| Consultancy Services (Scotland) | Livingston | £150M |
| Integrated Radiotherapy Solution for Velindre University NHS Trust | Cardiff | £87M |
| Public Sector Resourcing Services | London | £79M |
| Adult Integrated Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Service | Matlock | £53M |
| HSCNI Regional Laboratory Information Management System and Associated Services [ | Belfast | £45M |
| Kitchen and Bathroom Refurbishments & Associated Works - Planned & Reactive | Leicester | £25M |
| Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Assessment Services | Nottingham | £15M |
| Automated External Defibrillators | London | £15M |
| CO2 Monitors Phase 2 | London | £14M |
| HMP Pentonville - Subsidence Repairs Main Gate BPRN: 585/17/4294 [Constructor] | London | £12M |
| Print Management Services | London | £11M |
| IT Infrastructure Management Partner | Birmingham | £11M |
| Social Inclusion Services | Hampshire | £10M |
| Covid 19 Vaccinations Programme - Additional Workforce (Stewarding) | Leeds | £9M |
| Education Training | Leeds | £8M |
| NHS Education With University of Hertfordshire | Leeds | £8M |
| Caerphilly Castle Regeneration Main Works | None | £8M |
| Education Training | Leeds | £8M |
| NHS Education With University of Essex | Leeds | £8M |
| Temporary Alarms | Manchester | £8M |
| Retail Merchandise Concession Services | London | £8M |
| Temporary Alarms | Manchester | £8M |
| Engineering Support Transformation Delivery Partner | Bristol | £8M |
| Building Works at Chisholm House, Corby | Bedford | £6M |
| Day Opportunities and Meaningful Occupations | Kingston upon Thames | £6M |
| Barts Network Managed Services | London | £6M |
| Housing Support for Care Leavers and Children in Care Aged 16-24 - London Borough of Sutton… | Sutton | £6M |
| Fresh Produce and Potatoes | Matlock | £5M |
| Building Works at Chisholm House, Corby | Bedford | £5M |
| Energy Affordability Contact Centre and Application Process Services - MC | Swindon | £5M |
| Furnishings | Birmingham | £5M |
| Nature for Climate Paludiculture Exploration Fund | York | £5M |
| Individual Placement Service (IPS) - Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB | Leyland | £5M |
| BSH/ HRA Northfield House - Cladding, Roof Coating & Associated Repairs | Bristol | £4M |
| Facilities and Operational Janitorial Services - Competitive Dialogue | Bicester | £4M |
| Fresh Produce & Potatoes | Matlock | £4M |
| Second Refresh of the Therapeutic Services Framework for Children Adopted and Placed on a Special Guardianship… | Warwick | £4M |
| WCC Second Refresh of the Therapeutic Services Framework for Children Adopted and Placed on a Special… | Warwick | £4M |
| Transportation of School Meals | Matlock | £4M |
| Healthier Warwickshire - Integrated Physical Health Service | Warwick | £3M |
| WCC - Healthier Warwickshire - Integrated Physical Health Service | Warwickshire | £3M |
| Victim Support Commissioned Services | Warwickshire | £3M |
| CSDP Interim | Solihull | £3M |
| Linear Accelerator, Turnkey Package With Ongoing Maintenance | Glasgow | £3M |
| Legal Services to the SFO | London | £3M |
| Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS) | London | £3M |
| Housing Support for Care Leavers and Children in Care Aged 16-24 - London Borough of Sutton… | Sutton | £3M |
| Managed Stores - Fleet Services | Leicester | £3M |
| Media Services Framework | Winchester | £3M |
| Bulk 6mm & 10mm Brown Gritting Salt for Highways | Leicester | £3M |
| Combined Heat and Power Quality Assurance (CHPQA) Programme | Swindon | £3M |
| HMPPS Thorn Cross - Replacement of Offender Management Unit - BPRN 503/17/4096 [Constructor] | London | £3M |
| Capability Partner Services for the DFP | London | £2M |
| Local Bus Services for April | Forfar | £2M |
| External Clinical Evidence Review Provision | Leeds | £2M |
| NHSE External Clinical Evidence Review Provision | Leeds | £2M |
| Construction Works Associated With Treatment Center on Macclesfield District General Hospital Site | Macclesfield | £2M |
| Weybridge Capital Projects Programme - Programme and Project Leads | London | £2M |
| Permanent Recruitment Campaign | London | £2M |
| Meanwhile Contractor Appointment - Ebury Bridge | London | £2M |
| NHS South Yorkshire ICB Doncaster Place : Community Crisis Peer Service | Sheffield | £2M |
| Home to School Transport by Way of X5 Bus Routes | Bridgend | £2M |
| Primary Care (GP) IT Service Management (ITSM) | Colchester | £2M |
| Project Management - Critical Works Programme - Science Estate | London | £2M |
| Incinerator No.1 Repair/Recommissioning | London | £1M |
| Victim Support Commissioned Services | Warwick | £1M |
| Servicing and Maintenance of Passenger Lifts, Platform Lifts and Stair Lifts | Norwich | £1M |
| SD-WAN Network for HIWFRS | Eastleigh | £1M |
| Fund Disbursement Solutions | Aylesbury | £1M |
| Melton Distributor Road - North and East (MMDRNE) - Design Services | Leicester | £1M |
| Urgent Care Centre in North Oxfordshire for NHS Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire and Berkshire West | Oxford | £1M |
| Drug & Alcohol Housing Support | Bournemouth | £1M |
| PVs and Roof Replacement - Aylestone Leisure Centre | Leicester | £1M |
| Building Security and Concierge Services at Totland Close Farnborough | Portsmouth | £1M |
| National Quality Assessment Scheme | London | £1M |
| Building Related Planned Maintenance and Response Repairs | Reading | £960K |
| Construction Works Associated With the Endoscopy Project. Quote: RCF701 Appointment via the Rise Framework | Macclesfield | £934K |
| Mental Health Support Service (RETENDER) | Sutton | £870K |
| WAN (Internet & Switches) | Manchester | £850K |
| Olympus Endoscopy Equipment for New Treatment Centre | Macclesfield | £840K |
| KSL Reconditioning Programme 2021/2022 - Package 4 | Worthing | £832K |
| Management Services for Cleveland Shopping Centre and Captain Cook Square | Middlesbrough | £822K |
| Specialist External Advertising Provider | Milton Keynes | £800K |
| Toxicology Services | Manchester | £800K |
| Voting and Engagement Services | Leeds | £800K |
| Dawdon Short Sea Outfall Repair Works | Mansfield | £797K |
| Strand Quay Access | Reading | £797K |
| Contributions for Space Within NCSEM-EM | Nottingham | £786K |
| T Winter Maintenance Vehicles (Gritters) | Leicester | £750K |
| LMS Mass Spectrometry | Swindon | £718K |
| Support, Maintenance and Future Upgrades to the Integrated Communications Control System for the Thames Valley Fire… | Reading | £700K |
| Uniforms and Specialist PPE (Including Body Armour | Salford | £690K |
| Boreham Locker Room and Drug Drying Room | Witham | £655K |
| Internal Audit Co-Sourcing Agreement | London | £650K |
| Newmarket to Riverwalk School, Bury St Edmunds | Ipswich | £601K |
| Creative Mentoring Service | Matlock | £600K |
| Digital Strategy & Cloud Enabled Digital Transformation | Codsall | £600K |
| Specialist Printing for Electoral Services | Bracknell | £600K |
| Computer Infrastructure Solution | Macclesfield | £595K |
| Newmarket & Gazeley to Riverwalk School, Bury St Edmunds | Ipswich | £582K |