NHSE886 Invitation to Tender Primary Care General Dental Services

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
5 year
31 Aug 2023
To 05 Sep 2028 (est.)
02 Oct 2023 11:00



East Riding of Yorkshire: Lot 1 - Bridlington

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
NHS Humber & North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


North of England Commissioning Support (NECS) is a care system support organisation hosted by NHS England and is managing this procurement process for the provision of Primary Care General Dental Services (GDS) in Lot 1 - Bridlington, Lot 2 - Pocklington, Lot 3 - Hull and Lot 4 - York for and on behalf of NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (the Contracting Authority). Lot 1 - Bridlington. Lot 2 - Pocklington. Unit B, 14 Market Place, Pocklington York Y042 2AR. Lot 3 - Hull. Lot 4 - York. The aim of the GDS is to: · Improve oral health and to reduce inequalities in health and well-being. · Improve access to NHS dental services and to improve the experience of all patients. · Develop integrated and consistent services. · Ensure equitable and timely access to primary, urgent, and elective care. The basic principles of the Open Procedure will be followed for this procurement to test the capacity, capability, and technical competence of bidders in accordance with The Light-Touch Rules Regime, Regulations 74 to 77 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended) (PCR 2015), for Health, Social, Education, and certain other Service Contracts. "Under the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 Contracting Authorities must consider: - How what is proposed to be procured might improve the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the area where they exercise their functions; and - How, in conducting the process of procurement, they might act with a view to securing that improvement. - Whether to undertake any consultation on the above. Accordingly, the subject matter of the contract has been scoped to consider the priorities of the Contracting Authorities relating to "economic, social, and environmental well-being" by utilising the UK Governments Social Value Model. NECS is utilising an electronic tendering portal (Atamis) to manage this tender and as such interested individuals and organisations will need to register on the portal to access and return the tender documentation. You can register here: https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome (https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome) It is free to register on the portal, which can be accessed at any time of day. Should you have any queries, or are having problems registering on the portal, you should contact the e-Tendering provider by email: Support-health@Atamis.co.uk or phone number 0800 9956035 Here is the Atamis Supplier Management guide for information. https://atamis- 1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/#0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kGJV/E7G8dJZW6I6OBziP9VjNLKQhD... The Contracting Authority and NECS reserved the right to cancel the tender process at any point and would not be held liable for any costs resulting from any cancellation of the tender process or for any other costs incurred by those tendering for the contract. Lot 1 = 32,468 UDA per annum = Part A = 987027 GBP Part B = 246755 GBP = 1233782 GBP per annum. Lot 2 = 17669 UDA per annum = Part A = 537138 GBP Part B = 134266 GBP = 671404 GBP per annum. Lot 3 = 21001 UDA per annum = Part A = 638430 GBP Part B = 159615 GBP = 798045 GBP per annum. Lot 4 = 13639 UDA per annum = Part A = 414626 GBP Part B = 103644 GBP = 518270 GBP per annum. Tender documentation will be accessible from 12:00 noon on 01 September 2023 and Tender returns are to be submitted by 12 noon 02 October 2023.

Lot Division

1 Bridlington
  • Value: £6M

NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (the Contracting Authority) is undertaking a procurement to commission Primary Care General Dental Services (GDS) in Lot 1 - Bridlington. The aim of the GDS is to: · Improve oral health and to reduce inequalities in health and well-being. · Improve access to NHS dental services and to improve the experience of all patients. · Develop integrated and consistent services. · Ensure equitable and timely access to primary, urgent, and elective care. The objective of this procurement is to procure a service provider to deliver a revised service specification for GDS core service based upon the annual number of Units of Dental Activity (UDA) at a rate of £30.40 per UDA (Financial Envelope - Part A) and additional services based upon a block amount (Financial Envelope - Part B) as outlined: Lot 1 = 32,468 UDA per annum = Part A = 987027 GBP Part B = 246755 GBP = 1233782 GBP per annum. The provider must work in partnership with the Contracting Authority to support communication and engagement with patients to enable continuous service and pathway improvements, which may involve consultation with the local patient population in order to collate patient views which can shape services and monitor effectiveness. The contract will be offered under the terms of the NHS Personal Dental Service (PDS) Agreement Regulations 2005 for a period of 5-years. The clinical services to be provided are those deemed mandatory services, the PDS Regulations identify mandatory services as a minimum, the provider must meet the requirements of the NHS PDS Agreement Regulations 2005 in all aspects relating to the provision of mandatory services. In addition, this contract also includes the additional services as outlined in the draft specification. … https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/#0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kGJV/E7G8dJZW6I6OBziP9VjNLKQhD5jze8lO9f26f9NNk48 "Under the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 Contracting Authorities must consider: - How what is proposed to be procured might improve the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the area where they exercise their functions; and - How, in conducting the process of procurement, they might act with a view to securing that improvement. - Whether to undertake any consultation on the above. Accordingly, the subject matter of the contract has been scoped to consider the priorities of the Contracting Authorities relating to "economic, social, and environmental well-being" by utilising the UK Governments Social Value Model. Potential providers are to note that the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 as amended by the Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 (TUPE) will not apply to this tender. The Contracting Authority and NECS reserve the right to cancel the tender process at any point and will not be held liable for any costs resulting from any cancellation of the tender process or for any other costs incurred by those tendering for the contract. Tender documentation will be accessible from 12:00 on 01 September 2023 and Tender returns are to be submitted by 12 noon 02 October 2023.

2 Pocklington
  • Value: £3M

NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (the Contracting Authority) is undertaking a procurement to commission Primary Care General Dental Services (GDS) in Lot 2 - Pocklington to be provided from Unit B, 14 Market Place, Pocklington York Y042 2AR. The aim of the GDS is to: · Improve oral health and to reduce inequalities in health and well-being. · Improve access to NHS dental services and to improve the experience of all patients. · Develop integrated and consistent services. · Ensure equitable and timely access to primary, urgent, and elective care. The objective of this procurement is to procure a service provider to deliver a revised service specification for GDS core service based upon the annual number of Units of Dental Activity (UDA) at a rate of £30.40 per UDA (Financial Envelope - Part A) and additional services based upon a block amount (Financial Envelope - Part B) as outlined: Lot 2 = 17669 UDA per annum = Part A = 537138 GBP Part B = 134266 GBP = 671404 GBP per annum. The provider must work in partnership with the Contracting Authority to support communication and engagement with patients to enable continuous service and pathway improvements, which may involve consultation with the local patient population in order to collate patient views which can shape services and monitor effectiveness. The contract will be offered under the terms of the NHS Personal Dental Service (PDS) Agreement Regulations 2005 for a period of 5-years. The clinical services to be provided are those deemed mandatory services, the PDS Regulations identify mandatory services as a minimum, the provider must meet the requirements of the NHS PDS Agreement Regulations 2005 in all aspects relating to the provision of mandatory services. In addition, this contract also includes the additional services as outlined in the draft specification. … https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/#0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kGJV/E7G8dJZW6I6OBziP9VjNLKQhD5jze8lO9f26f9NNk48 "Under the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 Contracting Authorities must consider: - How what is proposed to be procured might improve the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the area where they exercise their functions; and - How, in conducting the process of procurement, they might act with a view to securing that improvement. - Whether to undertake any consultation on the above. Accordingly, the subject matter of the contract has been scoped to consider the priorities of the Contracting Authorities relating to "economic, social, and environmental well-being" by utilising the UK Governments Social Value Model. Potential providers are to note that the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 as amended by the Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 (TUPE) will not apply to this tender. The Contracting Authority and NECS reserve the right to cancel the tender process at any point and will not be held liable for any costs resulting from any cancellation of the tender process or for any other costs incurred by those tendering for the contract. Tender documentation will be accessible from 12:00 on 01 September 2023 and Tender returns are to be submitted by 12 noon 02 October 2023.

3 Hull
  • Value: £4M

NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (the Contracting Authority) is undertaking a procurement to commission Primary Care General Dental Services (GDS) in Lot 3 - Hull. The aim of the GDS is to: · Improve oral health and to reduce inequalities in health and well-being. · Improve access to NHS dental services and to improve the experience of all patients. · Develop integrated and consistent services. · Ensure equitable and timely access to primary, urgent, and elective care. The objective of this procurement is to procure a service provider to deliver a revised service specification for GDS core service based upon the annual number of Units of Dental Activity (UDA) at a rate of £30.40 per UDA (Financial Envelope - Part A) and additional services based upon a block amount (Financial Envelope - Part B) as outlined: Lot 3 = 21001 UDA per annum = Part A = 638430 GBP Part B = 159615 GBP = 798045 GBP per annum. The provider must work in partnership with the Contracting Authority to support communication and engagement with patients to enable continuous service and pathway improvements, which may involve consultation with the local patient population in order to collate patient views which can shape services and monitor effectiveness. The contract will be offered under the terms of the NHS Personal Dental Service (PDS) Agreement Regulations 2005 for a period of 5-years. The clinical services to be provided are those deemed mandatory services, the PDS Regulations identify mandatory services as a minimum, the provider must meet the requirements of the NHS PDS Agreement Regulations 2005 in all aspects relating to the provision of mandatory services. In addition, this contract also includes the additional services as outlined in the draft specification. … https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/#0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kGJV/E7G8dJZW6I6OBziP9VjNLKQhD5jze8lO9f26f9NNk48 "Under the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 Contracting Authorities must consider: - How what is proposed to be procured might improve the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the area where they exercise their functions; and - How, in conducting the process of procurement, they might act with a view to securing that improvement. - Whether to undertake any consultation on the above. Accordingly, the subject matter of the contract has been scoped to consider the priorities of the Contracting Authorities relating to "economic, social, and environmental well-being" by utilising the UK Governments Social Value Model. Potential providers are to note that the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 as amended by the Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 (TUPE) will not apply to this tender. The Contracting Authority and NECS reserve the right to cancel the tender process at any point and will not be held liable for any costs resulting from any cancellation of the tender process or for any other costs incurred by those tendering for the contract. Tender documentation will be accessible from 12:00 on 01 September 2023 and Tender returns are to be submitted by 12 noon 02 October 2023.

4 York
  • Value: £3M

NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (the Contracting Authority) is undertaking a procurement to commission Primary Care General Dental Services (GDS) in Lot 4 - York. The aim of the GDS is to: · Improve oral health and to reduce inequalities in health and well-being. · Improve access to NHS dental services and to improve the experience of all patients. · Develop integrated and consistent services. · Ensure equitable and timely access to primary, urgent, and elective care. The objective of this procurement is to procure a service provider to deliver a revised service specification for GDS core service based upon the annual number of Units of Dental Activity (UDA) at a rate of £30.40 per UDA (Financial Envelope - Part A) and additional services based upon a block amount (Financial Envelope - Part B) as outlined: Lot 4 = 13639 UDA per annum = Part A = 414626 GBP Part B = 103644 GBP = 518270 GBP per annum. The provider must work in partnership with the Contracting Authority to support communication and engagement with patients to enable continuous service and pathway improvements, which may involve consultation with the local patient population in order to collate patient views which can shape services and monitor effectiveness. The contract will be offered under the terms of the NHS Personal Dental Service (PDS) Agreement Regulations 2005 for a period of 5-years. The clinical services to be provided are those deemed mandatory services, the PDS Regulations identify mandatory services as a minimum, the provider must meet the requirements of the NHS PDS Agreement Regulations 2005 in all aspects relating to the provision of mandatory services. In addition, this contract also includes the additional services as outlined in the draft specification. … https://atamis-1928.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/#0O000000rwim/a/4J000000kGJV/E7G8dJZW6I6OBziP9VjNLKQhD5jze8lO9f26f9NNk48 "Under the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 Contracting Authorities must consider: - How what is proposed to be procured might improve the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the area where they exercise their functions; and - How, in conducting the process of procurement, they might act with a view to securing that improvement. - Whether to undertake any consultation on the above. Accordingly, the subject matter of the contract has been scoped to consider the priorities of the Contracting Authorities relating to "economic, social, and environmental well-being" by utilising the UK Governments Social Value Model. Potential providers are to note that the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 as amended by the Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 (TUPE) will not apply to this tender. The Contracting Authority and NECS reserve the right to cancel the tender process at any point and will not be held liable for any costs resulting from any cancellation of the tender process or for any other costs incurred by those tendering for the contract. Tender documentation will be accessible from 12:00 on 01 September 2023 and Tender returns are to be submitted by 12 noon 02 October 2023.

CPV Codes

  • 85130000 - Dental practice and related services


  • Staff qualifications are relevant.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

