Electrical Installation, Testing and PV Installation, Various Locations throughout Fife including all associated works

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Works)
23.5 month
19 Jan 2023
To 09 Feb 2025 (est.)
20 Feb 2023 12:00



Fife wide

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Fife Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


Fife Council requires a Framework for Electrical Installation, Testing and PV installations, various locations throughout Fife including all associated works

Total Quantity or Scope

Fife Council requires a Framework for Electrical Installations, Testing and PV installations, various locations throughout Fife including all associated works. Additional information: Dependant on number of SPD responses, it is envisaged that 5 candidates will be shortlisted from replies during stage 1. This will later be reduced to 3 candidates based on price/quality

Renewal Options

One optional 24 month extension

Award Criteria

Quality 40
price 60

CPV Codes

  • 45310000 - Electrical installation work


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are available.
  • Financial restrictions apply.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Staff qualifications are relevant.
  • Technical restrictions apply.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Please see SPD Part II for full details and disclosure Bidders to provide list of proposed sub contractors. The bidders must hold a UKAS or equivalent accredited independent third party certificate of compliance in accordance with BS EN ISO 19001 or equivalent The bidder must have the following; A documented policy regarding quality management. The policy must set out responsibilities for quality management demonstrating that the bidder has, and continues to implement a quality management policy which includes Documented procedures for periodically reviewing, correcting and improving quality performance. A documented process for ensuring that quality management is effective in reducing/preventing incidents of sub-standard delivery Documented arrangements for providing the bidders workforce with quality related training and information appropriate to the type of work for which this organisation is likely to bid. A documented process demonstrating how the bidder deals with complaints, Health and Safety Procedures. The bidder must hold a UKAS (or equivalent) accredited independent third party certificate of compliance in accordance with BS ISO 18001 (or equivalent) or have, within the last 12 months successfully met the assessment requirements of a construction-related scheme in registered membership of the Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) forum or the bidder must have a regularly reviewed and documented policy for Health and Safety (H&S) management, endorsed by the Chief Executive Officer or equivalent. The policy must be relevant to the nature and scale of the work and set our responsibilities for H&S management at all levels within the organisation. The policy must be relevant to the nature and scale of your operations and set our your company's responsibilities of health and safety management and compliance with legislation. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland Web Site at https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=719456. The buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/sitehelp/help_guides.aspx. Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. A sub-contract clause has been included in this contract. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2363 Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: https://www.gov.scot/policies/public-sector-procurement/community-benefits-in-pr... A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: Tenderers shall provide a Community Benefits delivery plan/ methodology as part of their tender submission, fully describing how they would intend to: - Engage with the targeted unemployed persons and demonstrate an understanding of their employment-related needs. Engage with or provide the employability services required to support the targeted unemployed persons. Work with their sub-sub-contractors and suppliers who will provide the training placement and employment opportunities. Ensure that each employed individual has a high-quality experience maximising their chances of gaining and sustaining longer term future employment, describing the likely various stages of involvement and support to be given. (SC Ref:719456)

