equipment, and carry out the construction works as per the agreed design with SPT. Details of the projects anticipated to be covered under this agreement are available in SPT's procurement documents, including an indication of the scope of work and size of each project. Note that the exact scope of each project may change from the publication of this document. These projects are indicative and may be subject to change. SPT reserves the right to update or amend these projects or add additional projects to the framework.
Lot Division
1 | Design & Construction of 400kV Overhead Lines with HTLS
Lot 1 - 400kV Overhead Line Works involving HTLS The works under this Lot will consist of the refurbishment and reconditioning of steel tower overhead lines. The Scope for Lot 1 includes, but is not limited to: • Early Contractor Involvement • Desktop Design • Detailed Design • Site Survey and Condition assessment • Site establishment - including site prep, site facilities, temporary drainage, waste management • Enabling works - Access works, site preparation • Tower refurbishment and modification including the supply of materials and equipment • Tower painting • Foundation upgrades • Circuit reconductoring including the supply of materials and equipment • Vegetation management • Where required, new overhead lines to tie in with substation works. The procurement documents contain further information on the scope of Lot 1, including the proposed contractual arrangements. |
2 | Design & Construction of 275kV and 400kV Overhead Lines
Lot 2 - 275kV and 400kV Overhead Line Works The works under this Lot will consist of • Refurbishment and reconditioning of steel tower overhead lines. • Design and construction of new 275kV Overhead Lines • Design and construction of new 400kV Overhead Lines The Scope for Lot 2 includes, but is not limited to: • Early Contractor Involvement • Desktop Design • Detailed Design • Site Survey and Condition assessment • Site establishment - including site prep, site facilities, temporary drainage, waste management • Enabling works - Access works, site preparation • Tower refurbishment and modification including the supply of materials and equipment • Tower painting • Foundation upgrades • Circuit reconductoring including the supply of materials and equipment • Vegetation management • Where required, new overhead lines to tie in with substation works. • Supply and installation of new 275kV overhead lines (SPT shall retain the option to free-issue conductor to the supplier) • Supply and installation of new 400kV overhead lines (SPT shall retain the option to free-issue conductor to the supplier) The procurement documents contain further information on the scope of Lot 2, including the proposed contractual arrangements. |
3 | Design & Construction of 132kV Overhead Line Works
Lot 3 - 132kV Overhead Line Works The works under this Lot will consist of: • Refurbishment and reconditioning of 132kV steel tower overhead lines. • Design and construction of new 132kV Tower and Wood Pole Overhead Lines The Scope for Lot 3 includes, but is not limited to: • Early Contractor Involvement • Desktop Design • Detailed Design • Site Survey and Condition assessment • Site establishment - including site prep, site facilities, temporary drainage, waste management • Enabling works - Access works, site preparation • Tower refurbishment and modification including the supply of materials and equipment • Tower painting • Foundation upgrades • Circuit reconductoring including the supply of materials and equipment • Vegetation management • Where required, new overhead lines to tie in with substation works. • Supply and installation of new 132kV overhead lines (SPT shall retain the option to free-issue conductor to the supplier) The procurement documents contain further information on the scope of Lot 3, including the proposed contractual arrangements. |
Renewal Options
The duration of the Framework Agreement is an initial 5 years, but extendable up to a maximum of 10 years at SPT's option. The duration of the Framework Agreement is 5 years, but extendable up to 10 years (in aggregate) at SPT's option. The duration of call-off contracts for specific packages may extend beyond the end of the overarching Framework Agreement.
CPV Codes
- 45231400 - Construction work for electricity power lines
- Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
- Bids should cover one or more lots.
- Bids should cover the whole contract.
- Options are available.
- Renewals are available.
- Performance considerations apply.
- Professional qualifications are sought.
- Award on basis of price and quality.
Other Information
There is no guarantee, express or implied, that the appointed suppliers under the framework agreement will receive any, or a particular volume or value of work. A virtual launch event will be held w/c 8 January 2024: to attend please email OHLstrategicagreement@scottishpower.com with the names and email addresses for your attendees. Potential bidders should note that the registration process for GoSupply can take up to two weeks, so interested parties that have not already done so should email OHLstrategicagreement@scottishpower.com in order to start the registration process as soon as possible to maximise the response time that is available to them. Interested parties must complete the following steps as soon as possible to participate in this stage of the procurement process:- 1. Register your interest by sending an email to SPT Strategic Projects at OHLstrategicagreement@scottishpower.com and make clear which Lots are of interest; 2. Fully register with Go Supply (if not already) and complete all required information:- Suppliers not already registered with Go Supply should register using the following link: https://portal.mygosupply.com/action/landing Other Useful Link: https://www.scottishpower.com/pages/suppliers.aspx Suppliers already registered with Go Supply must ensure that their registration details and information is up to date. This can be done by visiting http://www.mygosupply.com and logging in using their unique login details; and 3. Complete and submit SPT's additional questionnaire (AQ), which supplements the information provided to Go Supply, in accordance with the instructions detailed in the AQ by no later than the deadline stated in IV.2.2. At this stage in the procurement process, the procurement documents include a memorandum of information (MoI) and an additional questionnaire (AQ) which will be sent to interested parties following SPT's receipt of the interested party's email (step 1 above). The qualification and shortlisting rules are set out in the AQ. All financial values stated in this notice are calculated using current prices plus assumed inflation based on RPI forecast rates to 2034. All values are estimates only and the final outturn values will depend on the precise works and services required to be delivered, the means of delivery, the way in which programme and project risks materialise, the actual rates of inflation up to completion of the programme, and other factors. The precise details of each identified project, including specific location, route, form of electricity network infrastructure, construction methodology, and any associated mitigation or enhancement schemes are indicative and remain to be confirmed. The final project details are subject to all necessary consents being obtained (such as any required DCO, Electricity Act 1989 consent or planning permission), the requirements of those consents, and the terms of any necessary land rights to be secured to enable project delivery. SPT gives no commitment as to the basis on which any necessary consents or land rights will be applied for, or obtained. Parties participating in this procurement process do so at their own risk and shall bear their own costs, whether or not the process proceeds as anticipated, or at all. Subject to the fuller terms of the procurement documents, SPT reserves the right (in its sole and absolute discretion and without liability to any person): (i) not to accept the highest scoring, or any, bid(s); (ii) to cancel the procurement process or any lot or other part of it at any time; (iii) not to award a contract in any lot or at all; and (iv) to make changes to the content and structure of the procurement process at any time. This Framework Agreement, along with other framework agreements that SPT may procure through separate procurement processes, will contribute to SPT's delivery of its strategic projects under the Holistic Network Design (HND) model (which are funded by the Accelerated Strategic Transmission Investment, Large Onshore Transmission Investment and Medium Sized Investment Project frameworks) as well as any baseline projects forming part of SPT's RIIO-T2 and RIIO-T/3 price control settlements and any customer connection projects that SPT considers appropriate to be delivered under this model. For the avoidance of doubt, SPT may have separate arrangements for the delivery of similar works to the works which SPT intends to procure under the Framework Agreement but such arrangements may be based on a different delivery model. It is currently anticipated that SPT's HND programme will be delivered by the suppliers through these Framework Agreements and the call-off contracts awarded under them, and the full scope of that is included in the scope advertised by this notice. However, and without limiting that, the works and services awarded to the suppliers through this Framework Agreement, and the other framework agreements, may extend beyond work required for the HND programme to involve additional works and services, through the award of further contracts in reliance on the procedure in Regulation 48(4)(e) of the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016 concerning direct awards for new works, services or both, consisting of the repetition of similar works or services. Any contracts for new works or services consisting of the repetition of similar works or services will (as relevant in the circumstances) conform to the requirements of SPT's HND programme and / or for a particular project for which contracts are called-off under these Framework Agreements
- FTS 037752-2023