ICT13838 - TfL Video Management System (TVMS)

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Goods)
16 year
23 Nov 2023
To 13 Oct 2039 (est.)
05 Jan 2024 12:00



The TVMS will monitor roads, tunnels and potentially bus stations and river piers throughout London

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Transport for London
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


Transport for London (TfL) operates a number of surveillance camera systems in support of the services it provides across London. These are used for a variety of purposes including traffic management, traffic enforcement, incident management, security monitoring and health and safety management, and are used by numerous stakeholders, including operational control rooms, and third parties. The current Video Management System (VMS) is one of these surveillance systems and this covers the streets and road tunnels network, enabling the sharing of footage from c.1200 TfL CCTV outstation cameras and c.4000-5000 external cameras working with: o City of London Police; o Metropolitan Police; o National Highways; o London Boroughs; o Media organisations; o London Fire Brigade; and o London Ambulance Service. This Contract Notice relates to the replacement of the current VMS, with a single new cost effective, scalable, fit for purpose TfL Video Management System (TVMS). The successful TVMS supplier will be required to develop, implement, support and maintain a TVMS solution that meets TfL's requirements (TVMS Requirements). Whilst it is expected that the initial focus during the transition phase will be on streets and road tunnels, the new TVMS solution will also need to be capable of integrating with other TfL Systems and scaling to incorporate components and system interfaces from TfL bus station and river pier sites, as may be required by TfL during the life of the contract.

Total Quantity or Scope

The TVMS supplier must deliver a TVMS which facilitates TfL user access to live video streams from TfL CCTV outstation street and Road tunnel cameras as well as video streams from external third parties (as referenced in Section II.1.4) over Television Network Protocol (TVNP) and Digital Video Network Protocol (DVNP). The new TVMS must support a number of existing legacy components, including CCTV cameras, and provide system interfaces for multiple internal operational systems consuming video and associated video data. The TVMS must also provide and accept video streams to and from third parties using suitable industry adopted protocols and standards. Additionally, it should support real-time video to web-based user interfaces so that TfL can deliver the service more easily and inexpensively to various stakeholders. The new TVMS should allow TfL to fully utilise current and future open standards within the video and security marketplace and to embrace the evolving data technology landscape to deliver efficiencies and other improvements. This will enable TfL to deliver its strategic objectives as a transport authority and provide a step change in the use of visual derived data and information. The new TVMS and supporting services should also be capable of scaling to incorporate components and system interfaces from TfL bus stations and/or river pier sites, albeit these are optional deliverables (which may relate to one or more sites per request) which TfL may require during the life of the contract. From a bus station and river pier perspective, the new TVMS solution will need to consider that TfL bus stations and river piers have limited remote access capability and separate CCTV systems with on-site video recording capability to support crime prevention and incident investigation. TfL bus station and river pier connectivity (if required during the life of the contract) will be limited to remote viewing capability and the current onsite bus station and river pier recording solutions will not be replaced. The current VMS used by TfL to monitor streets and road tunnels is hosted on-premises within the TfL estate. Due to likely TVMS data volumes and the fact that major IP networking changes are not currently in scope for the TVMS project, TfL expects to maintain this on-premises hosting approach for the TVMS and associated services. However, TfL is open to understanding alternative hosting approaches to on-premise hosting at TfL that may offer TfL operational and/or financial benefit. TfL expects that the new TVMS will be live by Spring 2026. However, TfL recognises that this may present a challenging mobilisation and transition schedule and envisages that this will form part of discussions with bidders during the dialogue. The initial contract term will be for 8 years from award and the contract will include the option for TfL to extend (on one or more occasions and each extension period will be of at least 1 year duration) up to a maximum of a further 8 years (see Section II.2.7 which references maximum contract length of 192 months). Bidders should note that the initial 8 year contract term is timed to align with the expiration of other related contracts in place with TfL and other suppliers and therefore the initial duration may be subject to change within a range of +/- 1 year during the tender process. The figure in Section II.1.5 is the estimated maximum contract value assuming the potential contract extensions are exercised and TfL requests delivery of the optional deliverables. However, TfL estimates the overall contract value may be in the range of £20 - £30 million, which is likely to be broken down as follows: - Initial contract term for Streets and Tunnels (£6 - £10 million) - Extension to all Bus Stations and River Piers during initial term (£3 - £5 million) - Exercise all extension periods up to maximum period of 8 years (£11 - £15 million) Further details in relation to the TVMS are set out in the TVMS Requirements provided as part of the procurement documents.

Renewal Options

The contract has an initial duration of 8 years from award (envisaged to be early 2025) with an option for TfL to extend (on one or more occasions and each extension period will be of at least 1 year duration) up to a maximum further period of 8 years. As set out in Section II.2.4, the initial duration may be subject to change within a range of +/- 1 year during the tender process in order to align with the expiry of other related TfL contracts.

CPV Codes

  • 48000000 - Software package and information systems
  • 32235000 - Closed-circuit surveillance system
  • 34970000 - Traffic-monitoring equipment
  • 35125300 - Security cameras
  • 48100000 - Industry specific software package
  • 63712710 - Traffic monitoring services
  • 72212100 - Industry specific software development services
  • 72222300 - Information technology services
  • 72267000 - Software maintenance and repair services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are not available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** With reference to Section IV:2.1 previously published Prior Information Notice can be found with the following link: https://www.findtender (https://www.findtender). service.gov.uk/Notice/027796-2023 (https://service.gov.uk/Notice/027796-2023) . TfL operates as a functional body of the Greater London Authority under the direction of the Mayor of London. TfL reserves the right to withdraw from the procurement process and may award the contract in whole, in part or not at all as a result of this call for competition. TfL shall not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by any organisation in considering and/or responding to the procurement process. Tenders and supporting documents must be priced in pounds sterling and all payments made under the contract(s) will be in pounds sterling, unless otherwise advised. In relation to this contract opportunity, the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 ("the TUPE Regulations") may apply to the transfer of the provision of the TVMS related services to the Supplier. Schedule 9.1 (Staff Transfer) of the TVMS Contract sets out details of the employment and pensions provisions which apply to the Services. Accordingly, a small number of staff engaged by the current service provider (and its sub-contractors) may transfer to the Supplier under the TUPE Regulations. This tender process will be undertaken using the Competitive Dialogue procedure. In order to request to participate in this contract opportunity, interested organisations must complete and submit the SQ prior to the deadline in Section IV.2.2. To access the procurement documents and to complete and submit the SQ, the supplier will need to be registered on TfL's SAP Ariba portal. Please search for WS1283149910 when you have completed the registration. Please could you confirm your intention to participate and completed SAP Ariba registration via email to TVMSCommercial@tfl.gov.uk. Please note that TfL cannot consider any SQ submissions received after the closing date/time or received by means other than the SAP Ariba portal. Following the evaluation of SQ responses, TfL intends to shortlist 5 Bidders for the dialogue stage (If the gap between the fifth-place supplier and sixth place supplier to close, the sixth-place supplier may also be invited to participate in the ITPD stage), all of which will have the opportunity to engage in initial dialogue before submitting their initial tender response. TfL then envisages reducing the number of Bidders to 3, that will then be invited to participate in further dialogue and submit final tenders. Further instructions and guidance are included in the procurement documents.

