Civil Service Jobs Platform

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
7 year
13 Sep 2023
01 Aug 2024 to 31 Jul 2031 (est.)
13 Oct 2023 17:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
Cabinet Office
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

2 buyers


The procurement is for the provision of the Civil Service Jobs Platform The Civil Service Jobs digital platform (Applicant Tracking System or ATS) is the principal digital recruitment platform for: the Government Recruitment Service (GRS), our central operational recruitment service and its customers; Government departments who use GRS services; and Departments who don't use GRS services, but subscribe to Civil Service Jobs Government-affiliated non-departmental public bodies and Arm's Length Bodies.

Total Quantity or Scope

Civil Service Jobs enables candidates to apply for jobs and vacancy holders to manage recruitment from advert to job offer. It is integral to cross-government recruitment activity; delivering 70% of Civil Service recruitment, with 100% of roles advertised through CS Jobs and 211 organisations using the service. Government People Group (GPG) will replace the current platform to align with, and deliver, key cross-government strategies, including the Declaration on Government Reform and the Civil Service Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 22-25. We want the next generation of Civil Service Jobs to resolve some of our biggest recruitment challenges: improving time to hire, standardising much of our recruitment processes, and giving our users a more intuitive user experience. This is a great opportunity for innovative companies to bid for a chance to work with us to help achieve these objectives. The Authority is looking for proposals to respond to this significant platform opportunity. Further details of the Authority's requirements are set out in the procurement documents.

Renewal Options

The duration of the contract will be for an initial term of 5 years, with an option for the Authority to extend for up to two further years (exercisable in two optional extensions, each of up to 1 year). The duration of the contract will be for an initial term of 5 years, with an option for the Authority to extend for up to two further years (exercisable in two optional extensions, each of up to 1 year). There are also certain optional services that can be instructed by the Authority at its discretion under the contract, as described in the procurement documents.

CPV Codes

  • 72212211 - Platform interconnectivity software development services
  • 30211300 - Computer platforms


  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

The Authority shall not be liable for any costs incurred by those potential bidders (including third party, costs, fees or expenses) expressing an interest in or tendering for this contract opportunity. Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to contract award is accordingly a matter solely for the commercial judgement of potential bidders. No implied contract is created. The Authority reserves the right not to award a contract as described in this notice, postpone or terminate the tendering exercise (or any part of it) at any time without liability on its part. The value of the contract stated above is an estimate only and no guarantees or commitments are given by the Authority in relation to the volume or value of the services that will be instructed under the contract, which may fluctuate from time to time (including depending on the level of use of the CS Jobs platform by the Authority and other Central Government Bodies). Any contract will be awarded by the Minister for the Cabinet Office, however bidders should be aware that the Civil Service Jobs Platform can be used by any of the bodies identified below (and their successors), and the contract will be entered into for the benefit of the Minister of the Cabinet Office and for the benefit of all such bodies that use the Civil Service Jobs Platform from time to time: All Ministerial Government Departments; Non Ministerial Government Departments; Executive Agencies of government and other subsidiary bodies; Civil service bodies, including public sector buying organisations; All non-Crown Status Government Companies wholly or partly owned by Central Government Departments and their subsidiaries; The non-Departmental Public Bodies, other Public Bodies, Public Corporations and their subsidiary bodies sponsored by Central Government Departments which are not covered by the above categories; All new bodies created which fall within the criteria set out above; Those listed and maintained by the Government on their website at or any replacement or updated web-link; and Those listed and maintained by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) as being part of Central Government at or any replacement or updated web-link. On 2.4.2014 Government introduced its Government Security Classifications (GSC) scheme which replaced Government Protective Marking Scheme (GPMS). A key aspect is the reduction in the number of security classifications used. All bidders should make themselves aware of the changes as it may impact this requirement. This link provides information on the GSC at: The Supplier is required to submit prior to the Contract Award date all the due certificates, statements and other means of proof requested in the ITT. Cyber Essentials is a mandatory requirement for Central Government contracts which involve handling personal information or provide certain ICT products/services. Government is taking steps to reduce the levels of cyber security risk in its supply chain through the Cyber Essentials scheme. The scheme defines a set of controls which, when implemented, will provide organisations with basic protection from the most prevalent forms of threat coming from the internet. To participate in this procurement, bidders must be able to demonstrate they comply with the technical requirements prescribed by Cyber Essentials, for services under and in connection with this procurement. Refer to for more information. Registering for access: This procurement will be managed electronically via the eSourcing suite. This will be the route for sharing all information and communicating with bidders. If you have recently registered on the eSourcing suite for another CCS procurement you can use the same account for this new procurement. If not, you will first need to register your organisation on the portal. Use the following link for information on how register and use the eSourcing tool: For assistance please contact the eSourcing Help desk operated by email at or call 0345 410 2222.

