Community Mental Health Framework Supporting Services

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
15 Dec 2023
not specified




Geochart for 3 buyers and 20 suppliers
NHS Bristol North Somerset & South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board
Bristol Hearing Voices Network
St Mungos Assertive Contact & Engagement Service
Mothers for Mothers
North Somerset Homestart
Second Step Sanctuary
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (BNSSG ICB) is extending a number of current Community Mental Health Supporting Services contracts by 1-2 years. This is being undertaken in order to align the services to the emerging BNSSG Community Mental Health Programme (CMHP) and avoid gaps in services prior to the final design and configuration of the ICB's community mental health offer being fully established. All the relevant Providers are providing a service of acceptable quality that meets the needs and expectation of the ICB and patients. The ICB has no concerns regarding the proposed providers' ability to deliver the service. As a result of all the material factors noted above, the negotiated procedure without prior publication is justified under regulation 32(2)(b)(ii) 'competition is absent for technical reasons'. The 24/25 value of this notice, which is split across 14 separate contracts, is £8,106,053. The 25/26 value of this notice, which is split across 20 separate contracts (inclusive of the aforementioned 14), is £11,419,814. The total value of this notice for the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2026 is £19,525,867. Further detail on the split of the individual contracts is provided in VI.3. Additional information

Total Quantity or Scope

If the ICB does not award contract extensions it would significantly increase health inequalities, leaving gaps within the pathway, and without a clear alterative in place. Without a clear direction of travel, services may lose staff at a time when people with mental health problems are at their most vulnerable. Ending of contracts would not support the system's strategic direction and would not support people with mental health needs, who are particularly disadvantaged. … The services to which this aggregated Notice applies to are: 1. Bristol Changes 2. Bristol Hearing Voices Group 3. Bristol Mind (Mindline) 4. HOPE (Second Step) 5. Missing Link (Women's Crisis House) 6. Nilaari 7. Self Injury Support Group 8. St Mungos (Assertive Contact and Engagement Service) 9. Windmill Hill City Farm 10. Mothers for Mothers 11. North Somerset Homestart 12. Rockabye 13. Bristol Dementia Service (DPT) 14. Beside (Second Step) 15. Cruse 16. North Somerset Wellbeing Service (Second Step) 17. Sanctuary (Second Step) 18. Community Rehabilitation (Second Step) 19. Safe Haven (Second Step) 20. The Harbour

Award Detail

1 Bristol Changes (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £229,732
  • Contractor is an SME.
2 Bristol Hearing Voices Network (London)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £6,788
  • Contractor is an SME.
3 Bristol Mind (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £154,778
  • Contractor is an SME.
4 Hope Second Step (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £662,938
  • Contractor is an SME.
5 Missing Link Womens Crisis House (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £1,016,504
  • Contractor is an SME.
6 Nilaari Agency (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £210,000
  • Contractor is an SME.
7 Self Injury Support (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £250,328
  • Contractor is an SME.
8 St Mungos Assertive Contact & Engagement Service (London)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £1,915,674
  • Contractor is an SME.
9 Windmill Hill City Farm (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £29,876
  • Contractor is an SME.
10 Mothers for Mothers (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £118,002
  • Contractor is an SME.
11 North Somerset Homestart (Weston Super Mare)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £54,196
  • Contractor is an SME.
12 Rockabye (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £49,056
  • Contractor is an SME.
13 Bristol Dementia Service DPT (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £11,388,234
14 Beside Second Step (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £126,000
  • Contractor is an SME.
15 Cruse (Richmond)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £53,835
  • Contractor is an SME.
16 Second Step North Somerset Wellbeing Service (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £139,345
  • Contractor is an SME.
17 Second Step Sanctuary (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £256,164
  • Contractor is an SME.
18 Second Step Community Rehabilitation (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £2,532,668
  • Contractor is an SME.
19 Second Step Safe Haven (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £267,816
  • Contractor is an SME.
20 Harbour (Bristol)
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £63,933
  • Contractor is an SME.

Award Criteria


CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services
  • 85121000 - Medical practice services
  • 85323000 - Community health services


  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

The services are healthcare services falling within Schedule 3 to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 ("the Regulations") which are not subject to the full regime of the Regulations, but are instead governed by the "Light Touch Regime" contained within Chapter 3, Section 7 of the Regulations (Regulations 74 to 77). Community Mental Health Services Individual contract information. Please note that contractual figures are based on 23-24 contract values and contract values may alter slightly with annual uplifts. 1. Provider: Bristol Changes a. Provides peer support groups within Bristol and LGBTQIA+ and Women of Colour Online Peer Support Groups for BNSSG. b. Value 24-25 Contract value £114,866 25-26 Contract value £114,866 Total Contract value £229,732 c. Bristol Changes will be renewed for 2 years running until March 31st 2026 2. Provider: Bristol Hearing Voices Group a. Peer led support group. The aim of BHVN is to promote positive explanations of voice hearing, intrusive thoughts, and other unusual experiences, and to give people a framework for developing their own ways of coping. b. Value: 24-25 Contract value £3,394 25-26 Contract value £3,394 Total Contract value £6,788 c. Bristol Hearing Voices Group will be renewed for 2 years running until 31st March 2026 3. Provider: Bristol Mind (Mindline) a. Wednesday- Sunday 8pm- midnight, phone line for people experiencing mental distress. b. Value: 24-25 Contract value £77,389 25-26 Contract value £77,389 Total Contract value £154,778 c. Bristol Mindline will be renewed for 2 years running until 31st March 2026. 4. Provider: HOPE - (Second Step) a. Provides emotional and practical support to men aged 30-64, who are experiencing distress due to financial hardship, debt, job loss or benefit worries b. Value: 24-25 Contract value £331,469 25-26 Contract value £331,469 Total Contract value £662,938 c. HOPE will be renewed for 2 years running until 31st March 2026. 5. Provider: Missing Link (Women's Crisis House) a. The women's crisis house supports women experiencing mental health problems where hospital admission might be the only other alternative available The service works to a social rather than medical model of care and support b. Value: £ 24-25 Contract value £508,252 25-26 Contract value £508,252 Total Contract value £1,016,504 c. Missing Link Women's Crisis house will be renewed for 2 years running until 31st March 2026 6. Provider: Nilaari a. Community Link Worker Service To provide culturally-sensitive Community Link Workers to improve access to, experience of, and outcomes from mental health services for minoritised communities in Inner City & East Bristol. b. Value: 24-25 Contract value £105,000 25-26 Contract value £105,000 Total Contract value £210,000 c. Community Link Worker Service contract will be renewed for 2 years running until 31st March 2026 7. Provider: Self Injury Support Service a. Works in partnership with Acute Psychiatric Liaison Services to refine a referral process for people who present to A&E with self-harm to relevant information and support services. This Service will aim to provide preventative support reducing mental health deterioration. b. Value: 24-25 Contract value £125,164 25-26 Contract value £125,164 Total Contract value £250,328 c. Self Injury Support Service will be renewed for 2 years running until 31st March 2026 8. Provider: St Mungos (Assertive Contact and Engagement Service) a. Mental health outreach support for people who may struggle to engage with services. b. Value 24-25 Contract value £957,837 25-26 Contract value £957,837 Total Contract value £1,915,674 c. ACE will be renewed for 2 years running until 31st March 2026. 9. Provider: Windmill Hill City Farm a. A mental health drop in group and volunteer support in an outdoor environment on a City farm. b. Value: 24-25 Contract value £14,938 25-26 Contract value £14,938 Total Contract value £29,876 c. Windmill Hill City Farm will be renewed for 2 years running until 31st March 2024 10. Provider: Mothers for Mothers a. Perinatal support phone line and support calls to families over 6-10 weeks with the aim of signposting on to other services in Bristol. b. Value: £ 24-25 Contract value £59,001 25-26 Contract value £59,001 Total Contract value £118,002 c. Mothers for Mothers will be renewed for 2 years running until 31st March 2026 11. Provider: North Somerset Homestart a. Home visiting support for parents of children up to 5 years of age b. Value: 24-25 Contract value £27,098 25-26 Contract value £27,098 Total Contract value £54,196 c. North Somerset Homestart will be renewed for 2 years running until 31st March 2026 12. Provider: Rockabye a. Ante natal and post-natal parenting groups in North Somerset and South Glos children's centres. Coaching and training to staff in Bristol children's centres b. Value: 24-25 Contract value £24,528 25-26 Contract value £24,528 Total Contract Value £49,056 c. Rockabye will be renewed for 2 years running until 31st March 2026. 13. Provider: Bristol Dementia Service (DPT) a. The Dementia Wellbeing Service delivers an integrated person-centered primary care led model for people with dementia and their family/carers through the Bristol Dementia Partnership which brings together the Alzheimer's Society and Devon Partnership NHS Trust, to delivers the community dementia services in the Bristol in conjunction with Primary care. b. Value: 24-25 Contract value £5,694,117 25-26 Contract value £5,694,117 Total Contract Value £11,388,234 c. Bristol Dementia Service will be renewed for 2 years running until 31st March 2026 14. Provider: Beside (Second Step) a. The Beside is a Suicide Bereavement Liaison Service that identifies and make contact with individuals who have been bereaved by suicide and support them during this period, up to and including the inquest. This service is joint commissioned with BSW ICB. b. BNSSG ICB Value only: 24-25 Contract value £63,000 25-26 Contract value £63,000 Total Contract Value £126,000 c. The Beside service will be renewed for 2 years running until 31st March 2026 15. Provider: CRUSE a. Provides bereavement counselling and 1:1 support. b. Value: 25-26 Contract value £53,835 Total Contract Value £53,835 c. Cruse Bereavement will be renewed for 1 year running until 31st March 2026. 16. Provider: Second Step (North Somerset Wellbeing Service) a. Provides a programme of activities to promote social inclusion and wellbeing in North Somerset. This service is joint commissioned with North Somerset Local Authority b. Value: BNSSG ICB only 25-26 Contract value £139,345 Total Contract value £139,345 c. North Somerset Wellbeing service provided by Second Step will be renewed for 1 year running until 31st March 2026 17. Provider: Second Step (Sanctuary) a. The Sanctuary is a safe space available for anyone experiencing emotional distress out of core service hours where they might otherwise have to attend A&E. It is open in the evenings Thursday - Monday. b. Value: 25-26 Contract value £256,164 Total Contract Value £256,164 c. The Sanctuary will be renewed for 1 year running until 31st March 2026. 18. Provider: Second Step (Community Rehabilitation) a. Provides a ten bedded accommodation unit, out of provider team and support in the community for people with mental health rehabilitation support needs b. Value: 25-26 Contract value £2,532,668 Total Contract Value £2,532,668 c. Community Rehabilitation Service provided by Second Step will be renewed for 1 year running until 31st March 2026 19. Provider: Second Step (Safe Haven) a. Insert service details b. Value: 25-26 Contract value £267,816 Total Contract Value £267,816 c. Second Step Safe Haven will be renewed for 1 year running until 31st March 2026. 20. Provider: The Harbour a. Provides counselling to people with a serious illness, their careers and those who have recently been bereaved. b. Value: 25-25 Contract value £63,933 Total Contract Value £63,933 c. The Harbour will be renewed for 1 year running until 31st March 2026. 24-25 Total number contracts 14 24-25 Total contract MH spend £8,106,053 25-26 Total number contracts 20 25-26 Total contract MH spend £11,419,814

