Mechanical Works and Associated Services
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Framework (Works)
- Duration
- 4 year
- Value
- 25M
- Sector
- Published
- 15 Dec 2023
- Delivery
- To 30 Jan 2028 (est.)
- Deadline
- 30 Jan 2024 12:00

2 buyers
- Edinburgh University Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh wishes to appoint a Mechanical Services Framework Agreement (incorporating a Measured Term Contract) for the provision of reactive maintenance, planned works and associated services to all mechanical plant and equipment within the University of Edinburgh estate. The framework may also be utilised for Small Projects and Minor Works capital projects where appropriate. The Framework is tendered on behalf of the University of Edinburgh and all University of Edinburgh Subsidiary Companies. Any and all of the University of Edinburgh’s Subsidiary Companies may access and utilise this Framework at any time during the life of the agreement. The Framework Agreement will include the University of Edinburgh's estate of approximately 550 buildings in Edinburgh and Midlothian and other property owned, occupied or otherwise used by the University of Edinburgh. Lists of University of Edinburgh properties are provided within this Invitation to Tender. The framework agreement will operate under the JCT FA 2016 Framework Agreement 2016 and all call-offs awarded under the framework will come under the Measured Term Contract for use in Scotland MTC/Scot (2011 Edition). The work to be carried out under the Framework Agreement is as described in the General Directions, Tasks and Specification information in the NSR Schedule of Rates for mechanical services are listed below: S10 - Cold water S11 - Hot water S12 - Hot and cold water (small scale) S13 - Pressurized water S20 - Treated/Deionised/Distilled water S32 - Natural gas S41 - Fuel oil storage/distribution S60 - Fire hose reels S61 - Dry risers S62 - Wet Risers S65 - Fire hydrants S71 - Foam fire fighting T10 - Gas/oil fired boilers T14 - Heat pumps T15 - Solar collectors T16 - Alternative fuel boilers T30 - Medium temperature hot water heating T31 - Low temperature hot water heating T32 - Low temperature hot water heating (small scale) T50 - Heat Recovery U41 - Fan-coil air conditioning U60 - Air Conditioning Units U70 - Air curtains Y10 - Pipelines Y11 - Pipeline ancillaries Y20 - Pumps Y21 - Water tanks/cisterns Y30 - Air ductlines Y31 - Air ductline ancillaries Y41 - Fans Y45 - Silences/Acoustic Treatment Y46 - Grills/diffusers/louvres Y50 - Thermal insulation Y53 - Control components - Mechanical Builders Work (Excavation, Concrete, Markers and covers, Cable ducts and troughs, Metalwork, Painting, Cutting away and making good and Removing and refixing) The activity is spread over five locations covering 800,000 square metres with student accommodation provided at the Pollock Halls of Residence and across a range of flats around city. Other locations include Central Edinburgh Area, Kings Buildings, Bush Estate, the Roslin Institute, the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and Firbush Outdoor Education Centre. As required under CDM 2015, the Provider(s) is responsible for the co-ordination, supervision and administration of the Works, including all sub contracts. The Provider shall arrange and monitor a programme with each sub-contractor, supplier, local authority and statutory undertaker, and obtain and supply information as necessary for the co-ordination of the work. This Procurement will be conducted through the use of the Open Procedure. The Invitation to tender (ITT) will evaluate both the quality and cost elements and is weighted 70 percent Quality and 30 percent Cost. A Quality threshold will apply, bidders are required to achieve a score of 42 or more out of 70 to progress to award. Bidders can bid for one or both Lots. The four highest scoring suppliers will be invited on to each Lot. For each Lot, suppliers will be ranked in order of highest Quality and Cost score achieved, with options to award contracts by direct award or mini competition. A bidder may only be ranked first in one of the Lots and consideration will be given to the bidder’s Lot preferences. Bidders will be required to complete the following sections within PCS-T: ITT Qualification Section (Pass/Fail): Bidders will be required to complete the Single Procurement Document (Scotland) requesting general information concerning the bidder, exclusion criteria and selection criteria (including suitability, economic and financial standing, technical and professional ability, quality assurance schemes etc.). Bidders will be required to provide three examples of works and associated services that demonstrate the range of project types and contracts undertaken by your Practice and carried out during the past five years that demonstrate that they have the relevant experience in delivering services of a comparative nature and of a similar scale and complexity for Lot 1 and Lot 2 Mechanical Works and Associated Services. The works to be carried out under the Framework Agreement are described in the General Directions, Tasks and Specification information in the NSR Schedule of Rates for mechanical services. See Section II.1.4 of this contract notice and Schedule 3 of the ITT for full details of scope of works and services required. ITT Award l Section (70 percent Quality and 30 percent Cost) Bidders must confirm compliance with mandatory service requirements. Quality - Bidders will be required to answer weighted award criteria questions such as on Service Delivery, Approach to working with the University and Problem Solving, Quality Workmanship, Contract Management, The Team, Health & Safety and Fair Work and Sustainability practices. Technical Scores shall be allocated based on the total percentage achieved by the response out of the maximum possible percentage. This takes into account the score out of 4 and the weighting allocated to individual questions. Objective Scoring Criteria: 0 Unacceptable - Nil or inadequate response. Fails to demonstrate an ability to meet the requirement. 1 Poor - Response is partially relevant but generally poor. The response addresses some elements of the requirement but contains insufficient/limited detail or explanation to demonstrate how the requirement will be fulfilled. 2 Acceptable - Response is relevant and acceptable. The response addresses a broad understanding of the requirement but may lack details on how the requirement will be fulfilled in certain areas. 3 Good Response is relevant and good. The response is sufficiently detailed to demonstrate a good understanding and provides details on how the requirements will be fulfilled. 4 Excellent - Response is completely relevant and excellent overall. The response is comprehensive, unambiguous and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the requirement and provides details of how the requirement will be met in full. Cost – The bidder will confirm the daywork rates and percentages of uplift applied the NSR schedule. The bidder who submits the lowest cost will be awarded the maximum score and others awarded a score pro rata, in relation to the lowest bid.
Lot Division
1 | Science and Engineering and Medical and Veterinary Sciences |
2 | Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Accommodation, Catering and Events and Professional Services |
Award Criteria
Quality | 70.0 |
PRICE | 30.0 |
CPV Codes
- 45351000 - Mechanical engineering installation works
- Bids should cover one or more lots.
- Bids should cover the whole contract.
- This is a recurring contract.
- Renewals are available.
- Financial restrictions apply.
- Performance considerations apply.
- Professional qualifications are sought.
- Staff qualifications are relevant.
- Award on basis of price.
Other Information
2A.17 If the bidder is participating in the procurement procedure together with others as part of a group, consortium, joint venture or similar arrangement, the bidder must answer "yes" and complete the supplier response form attached to section 2A.17.4 2C.1 If the bidder is to rely on the capacities of other suppliers in order to meet the selection criteria set out under Part 4 and the criteria and rules set out under Part 5 the bidders should answer ‘yes’ and the suppliers must complete the first three sections of the SPD supplier response form to section 2C.1.1. Any selection criteria response from SPD section 4 that they fulfil on behalf of the main bidder should be clearly labelled with the suppliers name and submitted as part of the main submission. 2D.1 If the bidder expects to subcontract to parties which they will not rely on to meet the selection criteria, they should answer ‘yes’ and, as far as known, list these entities. You will not need to submit the supplier response form on their behalf at this stage, but must submit it with the first three sections completed at any stage upon request. Modern Slavery, Blacklisting Equalities Act-Bidders and subcontractors engaged in the delivery of this contract may be excluded if they have not met applicable social, environmental and labour obligations under national, EU, and international law (as indicated in SPD section 3D). Without prejudice to any additional relevant duties, suppliers should note that this includes obligations for certain organisations under: -the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (available at, -the ILO conventions and other measures listed in Annex X of Directive 2014/24/EU (available at -the Equality Act 2010 (available at -the Employment Relations Act 1999 (Blacklists) Regulations 2010 ( - this is grounds for mandatory exclusion or termination at any procurement or contract stage. At any stage, bidders and/or relevant subcontractors may be required to provide statements and means of proof demonstrating their compliance with these obligations or the reliability of their self-cleansing measures, including the annual statement as provided for by section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act for organisations with a turnover of 36,000,000 GBP or over. The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The Project code is 53160. For more information see: A sub-contract clause has been included in this contract. For more information see: Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: Please provide a method statement describing how you expect to provide additional social value within our local communities through this framework. Our Community Benefits and Partnership Working Plan must be reviewed and completed. To ensure proportionality, we have suggested a banded approach to ensure suppliers of all sizes can work with the University effectively to achieve common aims. Please detail how these will be measured and reported to the University, including the frequency of these reports. Agreed social value proposals made by the successful bidder at award stage are embedded into the project success measures. The contractor will be required to provide a dedicated Community Benefits Officer to work with the UoE, project sponsors and key local stakeholders to create an effective Community Benefits Action Plan (CBAP) and manage social value in project delivery. (SC Ref:753404)
- FTS 037001-2023