Unmetered and Domestic Heating Service and Maintenance

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
not specified
04 Oct 2023
not specified



United Kingdom: UNITED KINGDOM

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Notting Hill Genesis
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


Notting hill Genesis are intending to seek tenders for a framework of unmetered and domestic heating service and maintenance services. The framework will be procured using the Open Procedure, and will cover roughly 36000 domestic properties and 62 unmetered properties. Call-off contracts will be for a maximum extended term of 15 years. This will be formed of a first term of 5 years with the ability to extend the contract throughout its life.

Lot Division

1 Domestic Heating

Domestic heating service and maintenance, whereby call-offs will be awarded to cover regions NHG operates in. Likely to relate solely to NHG’s General Needs/ Social Rent domestic properties.

2 Unmetered Heating Service and Maintenance

Domestic, unmetered commercial and communal heating service and maintenance, where call-off contracts will cover all regions. Likely to relate to other NHG tenures – Care & Support, Folio (PRH), Supported Housing etc as well as numerous unmetered sites. The successful contractors will be required to cover all of the NHGs geographical areas.

CPV Codes

  • 50720000 - Repair and maintenance services of central heating
  • 42160000 - Boiler installations
  • 44620000 - Central-heating radiators and boilers and parts
  • 44621200 - Boilers
  • 50531100 - Repair and maintenance services of boilers
  • 09323000 - District heating

Other Information

NHG is also interested in reserving the right to enter into a Joint Venture partnership with contractors during the lifetime of the framework agreement, subject to performance. This structure is not finalised and NHG are looking for constructive feedback from suppliers on the process/procurement set up via the Microsoft Forms questionnaire. This feedback will be used to develop our procurement strategy to ensure NHG can deliver the best strategy for our residents. If you are interested in bidding for this procurement and contributing to its structure, please complete the survey at: https://forms.office.com/e/redm8Dqce2 In addition, NHG is looking to hold a virtual Meet the Buyer day, on the 30th October, 10:00 – 11.00am. If you would like to join this event please also register your interest with in the questionnaire provided. ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** STRATEGY: NHG have several contracts in place for these works & services which will expire in summer 2024. NHG wishes to carry out pre-procurement market engagement to seek views from the market about its proposals before the formal launch of the procurement through the issue of a Contract Notice on FTS. NHG have multiple sites across London, Essex and Suffolk, with the majority of the stock being within the Greater London area. NHG ‘s current proposed strategy is to award several contracts to suppliers across the two Lots. The call-off contracts will cover gas NHG's compliance program (LGSR) and 3* maintenance of all domestic heating equipment. Contractors will be expected to provide 3* cover 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. The Framework will be broken down into two Lots, with Lots 1 covering general needs domestic heating, and Lot 2 for Unmetered properties and smaller tenures across NHG's property portfolio. Where suppliers are performing well, capital investment works will also be issued under these contracts. NHG is also considering the possibility of limiting the number of Lots which a contractor can bid for and/or be awarded. The Lot structure and any limitations to be applied is still to be determined at this stage and NHG would be interested in any feedback from potential contractors on this. Currently, it is proposed that the contract duration for both lots will be up to 15 years (with an initial 5-year term). ABOUT US: NHG is one of the largest HA's in the country, with more than 66,000 homes across London and the south-east. We provide homes across a range of tenures and are committed to delivering housing that is affordable for all. We build and maintain quality homes, creating diverse and thriving communities. This is our primary purpose and everything else we do supports that. For more information, visit www.nhg.org.uk. PROCUREMENT PROCESS: NHG may elect (at its discretion) to proceed with the procurement of the proposed contract. When the procurement proceeds, a contract notice will be issued on FTS which suppliers will be required to respond to if they wish to bid for the opportunity. We intend to follow the one-stage, Open Procedure. The Invitation to Tender (ITT) is likely to be issued at the end of November 2023. The procurement timetable will be confirmed to bidders once the ITT stage begins. Please note we reserve the right to change the timetable and procedure. CONTRACT VALUE: The estimated value of £12-15m per annum, given in this Notice is based on NHG's current anticipated requirements and on the maximum potential length of any extensions. All information in this PIN (including but not limited to lot structure, values, services) is not a firm commitment and may be subject to change following market engagement. To view this notice, please click here: <a href="https://www.delta-esourcing.com/delta/viewNotice.html?noticeId=811620604" target="_blank">https://www.delta-esourcing.com/delta/viewNotice.html?noticeId=811620604 GO Reference: GO-2023104-PRO-24111325

