Delivery Partner in Relation to Church Street Site A and Possible Future Sites

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Works)
19.5 year
09 Feb 2023
To 28 Nov 2042 (est.)
13 Mar 2023 12:00



United Kingdom: Church Street, Westminster, London

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Westminster City Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Westminster City Council (the Council) regards Church Street as its flagship regeneration project. The Council has ambitious plans and is committed to significant investment to regenerate Church Street sustainably and build on the distinctive character of the place and its people. The Council’s objectives for the project are set out in the Masterplan Framework and Housing Renewal Strategy. The scheme is split into three parcels, Sites A, B & C together with the Church Street market and Public Realm. The Council has prepared designs ready for a planning application which were submitted in November 2021. Amendments have been made to this planning application, and have been submitted to the local planning authority in February 2023. The Council will deliver Site A through a joint venture structure (the partners to the JV being either the Council or its wholly owned company and the delivery partner) and thus the Council seeks a delivery partner. Church Street Delivery Partner for Site A and potentially subsequent phased sites B, C and Church Street Market public realm. The inclusion of sites B, C and the Church Street Market and Public Realm are at the sole discretion of the Council, and there is no guarantee that these sites will be awarded to the appointed Delivery Partner. In the event that these sites are to be awarded to the appointed Delivery Partner they will be brought forward via a Future Sites Agreement. The appointed Delivery Partner will help deliver Site A and, potentially subsequent phases, of the Church Street Masterplan. This will include working collaboratively with the Council, residents, and additional stakeholder groups to deliver Site A, of the Church Street Masterplan. As set out above, the potential subsequent sites and phasing of these sites will be optional and awarded at the Council’s sole discretion. The estimated value of Site A is circa £250m - £280m. The potential estimated value of all possible sites under the Future Sites Agreement is £596m comprising additional sites B (circa £209m) & C (circa £102m) and market works (circa £4.5m) (cumulative estimate of all sites) that will be delivered in multiple phases. Each tenderer's attention is drawn to the section II.2.4 which sets out the Phasing process in more detail. Further information regarding the Church Street Masterplan can be found at All amounts are subject to indexation and the procurement contracts make provision for changes allowing for the procurement value to increase beyond the range included in this notice, changes will be in accordance with regulation 72 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015. Documents relating to details of the Church Street scheme and the Procurement process to be followed, are made available to all Candidates who express an interest in the opportunity via Economic operators that want to bid will be required to enter into a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), prior to gaining access to the full set of contract documents, including the Commercial Outline and associated legal documents. All terms must be agreed implicitly as mark-ups will not be accepted.

Total Quantity or Scope

The Council believes that providing good homes can act as the bedrock of a successful community. In this area of Westminster the overarching aim in delivering regeneration is to provide: Long-term physical, economic and social sustainability; and create a high quality, sustainable mixed-use urban neighbourhood that integrates with the surrounding areas and is attractive to residents and visitors alike. Redevelopment is not merely about upgrading housing stock; it is also about improving the overall quality of people’s lives now and for future generations. The Council requires all those working on the project to understand its approach toward community involvement and be prepared to work collaboratively with the Council, the residents and other stakeholders to develop a flagship scheme. Current proposals for Church Street reflect the uniqueness, diversity and vibrancy of Church Street and will deliver a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable neighbourhood, details of which are contained within the Procurement Documents. The procurement process for Site A provides a tremendous opportunity for potential partners to find out more about this exciting long-term opportunity and for the successful partner to be a part of the journey from the outset and delivery of the first phase. The Council will be developing the Final Business Case which includes the detail of the delivery options/structures and this delivery partner procurement exercise will inform. The work has not concluded but is likely to include an LLP vehicle jointly owned with the development partner to assist with some or all of the design/planning, funding, construction and sales/letting of the development. The Council is seeking a suitable and appropriately qualified partner to deliver Site A and subsequent potential sites identified within the Church Street Masterplan. All amounts are subject to indexation and the procurement contracts make provision for changes allowing for the procurement value to increase beyond the range included in this notice, changes will be in accordance with regulation 72 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015. In Phase 1 the Council will be the successful Tenderer's employer and the Council will self-fund the cost of construction. However, the Council reserves its right to amend the structure and funding plans in relation to Phase 2, including but not limited to appointing a third party employer. The successful Tenderer is not guaranteed to be employed to undertake Phase 2. Subsequent sites or phases shall be subject to - The Future Sites Agreement, which sets out preparations for additional sites (which may be brought forward as sub-phases). Tenderers may note that the Future Sites Agreement provides for the Council's interests in the Future Sites Agreement to be novated to a Council subsidiary, an investment partner (selected by the Council), a traditional developer, a Council procured delivery partner or a combination of any of them. The Future Sites Agreement does not oblige the successful Tenderer to implement subsequent sites or phases but provides a structure to enable the Council and the successful Tenderer, if both parties are willing, to implement some or all of future sites/phases. For the avoidance of doubt, there is no guarantee that the appointed Delivery Partner will be awarded the works for future sites, and any decisions regarding future awards will be at the Council's sole discretion. Further indicative information regarding the Future Sites Agreement is included in the Procurement documents. A complete suite of procurement documents in relation to this opportunity may be downloaded from, subject to tenderers signing and returning a non-disclosure agreement. Additional information: Social Value The subject matter of the contract has been scoped to take into account the priorities of the contracting authority in relation to the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012, relating to economic, social and environmental well-being. These priorities are described in the procurement documents.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work
  • 45211000 - Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
  • 45211360 - Urban development construction work
  • 45233130 - Construction work for highways
  • 45300000 - Building installation work
  • 71220000 - Architectural design services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

