Eastern Region- Reactive and Small Schemes Framework

A Utilities Contract Notice

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Framework (Works)
7 year
22 Nov 2023
To 14 Jan 2031 (est.)
15 Jan 2024 12:00




Geochart for 3 buyers and 0 suppliers
Network Rail Infrastructure
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Network Rail intends to procure a framework for Reactive and Small Scheme works covering its building and civil assets within the Eastern Region. The types of works to be procured under the framework will be reactive works and small schemes that are of low complexity. Such works predominately impact the operation of the railway and will cover the following categories of works: Reactive call outs (Emergency & Urgent) Planned Preventative Maintenance works (PPM) Small schemes The Reactive and Small Schemes framework is envisaged to be the Eastern Region’s route to market to deliver such projects and requirements under NR’s Strategic Business Plan during CP7. The framework will be lotted as outlined below covering the geographical scope of the Eastern Region (https://www.networkrail.co.uk/running-the-railway/our-regions/eastern/): Lot 1 - Civil Assets (Covering North & East, East Coast and East Midlands Routes) Lot 2 – Civil Assets (Covering Anglia Route) Lot 3 – Building Assets (Covering North & East, East Coast and East Midlands Routes) Lot 4 – Building Assets (Covering Anglia Route) To ensure supply chain resilience NR will retain the flexibility to allow Suppliers to work across Lots but only restricted to their specific discipline. This will only apply in instances where it has been deemed by NR that Suppliers within the relevant Lot under the same discipline cannot fulfil Network Rail’s requirement(s). The initial term of the framework is 5 years with the option to extend for a further two periods of one year each. The indicative values provided for each of the Lots are estimates only, these are based on CP7 Strategic Business Plan budgets rather than delivery plan values. As such, they are not guaranteed and do not act as a minimum or maximum workbank value for the control period or a volume guarantee. The maximum value of the framework exceeds the combined value of the lots, this is so as the value is inclusive of the estimated values of optional extensions for the framework. Examples of work types to be covered and delivered under the scope of the framework include (but are not limited to): o Geotechnical - small scheme emerging works (from reactive), Maintain KVLs o Maintenance of foot bridges, under bridges, overbridges, tunnels, culverts, structural integrity o Rock cuttings, soil cuttings, earthworks first response etc o Buildings – small scheme emerging works (from reactive) o Structures – small scheme emerging works (from reactive), Structural integrity Negotiations to be conducted as part of the tender process will relate to the price element only.

Lot Division

1 Civil Assets (North & East, East Coast & East Midlands)
  • Value: £372M

The types of works to be delivered are for Civil assets; these will fall into the following categories: - Reactive call outs (Emergency and Urgent) - Planned Preventative Maintenance works (PPM) - Small schemes Examples of the types of works to be delivered for each category will include but not limited to: o Reactive Call outs (Emergency and Urgent) - Flood response, debris removal, desilting and over pumping, drainage clearance - Bridge strike response, parapet repairs, fall arrest - Monitoring/rectifying earthwork movement, landslips, vegetation management - Urgent concrete/brickwork repairs, footbridge reinstatement o Planned and Preventative Maintenance - Concrete/brickwork repairs to walls, bridges, tunnels and culverts - Bridge maintenance/repair – concrete, timber, masonry, steelwork - Earthwork maintenance, light rock scaling, vermin and vegetation management - Ditch installation and clearance, culvert lining, jetting/CCTV o Small Schemes - Non-complex structures renewals - Non-complex earthwork renewals - Significant campaign works across a high number of locations - such as installation of fall prevention across multiple routes

2 Civil Assets (Anglia)
  • Value: £102M

The types of works to be delivered are for Civil assets; these will fall into the following categories: - Reactive call outs (Emergency and Urgent) - Planned Preventative Maintenance works (PPM) - Small schemes Examples of the types of works to be delivered for each category will include but not limited to: o Reactive Call outs (Emergency and Urgent) - Flood response, debris removal, desilting and over pumping, drainage clearance - Bridge strike response, parapet repairs, fall arrest - Monitoring/rectifying earthwork movement, landslips, vegetation management - Urgent concrete/brickwork repairs, footbridge reinstatement o Planned and Preventative Maintenance - Concrete/brickwork repairs to walls, bridges, tunnels and culverts - Bridge maintenance/repair – concrete, timber, masonry, steelwork - Earthwork maintenance, light rock scaling, vermin and vegetation management - Ditch installation and clearance, culvert lining, jetting/CCTV o Small Schemes - Non-complex structures renewals - Non-complex earthwork renewals - Significant campaign works across a high number of locations - such as installation of fall prevention across multiple routes

3 Buildings (North & East, East Coast and East Midlands)
  • Value: £199M

The types of works to be delivered are for Building assets; these will fall into the following categories: - Reactive call outs (Emergency and Urgent) - Planned Preventative Maintenance works (PPM) - Small schemes Examples of the types of works to be delivered for each category will include but not limited to: o Reactive Call outs (Emergency and Urgent) - Roof repairs, collapsed drainage, Water supply issues - Platform repairs, Building repairs - Canopy repairs, Lineside building repairs - Footbridge repairs, Car park repairs - Vehicle mitigation repairs, Fencing repairs o Planned and Preventative Maintenance - Fall arrest PPM - Canopy gutters and Gulley PPM, - Visual inspections of lineside buildings - Actions arising from Legionella risk assessments - Chemical services - Asbestos inspections and removal o Small Schemes - Refurbishment of working at height systems, access walkways and fall restraint systems - Platform refurbishment, both timber and non-timber systems - Surface repairs to platforms, car parks and walkways - Concrete and brick repairs to platforms, buildings and walls. - Structural repairs to footbridges, platforms, buildings - Fuel and water tank renewals - Canopy Renewals and structural repairs.

4 Buildings (Anglia)
  • Value: £96M

The types of works to be delivered are for Building assets; these will fall into the following categories: - Reactive call outs (Emergency and Urgent) - Planned Preventative Maintenance works (PPM) - Small schemes Examples of the types of works to be delivered for each category will include but not limited to: o Reactive Call outs (Emergency and Urgent) - Roof repairs, collapsed drainage, Water supply issues - Platform repairs, Building repairs - Canopy repairs, Lineside building repairs - Footbridge repairs, Car park repairs - Vehicle mitigation repairs, Fencing repairs o Planned and Preventative Maintenance - Fall arrest PPM - Canopy gutters and Gulley PPM, - Visual inspections of lineside buildings - Actions arising from Legionella risk assessments - Chemical services - Asbestos inspections and removal o Small Schemes - Refurbishment of working at height systems, access walkways and fall restraint systems - Platform refurbishment, both timber and non-timber systems - Surface repairs to platforms, car parks and walkways - Concrete and brick repairs to platforms, buildings and walls. - Structural repairs to footbridges, platforms, buildings - Fuel and water tank renewals - Canopy Renewals and structural repairs.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work
  • 45100000 - Site preparation work
  • 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
  • 45213321 - Railway station construction work
  • 45221112 - Railway bridge construction work
  • 45221220 - Culverts
  • 45233161 - Footpath construction work
  • 45233253 - Surface work for footpaths
  • 71332000 - Geotechnical engineering services
  • 45210000 - Building construction work
  • 45213300 - Buildings associated with transport
  • 45300000 - Building installation work


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
  • Bids should cover a maximum number of lots.
  • Bids may cover one or more lots.
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

Participants will have an opportunity to update the pricing elements of their tenders following negotiations. Initial Tenders will be evaluated but feedback will not be shared with participants. Only feedback on Final Tenders will be shared following completion of evaluation of the tenders. The lot value provided is for guidance only and is based on the projected spend for the framework duration and is inclusive estimated uplifts.

