Provision of a Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service and a Renal Patient Transport Service for NHS Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
29 Sep 2023
not specified




Geochart for 2 buyers and 2 suppliers
NHS Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board
Ers Transition
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Awarding Authority procured Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services under two Lots. The incumbent ICB arrangements for these services will terminate at midnight on 31st March 2024. The two Lots let under this contract are: • Lot 1 Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (excluding Renal Dialysis) • Lot 2 Non-Emergency Patient Transport Renal Dialysis Service The contracts awarded will commence 1st April 2024 at one second past midnight for a minimum term of 5 years. Surrey Heartlands ICB is committed to the development and implementation of a new NEPT Service that delivers benefits to all stakeholders through a patient centred approach and shared vision that: • enables true system partnership working and incentivisation of excellent patient care and value for money. • includes health and social care providers in its planning, commissioning and management of NEPTS to ensure that transport is considered in wider pathway improvements as an integral part of service development and discharge planning, and influences outpatient, renal, mental health and social services considerations. • offers effective coordination with local transport operators and small / medium enterprises (including specialist mental health transport providers where necessary) to maximise use of available resources and ensure resilience arrangements are in place. • works with local authorities, to explore future scope for collaborative/aligned coordination and delivery of local non-specialist transport arrangements works with neighbouring ICSs to better manage journeys of patients who cross ICS boundaries, and any other aspects of common interest where economies of scale may be useful to consider. • provides sustainable and flexible care, operating across extended hours, that contributes to health prevention and keeping people well • delivers high patient and service user satisfaction by way of excellent customer care mechanisms • ensures alignment to the Surrey Heartlands 'ICS Green Plan'

Lot Division

1 Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (excluding Renal Dialysis)

Lot 1 service requirements: • Booking and coordination – a single point of eligibility assessment, booking, co-ordination and brokerage for NEPTS across Surrey Heartlands ICS including signposting to alternate free or paid for provisions where appropriate; co-ordination and booking systems need to be interoperable across different providers. • Specialist Transport – vehicles that are designed for the primary purpose of transporting people who require treatment; they will likely be required to register with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). • Non-Specialist Transport – offering scope for new models of delivery; not usually required to register with the CQC. • Guidance and signposting to Financial Support Schemes – considerations for financial support schemes that can support NEPTS such as the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS)

2 Non-Emergency Patient Transport Renal Dialysis Service

Lot 2 service requirements: • Booking, coordination and triage – a single point of brokering and managing patient journeys for and on behalf of, Surrey Heartlands patients requiring transportation for the purposes of attending Renal Dialysis appointments. • Specialist Transport – vehicles that are designed for the primary purpose of transporting people who require treatment; adapted vehicle or support from staff they will likely be required to register with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). • Non-Specialist Transport – offering scope for new models of delivery; such as private hire/taxis and community transport not usually required to register with the CQC.

Award Detail

1 Ers Transition (Leeds)
  • Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (excluding Renal Dialysis)
  • Reference: 5085_3817
  • Num offers: 5
  • Value: £33,667,480
2 Ers Transition (Leeds)
  • Non-Emergency Patient Transport Renal Dialysis Service
  • Reference: 5085_3817
  • Num offers: 4
  • Value: £10,140,835

Award Criteria

Technical 70.0
Price 30.0
PRICE 100.0

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


  • Award on basis of price.

