WCC - Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the Provision of a Passenger Transport Service using a Taxi or a Private Hire Car

A Tender Notice

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Dps (Services)
7 year
13 Sep 2023
To 14 Oct 2037 (est.)
15 Oct 2030 12:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
Warwickshire County Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Council wishes to set up a Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of a passenger transport service using a vehicle of no more than eight (8) seats. Each Service Contract will incorporate the terms and conditions of this DPS Agreement. The initial period of validity of the DPS will be 7 years from commencement.

Total Quantity or Scope

Operators/Suppliers accepted onto Warwickshire County Council's Passenger Transport Service using a Taxi or Private Hire Car Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) will be offered the opportunity to tender for home to school taxi routes as and when they arise. The required vehicle size for this contract is no more than 8 seats. Passenger assistants may be required on some routes. Training for staff will be required on all routes (please refer to DPS agreement for training requirements). The Council's transport requirements will only be offered to those Operators/Suppliers who have applied to join and been accepted onto the Authorities DPS for taxi and private hire car services. The County Council will also require that all due diligence checks have been completed and are satisfactory. The DPS will comprise of a list of pre-approved operators who will then have the opportunity to tender for business opportunities as they arise. Once a Operator/Supplier has successfully completed their application to the DPS, Operators/Suppliers will be advised of the opportunities available as and when they arise. Operators/Suppliers can then choose whether they want to bid for the requirement or not (it is not compulsory to bid for every opportunity offered, and all Operators/Suppliers within the DPS approved Supplier list will be informed of the opportunity, but can choose whether or not to bid on an individual basis). It is anticipated that the DPS will run for an initial period of seven (7) years from commencement, but Contracts let under the DPS can extend beyond this period. Call-Off Contracts will vary in length. Tender opportunities are likely to be offered either via an electronic auction (e-auction) exercise or via an electronic quote mechanism (mini-competition) using the online portal (CSW-Jets). Whilst the value is stated at £190,000,000, this is an anticipated value based on a forecast for the current financial year. The estimated value (excluding VAT) of this DPS over the initial 7 year period is expected to be in the region of £140,000,000.

Renewal Options

It is likely that the Council will still require the provision of Taxi Transport Services beyond the DPS. The DPS will have an initial period of validity of 7 years, but the Council reserve the right at its sole discretion to extend or reduce the period of validity for the DPS.

CPV Codes

  • 60100000 - Road transport services
  • 60120000 - Taxi services


  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

Warwickshire County Council will be using its e-tendering system (In-Tend) for the administration of this procurement process and providers must register with the system to be able to express an interest. The web address is: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/csw-jets. Registration and use of In-Tend is free. Once registered, all correspondence for this procurement process must be via the In-Tend correspondence function. However, if you are unable to register with the website please email us at procurement@warwickshire.gov.uk. Once a Supplier has successfully completed their application to the DPS, operators will be advised of the opportunities available as and when they arise. Operators can then choose whether they want to bid for the requirement or not (it is not compulsory to bid for every opportunity offered, and all operators within the DPS approved Supplier list will be informed of the opportunity, but can choose whether or not to bid on an individual basis). Operators who win contracts under the DPS will be expected to provide documentary evidence (where necessary) to evidence their status. Individual contract award criteria will be stated in the invitation to tender for the specific contract but will usually be the most economically advantageous tender based on the lowest bid price of those operators satisfying the qualitative criteria specified within each individual contract.

